Strange Dream

{I didn't book a room in a hotel!}

Jun was in despair. How could he forget?

{Fucking hell…I'll just book a room when I reach there.}

Jun looked around and got his head-pillow and fell asleep because the flight was going to be long.

He entered a dream. He was in the wilderness with some leather clothes on with a spear in hand.

He looked around and saw that there was a black wolf in front of him staring at him on top of a rock. It had yellow eyes that could pierce the sky and shining white fangs. It was staring at Jun not with the hostility most people would expect, instead it looked like it was calling for Jun to follows him.

Jun was first wary of it but then decided to get close to the wolf while also being wary for if the wolf tried to attack him he would stab it.

But the wolf turned its back to Jun and started running. Jun felt a feeling that told him to run with the wolf.

Jun thought it was weird but still did it and started running with the wolf. The wolf led him to numerous places sometimes it stopped to sniff sometimes it ran faster than a cheetah.

But wherever it went he left a mark. Sometimes a claw mark sometimes it pissed or it howled. But suddenly a bear appeared in the front of Jun and the wolf. Jun grabbed his spear and started thinking on how to attack and take it down. But before he could attack the wolf suddenly jumped at the bear and started attacking.

{What is it doing? It should have come up with a plan? It shouldn't be that dumb to go against a bear.}

The wolf bit the bear on its side, but it didn't seem like it did anything.

The bear raised its paw and struck at the wolf.

The wolf jumped back but it was scratched on its rear and blood started coming out. It looked at Jun like it wanted to say something but Jun couldn't understand. The bear started attacking the wolf. It stomped and it looked like the wolf was going to get smashed and be made a pulp, but the wolf dodged last second. Jun looked at the bear and decided to help the wolf out.

Jun grabbed the spear in a throwing position and threw it at the bear with full force. The spear went struck the side of the bear where the wolf had previously attacked and by the looks of it, it had gone in deep.

The bear roared with pain and anger, it was enraged. It started running towards Jun.

"Oh shit!"

It raised it paw and struck at Jun but thankfully Jun had fast reflex and rolled away. Jun got up but before he could even stabilize himself he heard the ground shaking. Jun turned his head around and saw that the bear had already raised its paws above and was going to turn him into meat paste.

Jun couldn't dodge it in time and just accepted his fate and waited for death. But suddenly a black figure came smashed beside the bear and sent the bear flying.

The wolf had come to Jun's rescue, it started growling at the bear. The bear got up and started looking at both of them.

Jun looked at the wolf and stood up beside the wolf. Both parties got ready to attack. Jun started running towards the right side of the bear where the spear was while the wolf on the right side.

The bear swiped with its paw at Jun but Jun rolled and reached the side and pulled out the spear the bear tried to attack Jun again but the wolf bit at its neck. So it had to protect itself from the wolf.

While the wolf was distracting the bear Jun pulled out his spear and started attacking and went for the nape. But the bear noticed it and dodged but not completely, Jun accidentally sliced at the back of the bear. This enraged the bear and it turned it sights back to Jun and bit towards Jun.

Jun jumped back and the bear started running towards him again but the wolf jumped and got on the back of the bear and dug its fangs on the wound Jun made.

The bear tried to get it off but Jun wouldn't let it. He grabbed his spear and struck at the neck of the bear.

Jun put all his strength in this strike and it connected with the neck , blood started spurting out the wolf jumped down and started attacking the bear while Jun pulled back and watched.

With the wound Jun made and the constant attacks of the wolf, the bear slowly lost its strength and died.

The wolf immediately started biting and eating the bear until there was only half left then it looked at Jun and started walking towards it but slowly started increasing its pace until it was on a full on sprint. Jun thought he was going to get eaten so he was trying to get ready to fight with the wolf but his body didn't respond.

It was just standing still.

{Come on move dammit!}

But his body didn't listen and was just slowly waiting for its death.

Until suddenly the wolf's body started becoming a golden light, but that didn't mean it was stopping it was still coming towards Jun.


The golden light hit Jun's forehead but Jun didn't have the time to feel anything because he was already out of his dream.


{That was a strange dream…}

He heard the voice of a lady through the airplane speakers.

"Please put the seat-belts on, in 1 hour we will start landing in Sabiha Gokcen International Airport."

Jun put the seat-belt on and waited while thinking about the dream he had.

"Welcome to Turkey."

These signs were everywhere since Jun arrived.

Jun pulled out his phone and looked for the nearest hotel. He searched for a while and eventually picked a hotel near the beach, he told the taxi driver the address and enjoyed the scene of the city.

40 or so minutes later they arrived. Jun paid the taxi driver and went it he booked a room and got in. He didn't unpack anything since he was going to find a place to rent in a week.

{I wonder how far the village has progressed?}

Jun locked the door and was ready to put his blood ring on until he saw something that got him excited.

The Nerve Control Capsule that he was planning to buy.

Jun immediately called staff and asked if he could get inside and play.

"Yes sir."

"Alright thank you."

Jun was ecstatic, he got in the capsule and started the game.

"New player detected…Will you allow me to get a sample of your DNA so we can log you in your character?"


"…Player Isık Kuzgunu joining Blood and Swords"

With a white hum he was transported to the Lord's manor. He got out of his antique wooded bed and went outside. The population had grown, There were fences all around the camp, houses everywhere but not too many houses.

Jun checked the population of the village


Jun decided he was going to upgrade the village.

"System Notification: Player Isık Kuzgunu has upgraded Kül Village has been upgraded from 1-st grade village to 2-nd grade village."

"World Notification: Player Isık Kuzgunu has upgraded Kül Village has been upgraded from 1-st grade village to 2-nd grade village."

Even though it was a world notification nobody paid attention to it since there was already a lot of 2-nd grade villages around the world.

Jun looked at the requirements to upgrade the village to a 3-rd grade village.

Population 100/1000


Military Camp


If you become the first to have a 3-rd grade village you shall get a special reward.

{A special reward that sounds, nice}

Jun did his routine and checked if there was any problems in the village. Jun went to find Kudret in the camp for military training.

When Jun arrived there he was 20 men practicing a set of moves with wooden swords and shields.

Jun decided to go and see how they had progressed. Kudret came to greet him.

"…Sir I know this is early but we need a Military Camp so we can officially start recruiting men to fight"

"I know…I'll find a way."

Jun was also worried about the military problem but first he needed to fix his problems outside the game.

Jun went back to the lord's manor and logged out. And started to find an apartment he could rent with somebody since he didn't want to take the whole bill himself…although he couldn't talk Turkish he wasn't someone shy, he would just use Google Translate to get his point across.

Jun looked at all types of building until he found a suitable apartment he could rent.

He called the number of the owner. And told him that he would like to rent the place. The owner happily agreed and told him he could come in tomorrow. Jun agreed and decided to sleep.

Jun was walking towards the place of the apartment while also ordering a Brain Nerve Control Capsule (Note: I'll call it BNCC for short) from his phone.

He arrived at the place met the owner and got the keys of the room. The owner also told Jun that the person he was renting with was a beautiful woman. But Jun didn't give it to much thought since he didn't really care about whether it was a woman or not. He just wanted to play the game.

Jun opened the door with his keys and started walking, until suddenly a woman appeared from the kitchen.

Jun was shocked at how beautiful the woman was.

{The owner said the woman was beautiful but he didn't say she was this beautiful!}

The woman looked in her early-twenties with pale white jade skin, the skin was so smooth that it looked like an ice sculpture.

She had big breasts, silky blonde hair with amber eyes. A small lose and thin lips.

Jun felt as if he had seen the goddess of beauty in real life.

Jun looked at her body to see but that glance was caught by the woman and it looked like she got angry. She said with an angry voice.


Jun didn't understand since she was speaking in Turkish, but the woman thought that he was still entranced.

"Ugh men."

{Lady I don't understand what you just said, but I'm guessing it wasn't nice.}

Jun smiled at her, but the women took whatever she had cooked and went into her room, she locked it too.

Jun was shocked but then thought.

{Did I do something wrong?}