Just like how you cheated on my mother

After hearing his father scolding, Xia Sha went back to her room.

At last, She has little time to calm herself from what she sees in the office today.

The first thing that caught her attention was her own reflection in the mirror. Xia Sha might be a little narcissistic, but she was honest when she judge her own appearance in the mirror.  She looks beautiful, hot, and unquestionably smart. What did she lack that Meng Ran's had? 

"It must be an understanding," She repeats it to herself over and over again, knowing well she is in the denial phase of grieving. 

She knew she looks so stupid right now for doubting what her eyes saw. But it seems like the only way to make her fall asleep and rest her brain right now, and thus, she 

When she woke up, Xia Qi Feng has went out golfing with Pang Ze Tian. Xia Sha wanted to enjoy her leisure day in her family library. Upon walking into the familiar corridor, she could not stop herself from reminiscing about the old day. 

Their family's private library is their favorite place to hang out. Xia Qi Feng will read books with Xia Sha while Shen Xia Fei painted. They spend their day harmoniously in the library.  The memory keeps Xia Sha happy and improves her mood. Everything was fine until she caught a glimpse of Xia Xiang. 

Xia Xiang is holding a phone in her hand, obviously talking to somebody. Her expression and body movement were rich, gaining the attention of Xia Sha. 

Xia Sha arched her lips and silently followed her, who is not aware of Xia Sha's presence.

"I envy you! seriously!" she exclaims in excitement. 

"He never even send a flower to Xia Sha, but he bought you a brand new Porsche and a ring! It proves how important you are to him. Brother Ling wants to propose to you," she adds.

Xia Sha squinted her eyes when she heard Xia Xiang mention her name.

"Hahaha, then you should repay my kindness. I am the cupid between you two." She laughs lightly, as light as the bulb on Xia Sha's mind when she correctly guesses who is on the other line. 

No need to guess. It was sky clear that Xia Xiang is talking to her best friend right now. That slut, Meng Ran! 

Xia Sha's fist clenches into a ball, resisting the pain in her heart and the urge to rampage.

So Ling Guang's affair with Meng Ran has something to do with Xia Xiang, and probably Pang Ze Tian too?

Hah, now she is glad she comes home today. Heaven has shown her everyone that is grouping up to knock her down. Great.

It's not fair if she only punishes the adulters and lets the real culprit live a happy life, right?

"The slut is talking over the phone?" Xia Sha interrupts their conversation.

Xia Xiang turns her back with a surprised face when she sees Xia Sha. Fear instantly takes control of her expression as she tries to end her calls with Meng Ran. 

"Xia- Xia Sha."

Xia Xiang's face turns pale when she sees Xia Sha. Indignant by Xia Xiang's slow response, Xia Sha snatched the phone in her hand.

"Well, well, the mistress is cooperating with the fake daughter. What a deadly combo!" she sneers before personally attacking Meng Ran verbally over the phone.

"What are you bragging about just now? You don't have any abilities and accomplishments other than stealing another woman's fiance. What makes you so proud of yourself?"

Xia Sha's words were sharp, like a dagger creating a big hole in Xia Xiang and Meng Ran's hearts and pride. Hearing no answer from the other line, Xia Sha turns with a sharp gaze at Xia Xiang, who looks nervous.

"You wanted to play with fire, don't you? Just wait and see, you are going to regret messing up with me," Xia Sha snorted. 

Xia Xiang open and close her mouth a few times, trying to get herself out of trouble. But before she could say anything, Xia Sha had thrown her phone from the balcony to the ground.

It crushed into pieces.

Xia Sha looks at Xia Xiang's agony expression. Finally, a little smile appears on her delicate features. "Ah, I broke your brand new phone, what a pity."

She fakes a concern and shows her pretty nails by closing her mouth in shock. "Oh no, to take my foster father's heart, I have to act frugally. There is no way I could afford that brand new phone again. after all, I need to act pitiful in front of my stepdad."

Xia Sha follows how Xia Xiang always acted. She was happy when she saw Xia Xiang's dark face. What a pity her stepmother isn't here to witness this great drama.

Xia Sha smirked and left Xia Xiang alone. She didn't want to see Xia Xiang's ugly crying face.


Dinner time is another great time to cause trouble in the family. Xia Sha is in a good mood. She even hums a song while she walks down the stairs.

Ah, she wonders what card Pang Ze Tian will play tonight after what she has done to Xia Xiang. Pang Ze Tian will probably make a fuss about her action and threatens to leave the house. 

Just like what she expected, Pang Ze Tian and Xia Xiang both lowered their head. Both of them have two pairs of suitcases as they look aggrieved. 

"Ah, wanted to leave the house because the real daughter of the Xia family didn't accept your existence?" Xia Sha chuckles and sits on the dining chair.

The food is set nicely on the dining table. As usual, whenever Xia Sha is back, the kitchen will only serve her favorite food. Of course, it's under aunty Bai's command. 

Xia Qi Feng hasn't opened his mouth, but his face is very dark right now.

Xia Sha shrugged her shoulder and calmly poured soup for herself. Pang Ze Tian's head almost exploded when she see how nonchalant Xia Sha acted. Seeing that no one bother to stand up for her, Pang Ze Tian turned to Xia Qi Feng with tears on her face. 

"See? Qi Feng, your house will be peaceful if only I leave. Your daughter never accepted my presence here," she complained.

Xia Xiang is still lowering her head, apparently holding her tears. These two pairs of mother and daughter's favorite weapons to use are still waterworks. Boring.

Xia Sha rolls her eyes. She indifferently grabs the spoon and chopstick from the table, and she peacefully started to eat. 

"For once, I agree with you," Xia Sha murmured to answer Pang Ze Tian's drama dialogue.

"Xia Sha!" Xia Qi Feng scolds her. He looks dissatisfied with Xia Sha's answers but not surprised. 

Xia Sha didn't show her displeasure and kept eating her dinner.

"XIA SHA!" He yells at her once again, apparently angry at her indifferent attitude.

Xia Sha closes her eyes before putting her cutters nicely on the little plate. Her dainty fingers take a glass and sip water inside.

"It's just a handphone. why cause such big trouble out of it?"

"Your sister has save for months to buy the phone herself."

Pang Ze Tian apparently can't hold her mouth and want to seek justice for her daughter.

"So what you want me to do? Buy a new one for her?"

Xia Sha raised her eyebrow and leaned her back at the chair. "Why doesn't she sell her brand new LV bag to buy her phone? After all, it's my family money anyway."

"This LV is present from Meng Ran!" Xia Xiang finally spoke up.

Xia Sha's grins grew wider when Xia Xiang spoke up. Her beautiful eyes turn to Xia Qi Feng the moment Xia Xiang mentions Meng Ran.

"Father, do you know who Meng Ran is?" Xia Sha asked in pretentious excitement.

The excitement in Xia Sha's eyes was never a good sign. But Xia Qi Feng wanted to know what trouble she wants to create again, thus shaking his head.

"Hubby, how is this related to Xia Xiang's phone? The trouble here is that she has no respect for me and her sister at all. What that got to do with-"

Pang Ze Tian stopped talking when Xia Sha glared at her coldly.

After Pang Ze Tian closes her mouth, Xia Sha looks back at her father with a sweet smile and bright eyes. Completely different from the icy glare she gives to Pang Ze Tian.

"She is Ling Guang's secretary. She is in the middle of seducing my fiancee. Father, how can an undergraduate student suddenly have the position of secretary in a big company?" She probed with a smirk.

As his father did not answer, Xia Sha continued her story.

"Your stepdaughter is the initiator of their meeting. Cliche! Now they were having something behind my back, thanks to your stepdaughter!" Xia Sha stands up, pointing at Xia Xiang.

Xia Xiang's chest rose up and down as she looks guilty and wronged. She steal glances at Xia Qi Feng and shook her head, trying to save herself in silence. 

"You can't blame it all on Xia Xiang. I've told you a million times. Ling Guang is not good for you!" Xia Qi Feng snapped with his deep voice.

Xia Sha subconsciously releases too many emotions right now. Her eyes were red, but she manages to hold back her tears. She bites her lower lips and finishes her story. 

"Does grandfather Shen say that about you too in the past?" She makes Xia Qi Feng completely shut in one sentence. 

"Just like how you cheated on my mother with this slut, I've been cheated on by this slut's daughter's friends. If you never bought them here, this won't happen to me! Have you satisfied now?"

"Why did you blame me for that?"

Xia Qi Feng's face turns dark when she heard her accusation. He did not like Ling Guang and always wanted them to split up. But he did not want her daughter to experience being cheated on by him before they split up!

Xia Sha slowly looks up at Xia Qi Feng. She quietly replied, "Isn't this the karma you caused me?" 

Her little question stabs his fatherly heart with a sharp knife so deep that Xia Qi Feng felt frustrated. His nose flares as he averted his gaze from her.

No wonder she comes back. She comes back home brokenhearted!

He felt his heart turns into a hot fury. Hearing your only daughter point your nose for ruining her life is something hard to take. Affected by that, he could feel his boiling blood across his body. 

With a heavy breath, he yells at the pair of daughter and mother. "Go! Go out of my house if you wanted!" They could be d*mned for all they want! 


Xia Qi Feng throws his plate, breaking it to the ground.

Xia Xiang and Pang Ze Tian hold their breath. No one dares to say a thing. Xia Sha looked at her father's angry face one last time before she left the dining room in victory.