The Hunt

Name: Kudret Özkan

Rarity: Emperor

Occupation: Special General

Cultivation: None

Intelligence: 80

Power: 90

Politics: 70

Command: 90

Loyalty: 70


The Roar of The Mighty: Power and Movement speed increased by 60% for all troops for 6 hours.

Passive Effect: Reduces enemy morale by 20%

[Evaluation: Bruh are you the God of Luck?]

Jun smiled with happiness and greeted Kudret.

"Greetings, general Kudret."

"Greetings to you sir."

"I hope you will be able to help me in my journey until the end."

"Thank you sir."

Jun then turned his attention to the villagers.

"Every able bodied man will go with General Kudret and wait for me outside, the elderly will stay here with the women and children."

"Yes, sir."

Jun took off his resource bag that was full of basic fruits and vegetables and gave it to the women and told them to make some food if they could. And then he got out of the house to meet with the men.

When Jun met them there was only 6 men including Jun.

"Alright, boys we need to go hunting to get some food…but we don't have any weapons for hunting so first we need to make them."

"Alright let's get to work."

It took an hour but they finally had weapons for hunting.

Jun, Kudret and 2 others made spears from branches. And the other 2 made bows off of some branches and some strings they found in the resource bag. Jun told them that tomorrow at dawn they were going to set off. Jun went into his house and laid down in his bed and logged off the game.

Jun took off his Blood-Ring and made some breakfast since he was going to get in the game again.

He just came out to eat something to replenish his energy since the Blood-Ring uses your brain a lot and it's the same as using your real body in the game.

But if he had the Brain Nerve Control Capsule he wouldn't need to get out of the game. And Jun was planning on getting it while also surfing the forum.

There was a lot of people saying how cool and realistic the game was. There was also the occasional trolls making outrageous statements like how there was a conspiracy and that this game was for the world to get ready for war with Aliens and outer world species.

Jun was also planning to quit his job. He didn't make much anyway and he also had the 100.000 Caltro his parents had given him before passing away.

He was planning on moving on to another apartment but now that he was in another country in the game he made some slight changes and planned on going to Turkey to stay there and find an apartment there.

But that was in the future now he wanted to get in the game. He finished the cereal and left it in the sink to wash later, and then got in the game.

As soon as he got in the game he heard a knock on the door. It was Kudret calling him to go hunting.

Even though he had been outside the game for 20 minutes, It was already dawn in the game.

The game's time was faster than the time in the world. For example one hour inside the game was only 5 minutes outside.

Jun got ready put on his leather cloth and got out of the Lord's manor. The men were waiting for him outside with weapons in their hands.

Jun nodded and they bid farewell and started going to the jungle to hunt for some animals.

The hunt went on for 2 hours, and the men were getting dispirited, even Jun was sad that they couldn't catch anything. Until Kudret made a fist and raised it high. That was the signal to stop walking and everybody did.

And then Jun and his party heard noises in the front, they all stared in front of them with fiery and hopeful gazes until suddenly a deer appeared in front of them

{YES!} Was the thought of everyone there.

Jun signaled to Kudret.

{Let's encircle it.}

Kudret nodded and took 2 spearmen with him and went in front of the deer, Jun took the 2 archers and went on the back of the deer.

Everybody was in position, and Jun whistled, signaling the attack. Kudret and the two spearmen came out and started running towards the deer. The deer turned around and started running towards Jun and his 3 men unknowingly until suddenly 2 arrows shot out of the bushes. One hit the throat and one the face of the deer.

It was a success, the deer fell and died.

Jun and his party tied the legs of the deer and went back to the village with joyous faces.

Night came and people started eating the meat.

Jun started inspecting the village's statistics.

Territory: Kül Village (Grade 1 Village)

Lord: Işık Kuzgunu [1st Class Baron]

Title: none

People's Sentiments: 70

Security: 70

Territory population: 12/100

Flow rate of immigrants: 10 * (1 + 30%) = 12 / day

Territory area: 18 square kilometers

Territorial characteristics: 30% increase attracting immigrants, 20% increase in attracting special talents, 50% increase in crop production, 20% increase in production capacity of residents, 20% increase in military promotion, 10% increase in talent breakthroughs.

Treasury: 70 gold coins

Territory Resources: 5000 units of food, 500 units of wood, 500 units of stone, 500 units of iron ore

Territorial Army: None

Territory Industry: None

Political index: 3/100 (determines administrative efficiency and relationship with the people)

Economic index: 5/100 (determines trade prosperity and ability to pay taxes)

Cultural index: 0/100 (represents the degree of educational development and quality of life of


Military: 7/100 (indicates military strength and morale)

Existing Buildings: Village level Lord's Manor, 2 Basic Houses

Basic Construction Buildings:

Basic Blacksmith Shop: Allows the building of tools such as swords, axes, spears, and other farming tools. Resources Needed: wood:30 units, stone:10 units, basic blacksmith and a blacksmith shop construction drawing (optional) Construction time: 24 hours (real time}

Basic Grocery Shop: Distributes the necessary fruits vegetables etc. to civilians. Resources Needed: wood:20 units, stone:10 units

Village Fences: Better security for the village. Resources Needed: wood: 10 units. Construction Time: 1 hour

Village bathroom: It is needed for the civilians to relieve their troubles. Resources Needed: wood:10 units

{Hmm…Going for the blacksmith would be nice but…civilians comes first.}

Jun decided that he was going to build fences and the bathroom first after that he would build the blacksmith shop.


"Yes, sir?"

"Go build some basic fences around the village for safety."

Kudret nodded and started going around the village to build fences. While Kudret was doing that, Jun also created the Village Bathroom.

"Now where do I find a blacksmith…"

Suddenly a man that came with Jun from the hunt approached Jun.

"Sir I noticed that we didn't have a blacksmith shop…"

"Yes we don't have a blacksmith shop unfortunately. But don't worry we will have it in the near future."

"Well sir…I'm a blacksmith originally."

Jun rejoiced at those words and started inspecting the man.

Name : Onur Kaya

Rarity: Silver

Occupation: Blacksmith

Cultivation: None

Intelligence: 70

Power: 80

Politics: 30

Command: 20

Loyalty: 95


Forge Give Repair Repeat: Attracts blacksmith's to territory by 30%

[Evaluation: Pretty nice.]

"Ah…well then you are just what I needed, we are going to create a blacksmith shop when Kudret comes back ."

Onur looked at Jun silently for 10 seconds or more.

"…Sir I know I'm not the best but it would be my honor if I could be the chief blacksmith of the shop."

Jun stared at Onur with a determined face. Onur thought he was going to get rejected and started making a sad face, but suddenly Jun smiled.

"Of course! When it's done you can be the first one inside!"

Jun liked confusing people and making them wait. He decided he was going to make Onur the chief blacksmith the moment he knew that Onur was a blacksmith, but he made a face like he was going to reject just for fun…although it had bit him in the ass before he still couldn't get rid of this habit.

Kurdet came back and Jun started creating the blacksmith shop and the counter started. Jun went in the Lord's manor and logged out.

But this time he decided not to get in the game but to go to sleep.

The next day came and Jun did his morning routine but before he got in the game he put the house up for sale and packed his things just in case somebody was looking for a house and he needed to get out.

"System Notification: Basic Blacksmith created. Effect: Now able to create tools and weapons such as axes, swords, shields, spears, sickles, etc. Territory now attracts blacksmith from the world by 30%"

Jun smiled.