"Yes! I'm a Bastard! Cheating man is lower than dog!"

Xia Sha cried for half an hour and successfully make Guan Xian a headache.

"Huhuhu, they... they, they cheat and everyone in the company knew..."

"Huhuhu that bastard, I, I am the one who stood with him. Huhuhu how can he become successful so fast without connection?" She starts to hit Guan Xian's arm with all her strength.

Guan Xian spirits have left his body. He felt like he can go to asylum if he keeps staying there.

"I even Huhuhu... even... huhuhu... give my father client to him... huaaa" Xia Sha wiped her tears and nose with Guan Xian's sleeves and he didn't even complain.

Guan Xian hesitantly moves his arms to pat Xia Sha's shoulder several times. He has played around with so many girls' hearts. He also has made and seen many girls crying. But no one make his head and heartache like Xia Sha did. Mainly because he is never there to witness the collateral damage. 

"Oh my God, when will this end." Guan Xian groans inside his head.

Xia Sha tells an even more story complete set of how he starts to appear suspicious of the event just happened.

"Look at my leg and hand! My father never even hit me and he dares to hurt me for that wrench!" Xia Sha cried and cursed Ling Guang afterward.

Guan Xian narrowed his eyes and stare at her wounded hand and legs.

"So you confront him at the building just now and he hurt you?" He didn't know why he felt angry at Ling Guang.

Xia Sha sobbed and nodded her head, she looks like a wounded little puppy who need protection. The more Guan xian look at Xia Sha's pitiful states the more uncomfortable he felt.

"Bastard," He cursed under his breath.

Xia Sha heard him cursing and agree with him.

"Right, cheating man is a Bastard. They are lower than dogs!" She scolded and wipes her tears.

"Same like you, you also a Bastard! Jerk!" She added.


Guan Xian was dumbfounded and stunned. He furrows his eyebrow and waves his index finger.

"Nonono, I didn't cheat. I play with girls but never committed to them."

No string attached, he never cheats.

His father and mother have set several Standart of relationship for him and Xiao Ni. This whole time he plays around with girls, he must admit. But it's purely business. He wanted to satisfy his man's need and ego, they wanted his power and money returned. Mutual relationship and he makes sure the girl understands this point before they have fun.

Otherwise, his lovely Guan Qian Si might have erased his name from the family household card.

Xia Sha looked up at him with tearful eyes, looks like she was prepared to cry another round. Guan Xian turns in horror and raised both of his hands. Surrender.

"Yes! I'm a Bastard! A cheating man is lower than a dog!" He nods his head several times to assure Xia Sha.

Xia Sha pouted and then becomes silent. She moves her neck and stares at the hospital building in front of her.

Guan Xian was finally at ease when he heard no sobbing. Calling himself a Bastard totally worth the pain. He patted his own chest before he stare at Xia Sha's face again.

Her face is still red because of the sudden mental breakdown. On her lap, Xiao Ni's bucket of chicken somewhat becomes her comforting pillow.

"Are you okay?"

Guan Xian heard himself asking. His voice was hoarse and appear careful. Xia Sha wipes her tears and nods her head slowly. He heard her answering him, "I'm fine now."

Guan Xian pursed his lips and blink a few times, turning away. He thinks that Xia Sha must've felt uncomfortable after she realized what she has done. He didn't want that thus giving her time to adjust her feeling.

"Thank you, senior. I'm sorry for today's trouble." Xia Sha said with a flat weak voice. Guan Xian subconsciously looks at her and nods his head.

"You feeling alright now?" He carefully asks once again.

"Yes, thank you senior for helping me. I can take care of myself now. Once again thank you so much. I hope you will keep everything secret."

Xia Sha nods her head, suddenly gaining back her old self. She bows at Guan Xian before she opens the door. She didn't even wait for Guan Xian's answer.

Guan Xian blinks and when he opened his eyes Xia Sha has walked with her sprained ankle to the hospital. He quickly moves and chases her.

"I have to finish what I started. Otherwise, my mother will scold me again."

He looks determined and accepts no refusal. Xia Sha had no energy left to argue. Honestly, she even felt no energy to walk. The pain she felt suddenly stopped when she finds Guan Xian carrying her from the back.

She didn't refuse, but silently cling her arms around her enemy's brother's neck.


The next morning, she woke up late. It was almost dinner when she woke up.

A strong headache comes when she remembers what just happened last night. She remembers kidnapping Meng Ran, fighting with Ling Guang then sprain her ankle.

She hissed a little when she moved her legs. It looks less swollen than last night. Thank god.

Afterward, Guan Xian's handsome face appeared in her mind.

Her delicate face frowns when she remembers how she cried at Guan Xian's car.

"Must apologize and thank him," Xia Sha murmured and make a note inside her head.

Xia Sha was just getting up from the bed when she heard her mom's voice from outside.

"Xia Qi Feng, forget it if you wronged me. But how can you let our daughter be bullied by outsiders!"

"Shen Xia Fei, are you insane? Xia Sha is my only daughter,  how can I let others bully her?" Xia Sha heard his father's voice soaring.

She forgets the pain in her ankle and walks to see what happens. Her room is on the second floor, so it took effort for her to reach the second floor.

"Hah! Then you explain, why Guan Qian Si calls me in the morning asking about Xia Sha's condition?"

Shen Xia Fei never rarely got angry, but when she does no one can stop her.

Xia Qi Feng frowned and narrowed his eyes.

"Guan Qian Si? How can she know about Xia Sha?" Father Guan asked suspiciously.

It's true, Xia Sha never even talk to Guan Xiao Ni's mother. Not to mention knowing her condition if it's not Guan Xian!

Xia Sha guessed answered when her mother open her mouth.

"Huh, Xia Qi Feng, you don't even know. That is right, someone make Xia Sha hit her head and hand, sprained her ankle and other people know first before me."

Hit her head? When did she hit her head? Where does that story come from?

"Mom, Dad, I'm fine." Xia Sha called after she arrived halfway at the stairs.

When Shen Xia Fei heard her daughter's voice she immediately looked up and run to her daughter.

"Precious daughter, look at you!" Mother Shen almost cried when she saw Xia Sha's swollen ankle.

"Who did this to you, tell mom!"

Xia Sha hugged her distressed mom and patted her shoulder. 

"Mom, I'm fine." She calms her down.

Shen Xia Fei suddenly looks fierce and hit Xia Sha's butt.

"Fine, you say? Look at your leg swollen like an elephant leg!"

Xia Sha grins and lifted up her leg, even wiggling it a little.

"Really? It's that bad?" Xia Sha asked innocently.

Shen Xia Fei look even more worried and hit her leg. Xia Sha frowned but obediently put down her leg.

"Xia Sha, someone bullies you and you tell no one. Do you know it's wrong?" Father Xia furrow his eyebrow.

Shen Xia Fei was on Xia Qi Feng's side this time. Once again hit Xia Sha's butt.

"Right! How can you keep matters like this to yourself? What happens If Guan Xian didn't save you and his mother told me? You want to die alone huh?"

Guan Xian that busy body! Didn't he promise not to tell anyone? Xia Sha has no answer to mother Xia's question. She quickly plays her hurt card.

"Aiya, It's hurt!"

She successfully diverts her mother's attention. Shen Xia Fei helps Xia Sha walk through the stair when they see father Xia approach them.

He looks dissatisfied before he carries Xia Sha himself, leaving Shen Xia Fei alone on the stairs with fury.

"Xia Qi Feng, you also need to steal my job to help my daughter? Aren't you being too petty?"

Shen Xia Fei's face turns dark as she follows them from behind.

"What stealing job are you saying? You are old and careless. If you keep helping Xia Sha like that, I'm afraid not only Xia Sha will be hurt. I don't want another accident on my house."

Father Xia said coldly as he explained himself. But Xia Sha swear she just saw his father hiding a smile just now.

Her mood becomes better instantly. His father gently put her to seat on the sofa when Shen Xia Fei pushes father Xia away.

"Xia Qi Feng, you are too busy to take care of my daughter you can send her to me. After all, I'm idle, I have no family to take care of." Xia Sha glanced at Pang Ze Tian who sits like an outsider when mother Xia said this.

"You don't need to abandon my daughter like this. My Shen family has more than enough place for my baby Sha Sha."

Mother Shen put her hand on her hips as she scolds father Xia.

"Shen Xia Fei, what rubbish are you uttering? Xia Sha is my daughter, she belongs to my Xia family!" Xia Qi Feng absolutely won't let Xia Sha move from Xia's residence.

"Then you better give me an explanation why this can happen?" Shen Xia Fei raised her beautiful eyebrow, challenging her ex-husband.

Xia Qi Feng's rims of eyes flared up then he look at Xia Sha.

"Tell father, who hurt you? It's that Ling guy right? Hasn't father told you to break up with him?"

Xia Sha inwardly sighs when her father starts to move her mother's attention to her again.

"Aiya, old Xia, sister Shen please calm down first, don't be so agitated in the morning," Pang Ze Tian said with a soft voice. She secretly kicks Xia Xiang's leg to give a hint.

Xia Xiang nods her head, ready to find a stage when Xia Qi Feng and Shen Xia Fei shouted together, "You shut up!"

"..." Xia Sha was amused and amazed. These two people always fighting against each other and only come in sync when they scold her.

"Wah! it's hurt! hurt! my leg hurts!" Xia Sha's fake hurt to divert the attention again. Mother Shen almost took the bait if Xia Qi Feng didn't expose her.

"She is pretending, can't you see?"

Xia Sha was doomed to be scolded today.