Father, I inherit that gene from you!

@Xia Family House

"Young mistress, you finally back!" Aunty Bai welcomed her with excitement.

One can tell that Aunty Bai misses her a lot by the wrinkled smile on her face. Xia Sha's face softens as she approaches Aunt Bai. 

"Aunty Bai, how are you?" she asked with great care. 

Aunty Bai is her mother's loyal servant. Even at the age of forty, she remained loyal to Xia Sha's mother. When Xia Sha's mom leaves the Xia Manor, Father Xia used Little Xia Sha to threaten her mother. That's why aunty Bai promises to stay on the manor to watch little Xia Sha and let her mistress pursue her happiness. 

When Xia Sha decided to 'elope' with Ling Guang, Aunt Bai patiently help Xia Sha watch over the manor situation and regularly gives her updates. 

Xia Sha loves aunty Bai like she loves her biological mother. 

"I am good. I am good. How is your mother?" Aunty Bai asked.

A glimpse of pain in her eyes crossed when she asked about Xia Sha's mother. 

No doubt, Aunt Bai is Xia Qi Feng's hater. 

How can you stand the man who hurt someone you cherish and love? To Aunty Bai, her mistress is not only her master but also a family. 

When Mother Xia discovered Xia Qi Feng's infidelity, Aunty Bai is the only one who dare to oppose Xia Qi Feng directly. She is so fearless that Xia Sha thinks her father is secretly scared of Aunty Bai. The incident has passed, but the bitterness remains. 

Her mother, Shen Xia Fei never says it out loud. However, Xia Sha knew that her mother try her best to stay in the Xia manor to give her a complete family. Status is significant in their society, and Shen Xia Fei wants only the best for Xia Sha. 

Thus she keeps a blind eye to Xia Qi Feng's betrayal. Her bottom line was the Manor. As long as Xia Qi Feng did not buy his mistress into the Xia Manor, Shen Xia Fei will not give up. 

Nonetheless, the painful incident still happens. Xia Qi Feng crossed Shen Xia Fei's bottom line and she finally give up. The night Xia Qi Feng bought his mistress into the Xia Manor was the same night where Shen Xia Fei left the manor, leaving Xia Sha in Xia Qi Feng's care. 

Does Xia Sha hate her mother? 

At first, she did hate her mother. How could she leave her in her father's care? Why did she abandon her? Does she not love her anymore?

At that time, Xia Sha was already in her senior year, yet she is too foolish to understand Mother Shen. All she knew is that her life turns into a disaster in one night. 

Nevertheless, Xia Sha decided to stay in the Xia manor. She stayed in this hell to protect her mother's position. Even when her mother does not have the slightest interest to return.

After graduating from high school, her life slowly got better. She met Ling Guang and finally moves out with him from the Xia Manor despite her father's objection.

From hiring a bodyguard to watch her over to locked Xia Sha up in her room, Xia Qi Feng had tried it all. And yet, Xia Sha still manages to run away from him every time. 

Ling Guang's appearance worsens her relationship with Xia Qi Feng. Bright Electronic company is one of Xia Sha's vocal protests against Xia Qi Feng. Although Xia Sha needed to downgrade her life and suffer financially, she felt blissful at that time. 

Aunty Bai stays in the manor, even though Xia Sha has walked away. Because of her persistence, That witch on Xia Manor cannot even touch Shen Xia Fei's portrait in Xia's family manor. 

"Mom is good. She is happy now, aunty rest assured." Xia Sha has a gentle smile, appearing like an exquisite painting.

She has a nice little reunion with aunty Bai before a fake high-pitched voice greeted her. "Xia Sha! you finally come home! Your father and I have missed you so much!"

Xia Sha smirked and turned her body dramatically at the voice. On the grand stairs, there stands her loving father, stepmother, and so-called step-sister.

The harmonic, little family she hates with all of her heart and soul.

Xia Sha couldn't wait to ruin that warm smile on their face.

She forces a smile and greets them, "Father, aunty Pang." 

Xia Qi Feng frown before his low voice fills the entire house, "Still remember to go home? didn't you run away already with that Ling something!"

Ah, of course, Xia Qi Feng holds grudges. His flesh and blood, the legitimate heir of Xia Corporation, choose to help other companies to compete with her own company. Xia Qi Feng was proud and enraged at the same time!

What a mess!

"Father didn't remind me to call aunty Pang's stepmother again, eh?" Xia Sha provokes her father, challenging him in the broad light.

Xia Qi Feng snorted. Both of them still remember the last time they fought because Pang Ze Tian insisted on making Xia Sha call her mother.

Of course, Xia Sha was never willing to disrespect her mother by calling Pang Ze Tian 'mother'. She remembers smiling mockingly at Pang Ze Tian and saying, "With an ugly face like that, you want me to call you my mother? Go and buy some mirrors first. Only my father would find you interesting!"

Ah, good time~

Xia Qi Feng holds his breath. The anger once again rose and filled his chest.

"Ungrateful child! Did you come home only to anger your father?" Xia Qi Feng clicked his tongue. His word was sharp, but everyone could see that he wasn't really scolding Xia Sha. 

Xia Sha smiles, her gaze subconsciously falling on Xia Xiang. This scene has happened too many times that Xia Sha knew that Xia Xiang will pour more oil into the fire.

"Now, this is the right time to play your dumb filial daughter role," Xia Sha thought. 

As Xia Sha had predicted, When Pang Xe Tian poked Xia Xiang's waist, she started to use her fake concerned look and deliberately put oil into the fire. 

"Sister, don't make father angry again. His health is not good these days. It's good that you are back. But if you care about dad, please stop making him worried about you."

Ah, her skill improved.

In one breath, Xia Xiang manages to implicate that it's better when Xia Sha is away from home. Hah, turn out her stepmother has trained her child well.

Xia Sha smirk. Good thing that she only came to create trouble. 

In half a second, Xia Sha turned her arrogant expression into a concerned look. She runs like a little girl to Xia Qi Feng and touched his arm gently.

"Dad, you are sick? How can you fall sick?" She scowls. 

"If my mother learns about this, she might scold aunty Bai for not taking good care of you!" Xia Sha acts like she was worried sick about Xia Qi Feng.

As Xia Sha's acting is far better than Xia Xiang and she bought Shen Xia Fei's name, Xia Qi Feng's heart naturally softens. He lets Xia Sha hugs his arm and even patted her hand. 

"I'm fine. It's not a big deal." 

After all, she is Xia Qi Feng's biological flesh and blood. Xia Xiang is only his daughter in name. Towards Xia Sha, he can never really get angry.

"Your mother, is she alright?" His face turns rigid and cold, but Xia Sha can tell with one look at he was faking his expression. His voice was shaky when he called her mother.

Father, for whom did you fake it?

Hah, these old, stubborn people.

Xia Sha just found out a few years ago that his father still cares about Shen Xia Fei a lot. And to be honest, she could never understand their relationship. But since she could use her mother's name to soften her father's heart, then she should make use of it wisely.

"She is fine. She just held another exhibition in Paris." Xia Sha smiles as she slowly bought his father closer to her side, leaving Pang Ze Tian behind the stairs.

"Father, I always angered you in the past, but don't worry. My mother has knocked some sense into me." Xia Sha brings her father further away from the poisonous par between mother and daughter.

Xia Qi Feng can't hide the happiness in his eyes, although his mouth still answers Xia Sha coldly.

"Hmph, then it's good. Did your mother didn't tell you to break up with that stupid boy?"

Xia Qi Feng despised Ling Guang. He always thought that he was good for nothing and that his daughter was too blind to see it. 

After a second thought, Xia Sha could only laugh at her own stupidity.  Alas, she probably inherits his father's 'good' sight. 

Ling Guang is a bastard, Xia Sha agreed now. However, she did not see much difference between Pang Ze Tian and Xia Xiang, and Ling Guang either. Every one of them was rotten. 

"Let's not talk about that. I'm officially back in the manor today. Why do you welcome me with scolding?" Xia Sha pouted and acted coquettishly.

Seeing Xia Sha's poor and pale face right now, Xia Qi Feng did not have the heart to scold her again. In the end, he took a deep breath and let matters go. 

"I can't understand why you like that worthless man very much! You and Xiao Ni, One can tell that you are far smarter than that spoiled young missy, but in terms to love, she has far exceeded you!"


Father, I inherit that gene from you!


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