
Shopping for matching shoes and accessories, the girls returned to their nests rather tired.

After a shower, Jinjing sat to complete her daily class assignment when her cell phone buzzed indicating an incoming call.

Seeing a string of unknown numbers, Jinjing hesitate before answering the call.

"hello! Who's this?"

"it's me…" your husband. Obviously Liang did not say that part.

"oh…" Jinjing said shyly.

"how was your day? I heard you went shopping for a dress to wear to the party?"


"so what did you buy?" he continued with anticipation.

"you'll see on the day of the party." Jinjing replied drawing circles on the book with her finger.

"I am eagerly looking forward to that day." a sparkling eyed Liang said.

"I called to say that I have to be at the college early to prepare for the party, so I won't be able to enter with you. And you are not allowed to go with any other guy. Simply come with Meili." Liang exercised his authority.

"okay" the ever so obedient Jinjing did not object.

"alright! See you tomorrow. Goodnight…sweetheart." Liang ended the call without waiting for her to reply.

Recovering from the 'sweet' shock, Jinjing realized "he could simply tell me all of this in college tomorrow. Why did he need to call right now?"

Anyway, she held her phone close to her chest and let herself replay their conversation on a loop in her mind. A sweet smile hung on her lips.

"Goodnight!" she murmured.