I Have You In Here

"Yanmei - Yanmei," Anton called her out. 

Like she heard no one, Yanmei continued to peck on his neck, her hands started to rub against his skin. 

When Yanmei went to peck on his lips again, he held her by the neck and started to kiss her back. It was a weak kiss. Nonetheless, she appreciated it. It was better than nothing. After minutes into the light nibbling, it turned deeper that they both sensed each other's tongue. 

Anton felt like he had no choice to act according to the calling of his manhood. His woman was his weakness, and she was kissing him everywhere. He did not expect that after being tired and weary, apparently, he could still surrender to Yanmei's touch. 

He quickly found his hands under her shirt and got busy touching her bare skin, kneading her breasts. He pulled away from their kisses to ask, "Yanmei, what spell have you put on me?"