The party

The next few days, went by smoothly, well mostly, ignoring the clingy ways of Miss Mu.

Due to Sheng Liang's persistence, Jinjing felt more comfortable in his company.

Meili played the perfect cupid and Buzz assisted her.

With only two days left for the welcome party, the third year students got busy with the last minute preparations and decorations. Being an elite college, funding was not an issue. The welcome party was touted to be a grand affair.


Mu Jiaying headed to a famous salon to get her hair and make-up done. She did not want to leave any stone unturned. She went all in with the preparation to look the prettiest for the party.

She had to covet the fresher princess title to not only establish herself as the college belle but also cement her place in Liang's heart.

On the other hand, Meili had to force, blackmail and even threaten Jinjing to follow her to a salon.

Meili made sure that Jinjing got her make-up and hair done without fail. At around 6 p.m., the two left in a chauffeur driver car for the party.

Even though the venue was the college, it did not seem like a regular day.

The college entrance was decorated with a beautiful arch made of flowers. Both sides of the drive way were adorned with numerous fairy lights, bunches of helium balloons were tied at regular intervals.

A red carpet was laid from the drop-off point to the entrance of the banquet hall. There was even an open photo booth with a back drop of flowers installed near the entrance.

Some students were entering with their partners and some even showed up solo. They took selfies and also posed at the photo booth. The college photographer was responsible for snapping the students little stint on the red carpet as well as the entire event.

Having taken care of the final food and beverage arrangements Liang headed towards Buzz who was coordinating with the DJ.

Liang was time and again messaging Meili, asking for updates on their arrival.

"Buzz, come on make it fast. I don't want to miss Jinjings red carpet entry." Liang hurried.

"yeah! Yeah! Coming…" Buzz said loudly and what he did'nt say loudly was "God a love struck Liang is worse than a stoic one"