I exit the Pewter GYM with the Boulder Badge firmly in my grasp.
I head over to the Pokémon Center and heal up my Pokémon after the GYM battle they tell me it will take a few hours.
I then decide to take the rest of the day as a break while they heal and wander around to see the sights around Pewter.
I think about the different things to do in this city then remember the only notable landmark from the games.
Pewter Museum!
I walk into the Pewter Museum and head to the front desk,
"Excuse me can I get an admission's ticket?"
The lady looks up at me with a tired expression, she sighs then says, "It's 50P"
I hand it over while not really paying much attention to her because all my attention has already been diverted towards the display case situated a few feet behind her.
The glass case sits on a pedestal and within the glass case situated a strange yellow stone.
The Old Amber!
If I can get that, I can get an Aerodactyl!
No wait....!
In the anime I remember Ash encountered one under a mountain, causing his Charmeleon to evolve into Charizard!
Maybe I can catch one there....
I pat the attendant and quickly scurry off to a different place.
I fee kind of sad because Kanto doesn't really have any legends like the other regions.
We only have the three birds and Mewtwo but he isn't even really a legend just a genetic experiment, and Mew also I suppose but he isn't really a just Kanto thing.
Meanwhile, Johto has Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi and the Legendary Dogs. Hoenn has Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza and the three Regis. Sinnoh has creation trio, Unova has too many to count. Kalos has the XYZ legendaries....
Damn I'm really missing out, no wonder this museum is so lame. Just Kabutops and Omastar fossils and maybe a Dragonite skull here or there, so lame.
I quickly make up my mind to just check out and swiftly exit the building. I suck lots of air into my lungs before giving my body a good stretch, welp off to Route 3!
Oh wait, my Pokémon!
I sprint back over to the Pokémon Center and quickly pick up Heracross and Charmeleon.
I pat down my clothes, strap on my bag and leave the center after once again questioning the reasoning behind why Nurse Joy always asks for me to come again.
I jog over to the entrance of Route 3 and prepare to enter when a boy walks up to me, proceeds to block my path then says,
"You should leave Pewter just yet, first you should head over to the GYM and even check out the science museum, here I'll lead the way!"
He grabs my arm and begins to pull my back into town.
"Uhh, I've already done that..."
He looks back and gives a toothy wide smile, "I'll lead you back anyway!"
{Pikachu use Thunderwave}
Pikachu nods back and soon after we are fleeing the scene and enter route 3.
"Ahh, finally!"