I love your craziness

When Xia Sha waited for Xiao Ni in the lobby, it's two at noon already. So it's not surprising if the sun almost set after spending some time on the deserted island. 

Xia Sha sat outside her little cottage like a lost child. She hugged her legs and lay her cheek on her knee. 

She still could not believe that Guan Xian left her alone on a deserted island like this. She knew he could be petty sometimes, but she did not realize his pettiness could be this extreme. 

Hah, she should listen to her guts before. Guan Xian is dangerous. She shouldn't mess with him in the first place. 

Look at her states right now?

She looks like an abandoned puppy with nothing but an empty cottage. That petty man did not even prepare food or a single toothbrush for her.