Cheating and man ego

"Did you find what you want?" Xia Sha asked with a curious voice when Guan Xian hop inside his car.

Guan Xian happily nods his eyes, showing off a flower in his hand. A flower? he came to an abandoned building for a mere flower?

Xia Sha smiles awkwardly, but enough to give that 'you-are-weird-we-better-stop-talking' look.

Guan Xian watches Xia Sha's face and then looks at the wild orchard in his hand. Knowing what she had in her mind,  Guan Xian can only defend himself.

"This is because Xiao Ni that cheeky little brad, she dares to say I never give her a flower. I once saw a wild orchard here, so I..."

Guan Xian stretches his own hair. The more he spoke, the more he felt it was unnecessary. Why did he bother to explain in the first place?

Thankfully Xia Sha is a smart girl, she didn't want to prolong the conversation about the flower.

"Ah I see..." she said with a weak voice.

Guan Xian nods his head, he carefully puts the orchard inside a big jar he bought. He sure comes with preparation. Turning his head to Xia Sha, he drops a question.

"Hospital or house? but I suggest the former."

Xia Sha lowered her lashes and look at her bleeding hand and sprained ankle. She didn't have the energy to face that pair of stepmother and sister, and also didn't want to worry her mother. Staying at her apartment with Ling Guang isn't an option too.

After a long consideration, Xia Sha decided to stay at the hospital, better to smell disinfectant all night long rather than deal with human bacteria.


Guan Xian nod his head and drove the car. Xia Sha subconsciously attract to his serious face while driving. No need to say about his face, just his sharp jaw is enough to distract her.

Guan Xian grins when he saw Xia Sha glace at him. Ego starts to fill his heart when he heard Xia Sha's cold comment.

"Your face is so oily."


Guan Xian widens his eyes and immediately look at the Rearviewing mirror.

"Can't you differentiate between glowing and oily?"

Guan Xian brushes his hair with his hand after saying so. Xia Sha pursed her lips and hold her laughter. Annoyed written all over Guan Xian's face as he drives.

The converstation died and Xia Sha's smiles slowly dried.  Guan Xian who is always sensitive to people's feelings catches her flat face from the corner of his eyes.

"Suddenly unhappy?" he casually asks.

Xia Sha nodded her head and didn't deny Guan Xian's guess.

"Problem in work? family? relationship?" he deliberately lowers his tone at the last word.

Xia Sha pursed her lips, might have a problem with everything he mention, she let out a low laugh. It makes Guan Xian glanced at her with questioning look.

"No matter what happens, you shouldn't hurt yourself like this. Moreover using the Guan family building as a place for suicide."

"That's your building?" she asked randomly, just wanting to divert the topic.

Guan Xian nods his head casually. Xia Sha leans her head on the car window as she watches the rain slowly fall down. Unknowingly to Xia Sha, she began to feel comfortable inside the stranger's car. Out of her control, she subconsciously let out the thought inside her head. What exactly is the problem with her? she tried her best, why he still cheated on her?

"Why a man like to cheat on their partner?"

Guan Xian the legendary playboy was dumbfounded. She asks him why does a man like to cheat?

He was lost in thought after hearing her question. 

He told his head every now and then every time he think of a reason. Finally, come up with an answer.

"It's partly because of ego."

Xia Sha moved her head in his direction, waiting for a further explanation. She looks up at Guan Xian's deep eyes. Guan Xian felt like he was under the eyes of a judge in a law court for his wrongdoing.

"Ego?" Xia Sha asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's kind of, cough.. jerk.. cough. But yeah, sometimes we cheat because of our pride. Well, back again it depends on people's view of life."

Guan Xian wants to hit his head on the string wheel.

Big sister, this question is too difficult for me to answer.

Xia Sha beautifully lays her head on her hand now, looking at Guan Xian with one raised eyebrow, "Then what about you? Why do you like to cheat on women?"

"..." Woman can you be more brutal?

Yes, his reputation is bad, he is well aware. But how can you casually shoot him in the head like this?

"Bored, I was bored." Guan Xian answers honestly.

"Not because of your man ego?" Xia Sha asked again now starts to smile wickedly.

Guan Xian push on the pedal and accelerated his car. Damn this is too intense, help!

With a dark face, he answers again, "Yeah, it also plays a part in it."

He didn't even understand why he must give her the honest reply.

Xia Sha played with her finger, and a mocking smile formed on her little face.

"So it satiesfied your ego when you can change woman every day?" she asked again.

Guan Xian wanted to cry now.

"Alright! Alright! I know I'm a scumbag, I will repent right now!"

Please don't ask me again, I beg you!

Finally Xia Sha stop and chuckles, chuckles turn into a burst of laughter, and the laughter turned into a cry. Guan Xian froze when he saw her crying. He slowly stops in the hospital parking lot.

"Don't cry! Don't cry! I know I'm wrong, I won't cheat again, I'll stop being a womanizer. Please don't cry."

Xia Sha's cry turned even louder after he finished coaxing her.

At that moment Guan Xian learn that apart from Guan Qian Si and Guan Xiao Ni's tears he is also afraid of Xia Sha's tears.