This naughty boy deserves a hit on his butt

Xia Sha hasn't moved an inch from her place. The tingling sensation of sands sliding between her toes never felt so funny before. The crash of the surf slowly gets familiar on her ears as her sight filled with unlimited water over the horizon. 

No matter how hard her brain is trying to process this weird situation, Xia Sha could not guest what plan Guan Xian had in his mind. 

Yes! That stinky guy is smiling widely on the ship as he enjoys the sea breeze on his yacht deck, facing Xia Sha. The situation reminds Xia Sha of the cinderella movie. Especially that part where the evil-step-sister bullying cinderella. 

-Featuring Guan Xian as the evil step-brother. 

Xia Sha squinted her eyes and fixed her sight upon Guan Xian.

"GUAN XIAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? TAKE ME BACK HOME!" Xia Sha shouted when Guan Xian walked inside the yacht.