Rhydon was slammed into the ground from Nidoran's powerful Double Kick attack.
I look over at Flint to see him smirk back at me.
Not taking any chances I quickly yell over to Nidoran again!
"Double Kick, one more time!"
Nidoran quickly flung herself towards Rhydon again and Flint quickly
replies with,
"Scary Face"
Rhydon begins his glare on Nidoran, damn! This will slow her down and
let Rhydon quickly hit her!
As soon as I thought that Rhydon suddenly flinched! Toxic!
Rhydon flinches from the sudden Toxic attack and prevents him from
using Scary Face!
Nidoran carries out her attack when,
it missed!
Due to her ability, [Hustle] her attack is traded for her accuracy.
The sudden miss makes Flint widens his eyes in delight.
"Hammer Arm!"
Nidoran is punched straight on her past Rhydon and is slammed away towards me.
She lands next to me forming a small crater.
"C'mon Nidoran!"
Flint looks over to me while laughing, "Haha, unluc--"
His word die out as Nidoran is drenched in a bright white light.
The light fades out as we hear a screech through the battlefield, "NIDORINA!"
Nidora--No, Nidorina quickly joins back into the fight.
"Double Kick!"
Nidorina nods as she launches off the ground once more towards Rhydon.
Flint starts to panic and quickly yells out, "Scary Face!"
The attack hits and Scary Face lowers Nidorina's speed. It doesn't
change anything because of Nidorina's increased speed from her stat
boosting evolution.
Two kicks land on Rhydon sending him flying out of the battlefield,
slamming into the wall at end of the gym, with swirls on his eyes.
Brock quickly follows up with, "Rhydon is unable to battle! The winner
is Nidorina!"
"Great job, Nidorina!" I yell out with a cheer.
"Good Match!" Flint yells out to me!
I return Nidorina back after I thought that she was too tired to continue.
"Hehe! Let's continue!" Flint yells out as he takes out another Pokeball.
"Go Onix!"
A colossal Rock Snake erupts from his ball and roars out.
The Onix calms down before staring down at me.
I grip my belt and hold out another ball, "Go, Heracross!"
Heracross is unleashed from his ball and plops down on to the ground ready for battle.
"Rock Slide!"
Rocks appear from the top of the arena as they all begin to free fall towards Heracross.
Heracross quickly prepares for movement as I yell out,
The rocks fall onto Heracross as they bombard his shell. The attacks do damage but Heracross is able to pull through.
"Arm Thrust!"
Heracross' wings sprout from his back as he quickly flies at Onix.
He smacks Onix with a quick sequential palm attack on Onix's body.
Onix groans from the pain and quickly decides to respond.
Onix's tail appears from underground next to Heracross and swipes at him!
The tail slaps him on the back sending him flying over towards Onix's head and Flint yells out,
"Smack Down!"
Onix's head tucks in as preparation for a powerful attack!
I grin, "Heracross! Counter!"
Flint's eyes widen as Heracross uses his wings to increase his speed towards Onix, riding the momentum from his previous Slam Attack.
Heracross' arm glows orange as he charges up his counter attack.
Heracross slams his arm straight into Onix's snout, smacking him into the ground!
Swirls appear in his eyes as Onix's head is enveloped inside a crater.
"Onix is unable to battle, the winner is Heracross! Since both battles have been won by the challenger, the final round is invalid, the winner is Alex of Pallet Town!"
I turn to congratulate Heracross only to see him sleeping on the ground.
I give a weary smile as I return him back into his ball.
Flint walks over to me with a smile and shakes my hand again before saying, "That was a great battle."
"Yeah, same for me I had a lot of fun."
I look up to see the rest of his kids all pouting about how I was too mean to Onix while Brock goes to calm them down.
Flint tells me to follow him and we arrive in front of the stone slab I was staring at earlier.
He hands me a chisel and tells me to write my name.
'....Alex Ketchum....'
I engrave my name and look back over to him, he smiles then says, "Congratulations on defeating the Pewter GYM, here is the Boulder Badge."
He hand the shiny brown badge over to me and I grip it in my hand while having a wide smile on my face.