V1 Ch2: Being born again.

'It's dark out and feels like I'm floating' main character thinks to themself

(System: that's cause you have yet to be born)

'Ah, that makes sense'

(System: if you wanna sleep till your born I can wake you up)

'Ok sounds good'


7 months later. (Time skip Sensei)

(System: User its time to wake up your about to be born.)

'thanks system...Remind me to name you in the future.'

Suddenly the darkness is filled with light voices can be heard in the back round.


3rd person POV

"Your majesty push harder the baby is nearly out" Says a maid

" AAAHHH!!!!" The Queen of the Efret Kingdom is currently giving birth to the 3rd child of the royal family.

After a few more minutes and a rather difficult delivery.

"Congratulations your majesty, our Kingdom now has a first princess!" The maid shouts excitedly.


A door is slammed open as the King of the country rushes in to see his wife and newborn daughter.


Shiro's or Shirone's point of view.

"Congratulations your majesty" shouts a woman

'Wait I'm royalty?'

"Our kingdom now has a first princess" says the same woman.

Glass can be heard shattering as our yet unnamed protagonist realizes what those words mean.

'P-princess, no, no, no way, I am a guy, she just got it wrong' our Mc thinks to themselves.

A loud noise is heard that makes our Mc's ears ring. So she misses what the man was saying.

The maid holding our MC suddenly says "'clean'"

And our Mc feels a warm light wash over her.


She is then passed to her mother lying in the bed.

"Dear look, here eyes are golden." Says the mother.

"Wow they are, I guess she was blessed by the goddess." The King says shocked, no one had been blessed by the goddess in over 1000 years.

"So, have we decided on a name?" The Queen asks.

"Well Shino, according to legend when a person is born blessed by the goddess they receive a name from her." The king says

"One of you go get a Status crystal!" The king yells at the servants gathered in the room.

A servant quickly runs out and comes back with a crystal and they put it to Shirone's hand.

Everyone is shocked when they see her status. Not as much as Shirone herself she can see the hidden stuff no one else can see.


Name: Shirone

Age: > 1 year

Gender: Female

Race: High Human(actually Goddess)

Titles: Blessed by the Goddess Sandstorm(when read by everyone else, real title is The Goddess Sandstorm's little sister)

Divinity: (none yet)

-Level: 2

-Strength 12

-Endurance: 8

-Dexterity: 15

-Intelligence 86

-Agility: 11

-Mana: 200

Skills: all elemental magic affinity- High(Max)

Hidden skills(others can't see it, you can reveal them at will.) : All language understanding, Trace on, Unlimited Blade Works, Kendo- medium, reinforcement magic- high, Projection magic- high, Archery- High, x10 XP gain,


'Most of my skills carried over great!' Shirone thinks.

"High human!! The extinct race!" The royal court mage who is in the room for god knows what reason shouts that out upon noticing it.

The room goes completely silent.

"No one will say a word about her race! Anyone that does has committed treason!" Yells the king to keep everyone quiet about the events in the room.

"Her life is probably going to be a little dangerous, thank goodness she was born in the royal family. Imagine if the church got their hands on her." The Queen says a little pale.

After the status is done being checked and the status crystal is wiped then smashed to hide all evidence. 2 boys walk into the room, One looks about 8 and the other one looks around 5 to 6.

"Shirone, what a lovely name" Shino(the queen) says.

"Boys meet your little sister" Says the king.


Meanwhile in Shirone's head

'System? What are your functions? Also can I access the library?' Shirone asks in her mind.

(System: Library is unlocked at age 3... for my functions we have quests, store, inventory, status, and lottery.)

'Ok, how does the store and lottery work?'

(System: you use system points for the store which are given out by quests. The lottery requires tickets which you can also get from quests.)

'Does the shop sell something to change my gender?' Shirone asks full of hope.

(System: ... not possible, your race as a goddess makes it impossible to change your gender. There is the transform skill but that isn't buyable till your body has stopped growing otherwise it could negatively effect it.)

'No...' Shirone thinks then starts releasing a gloomy atmosphere in the room.


Back in the room.

"See, she doesn't want an arranged marriage!" The queen yells noticing the weird pressure her daughter is now releasing once the king started to talk about contacting a neighboring kingdom, and the Ducal houses.

"Got it, I just asked once. I guess what they say about the people blessed by the goddess being self aware since birth is true." The king says surprised at Shirone's reaction.

Neither of them knowing she was in her own world. Where all she sees is pretty much darkness at the fact he is now a she.

Next chapter: 3 months later.