New Life, Here I Come!


"Yes sir."

"Gather all the men and wait for me outside."

"Event the elder men?"

"No, only the able-bodied."

"Yes sir."

After that Jun put on his clothes and got outside of the Lord's manor to meet with the men.

But when he saw them he found out that 3 more had joined the ranks. Jun guessed these were the new guys that had spawned. Jun greeted them and saw some changes from the last time he saw them.

They had wooden spears and shields, bows and arrows too but still wooden still not iron, except Kurdet. Kurdet had 2 iron spears and one shield. He gave Jun one sword and the shield.

"Why are you giving me the shield?"

"For you to protect yourself sir."

Jun smirked.

"It seems like you still underestimate me, General Kurdet."

"…No sir I'm not. I'm just taking precautions because you might get injured."

Jun looked at Kurdet with a smile yet not a smile at the same time and said.


"Do you want to duel?"

Kurdet smiled and then he looked at Jun and said.

"No sir…I would not want to injure you."

" come on let's duel I won't hurt you too much."

Kurdet and Jun looked at each other and smirked at each other.

The soldiers who heard that immediately made a circle but made it big since they didn't want to get hurt.

"Will you keep the shield?"

"Am I you?"

"Hmm…let's see you are not more handsome than me…certainly not stronger than me…No sir you aren't me."

As Kurdet was saying that he made a cheeky smirk.

"Yea..yea we'll see."

And both of them got serious. They both grabbed their spears and made a battle position.


Both struck at the same time. The power they generated was shocking it made noise similar to a grenade.

A shocked face appeared on Kurdet's face.

{How could he be this strong?!}

Jun looked calm on the outside but inside he was panicking

{Damn he wasn't underestimating me I was underestimating him…Fucking powerful! What did they feed this guy?!}

It was silence and then they started dueling again slashing, poking, hitting, grabbing they were trying anything to defeat their opponent. The whole village started gathering and seeing the battle. The women were concerned, the men were watching with excitement and the children were admiring the battle, most likely thinking {I want be like them.}

The battle lasted until dusk when Jun and Kurdet both were heavily breathing Jun was had his hands on his knees while Kurdet was holding to his sword for balance while kneeling.

Jun and Kurdet had a face of excitement while looking at each other.

That's when they both decided.

{This man…}

{This man…}

{From this day on…}

{From this day on…}

{Is my brother!}

They both stood straight like spears.

What they didn't notice was the aura around them.

The people felt like there was two lions looking at each other in front of them.

Jun walked up to Kurdet and held out his hand.

Kurdet looked at the hand, and then he looked at Jun. And then he grabbed Jun's hand and shook it firmly.

The people started slowly clapping until it sounded like thunder.

After that they did some simple training and Jun told Kurdet to make some type of military camp to train the men for war, and then he went to the Lord's Manor and logged off.

He put on some simple clothes and went out to a fast food restaurant got hamburger returned home and started eating while he was surfing the web and suddenly he remembered a program he used to watch.

The program was called "BNS Talk" it was basically short for Blood and Swords Talk. It had a female host who was quite pretty from America but many people watched it to find out what's happening in Blood and Swords.

"I wonder if it has been created yet?"

He went on the web and searched for it and he found out that there was only one episode, Jun had time so he started watching, but first he reduced the volume since he knew what was going to appear in the intro.


Jun had a straight-face.

{Could she be anymore louder! Sheesh...fucking woke up the whole neighborhood.}

"Anyway...Welcome this is the first episode of this Talk Show I hope me and the viewers will get along."

"On our first news of the game, the game has already been filled with villages but most notable the Blood and Swords official page has publicized the top 10 fastest people who made villages."

Jun was watching out of boredom but now he was interested.

Suddenly a ranking window popped up on the screen.

1-st: Zhang Xiao with Límíng Village

2-nd: Leonid Sokolov with Fish Village

3-rd: Jake Harrison with Golden Village

4-th: Dilay Yıldız with Moon Village

5-th: David Williams with Sword Village

6-th: Yang Ling with Quántóu village

8-th: Andre Boucher with Sparkling Village

9-th: Bidziil Johnson with Bow Village

10-th: ??? with ???

Jun looked at the ranking really closely to see if he recognizes any names. And he did recognize two.

David Williams, this man was who not even the most beautiful woman on earth couldn't make him fall in love, looked like a sculpture of God. Really handsome…even though Jun never wanted to admit it.

Leonid Sokolov, big tall Russian beast. That's all you need to know about him, besides the point that for some reason he hated kittens. A lot of women hated him because of that sole reason but it didn't look like he cared.

But the others he didn't know.

But he was interested to know two.

One was Dilay Yıldız because Jun recognized she was Turkish and he needed to scout the competition…also he wanted to know what type of girl could make it on the top five.

The other was the unknown player.

Jun had already finished his hamburger and as soon as he was going to get in the game is phone rang.

[trrng trrng trrng…]


The voice of a man came from the other side of the phone.

"Is this Mr.Li Jun?"

"Yes that is my name."

"Ah well I saw you were selling your house and wanted to say when can I get in?"

Jun was surprised and thought that it was quite fast to get a phone call in two days but he told the man that he could come and enter tomorrow.

Since there was going to be a visitor Jun didn't go in the game but went to sleep so he can wake up early to meet with the man. He also booked a flight to Turkey for tomorrow, after that he did his routine and started looking at memes and fell asleep with his phone in his hands.

[trrng trrng trrng…}

"Hello Mr.Li Jun I am here in front of the house."

"Ah yes wait there."

Jun was already up with simple clothes on and got out of the door and saw a man dressed in black with a hat on.

Jun wasn't afraid of social conversations and started talking to the man.

"Excuse me are you…"

"Hello I am Ling"

"Nice to meet you Mr.Ling."

Ling was going to try and talk to Mr.Ling but Mr.Ling interrupted him and said that he was in a hurry and wanted to make the transaction of Caltro, they bade farewell to each other and Mr.ling got in the house and Jun took a bus to the airport.

He arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport and got the ticket for the flight.

It took 2 hours of waiting but Jun didn't get bored he did some simple workouts while waiting. Jun's height had gotten a lot higher from his original size. From 170 (5'5) cm to 180 (5'9) cm. His body had gotten a little muscular too.

But he was also excited since he was going to start a new life…until he remembered something...

{I didn't book a room in a hotel!}