Anton's Reputation

"Good Morning, Yeong," said Xia Ting, seeing Anton arrive at the table. His children greeted the same to Anton.

Li Wen came out from the kitchen, bringing two cups of black coffee in her hands. She handed one to Anton, "Here. Black for us."

Seeing Yanmei was not with him, she asked, "Where is Yanmei?"

"She wanted to take a shower first," said Anton. 

"Yeong, the guards told me you went out at four in the morning," probed Xia Ting while finishing up his breakfast. 

Anton first took a sip of his coffee before answering, "I - I felt allergic to the tissue in the bathroom so I went out to buy some."

Li Wen's eyes grew wide. She then slapped her husband's arm, saying, "I told you we shouldn't have switched toiletries!" Turning to her brother, she explained, "This new company offered us a year of supply in exchange for giving them an exclusive contract for all the offices."