V1 Ch1: Meeting the goddess Sandstorm.


In a desert in Egypt.

"I can't believe that this was classified as an easy mission!" Shiro Emiya yells at the top of his lungs in a desert.

"You all good Emiya?" Asks one of his fellow squad members.

"If I didn't know any better I would say clocktower sees me as a threat and is trying to remove me." Shiro says still pissed and out of mana.

"Hahaha, yeah right there is now way the would get rid of a person who could become a heroic spirit." Another squad mate says before signaling everyone else behind Shiro when he's not looking.

"Still can't believe that took all my Od." Shiro says looking at the massive amount of craters I front of him from blade works.

One of his squad mates quickly move and stab him in the back then twist the dagger severing the spine.

"So- aaghh!" Shiro says.

'What's this it stings and it's warm I can feel my legs'

"To think you would find out clocktower wants you gone." A random Squad mate says

'It's going dark is this the end.' Shiro thinks to himself then loses consciousness.


Shiro wakes up in a white room.

"Huh" Shiro

"Hello, your awake" says a small girl with red hair golden eyes and red fox ears and 9 tails. with a smile.

"I remember dying?" Shiro says

"Yeah, sadly you were betrayed by clock tower and stabbed in the back." the girls says

"Where am I is this the throne of hero's? Are you Alaya?" Shiro asks

"No, I'm not I took you before the throne of Heros got you. At the same time the throne of hero's also got you. My name is Sandstorm " says the girl

"What?" Shiro asks confused

'How the throne of hero's according to myself the counter guardian is impossible to escape.' Shiro thinks to himself.

"You know what Shiro, your universe is extremely confusing." Sandstorm says

"What do you mean?" Shiro asks

"I don't really understand it my self from what I can see it seems like the root was the start of it all with your universe splitting off into nearly infinite timelines." Sandstorm answered

"But the throne of hero's seems to exists outside of all of them while being able to interfere with them at the same time." Sandstorm answers.

'So if the root can interfere with all the time lines' Shiro thinks to himself

"So where am I?" Shiro asks

"Welcome to beyond the root. I think. See what I mean your worlds really confusing" Sandstorm says.

'Beyond the root!!'

"What about Rin?" Shiro asks

"Ah you wanna know about your lover?" Sandstorm says

"Yes please, if you could." Shiro says

"Ok depending on the timeline. Cause you died in 10 of them, in 8 of those 10 she dies alone trying to destroy the grail never getting out of her depression from your death. In the other 2 oh interesting, she lived her life with Archer or you from the throne of hero's. And this last one she moves on and successfully destroys the grail with her new lover. She also had kids." Sandstorm says surprised

Sandstorm stops talking and thinks for a bit.

'she moved on in some of them huh I feel bad that I left her behind like that.' Shiro thinks getting a little depressed.

"I'm glad she moved on." Shiro says sad that he left her behind.

"So what am I doing here?" Shiro asks

"Well have you ever read any of those Isekai books?" Sandstorm asks

'no way I wasn't killed by a truck!'

"Yeah back in high school, why?" Shiro

"Umm, well you see I am going to give you the opportunity to reincarnate in my world." Sandstorm says

"Why?" Shiro asks

"Mostly cause my world needs stronger natives there." Sandstorm says

"Huh?" Shiro says 'that makes no sense!'

"Well you see my world is in the age of gods. And people from another world come over to mine to adventure then go back to their world after awhile. They do this several times a day and well can't die in my world. However the native people to my world can, so they aren't as strong." Sandstorm

"I'm lost" Shiro says

"My world is like a video game, and it is. It's a video game in another world and players are coming over and I'm worried that they will get too strong and do bad things. They are humans that think the world is a fake one." Sandstorm says

"Oh, so you need a hero of justice?" Shiro asks

"Yes, please I can't manage it all on my own." Sandstorm looking really pitiful.

"Ok, I was going to die anyway might as well do it" Shiro says.

"Really, thank you! I can give you 3 wishes. Also this too." Sandstorm says and snaps her finger Every single legendary weapon in existence materializes around them.

'oh my god!!!!!'

"Trace on" Shiro shouts shaking from excitement.


After a week in white room with Shiro copying the weapons. Which was 2 hours outside.

"You done?" Sandstorm asks nothing that Shiro finally laid down after 7 days straight of using his magic.

"Yes, 3 wishes right?" Shiro asks

"Yep, 3 wishes and don't worry I will put you with a family that will ensure your survival. I will also send you back in time to 15 years before the players start coming."

"I can wish for anything right?" Shiro asks

"There are some limits" Sandstorm says

'Can I have a harem?' He thinks to himself excitedly.

"Ok for the first wish, I want a system. The second wish will be a library that is a separate world only I and people I trust can go to it will hold all knowledge of magic, potions/alchemy, fighting techniques from this world and other worlds.

My final wish is polygamy legal in your world?" Shiro

"Ok I can do that and to that last question, yes so is same sex, there's also other races besides human too. Slavery is outlawed so if you see any slavers kill them." Sandstorm says her face goes dark and she emits a scary aura.

"For the third wish... is being a Demi-god/ god possible?" Shiro asks

"Consider it done just so you know though both your parents will be humans" Sandstorm says.

"Thanks, I always lived my life for others and I died for others, I get a new life now where I don't have to do that." Shiro says with a smile.

"Have a good time maybe we will see each other in the future." Sandstorm says