The Beautiful Woman

Dilay had known that there was going to be a person living with her since the owner of the apartment had told her in advance yesterday.

So she went out and bought some groceries so that when her new roommate comes she would eat with him or her. So she woke up early and started cooking some Turkish food and for herself and her new roommate.

She heard the door getting unlocked and thought that her roommate was already here and went to go open the door with excitement but the door was already open.

A man had got into the house.

He had brown hair with wolf-like eyes and pointy ears. Dilay thought he was quite handsome, but then she noticed that he was also looking at her, he even was going to look at her body.


He was still looking.

Dilay got angry and casually remarked. But the man only smiled. This made Dilay angry and she took the Sarma* she had cooked and ran to her room


But not even a minute after she left she heard the bell ring. He heard somebody talking in English so she opened her door slightly just for her head to see she saw the man opening the door of the other room and instructing where to put the NBCC capsule.

{Eh? He plays Blood and Swords too?}

The man found out that Dilay was looking and smiled at her. He was pulling out his phone out but she just closed the door and started eating while looking at the internet.

Jun was sad. He was only trying to talk to her but since he didn't know Turkish he was going to talk to her through Google Translate but the woman didn't give him the chance and just closed the door.

The Blood and Swords staff had finished installing the NBCC inside the room and he could go in the game. Jun bid farewell with the staff and closed the door and started heading to his room but he heard water hitting the bath inside the woman's room.

{She's showering?... Anyway..}

Jun got in the capsule.

The reason why most people bought the NBCC was that when you had the NBCC the game felt 100% more real the NPC's features and talking was real. The blood was real, of course even the pain was real.

If the Blood Ring was virtual reality then NBCC was a new life.

Jun started the game and took the necessary procedures of giving the capsule his DNA.

"…Player Isık Kuzgunu joining Blood and Swords"

He immediately went out of his manor and looked for Kurdet. He had some plans for today.

Jun found and Kurdet and smiled thinking how great it was to have Kurdet as a general and a brother.


Kurdet looked at the place the sound came from and saw that it was Jun that had called him and smiled.

"Brother Jun!"

They started talking and it went on for about 1 hour until they finally came to the main topic.



"…What do you think about taking over a village?"

Kudret stared at Jun with excitement and waited for what Jun had to say. Jun looked at Kudret and felt the desire for battle.

"Sir we now have only 20 men but if we plan we can take over a village easily. Except around us, I don't see any village…unless."

Kudret looked at Jun with a hopeful face but was soon discouraged by Jun's answer. Even he didn't know where other villages were but he could send somebody to scout ahead and that was the reason he came to Kudret. Jun told Kudret about his plan and Kudret immediately said yes.

Then Jun thought how the Kings and Emperors in movies and television shows had a council with all types of people and thought he would try to create an outstanding council for his future nation.

Jun went out to see how his village is growing and saw all kinds of people some had open up shops with fruits and meat and everything.

While he was looking he found an old man who had a large number of people surrounding him.

He was talking about how Jun was a great chief that would lead this village to a strong and mighty nation and making all kinds of stories. For example, he told others that when Jun was just a toddler he was already fighting and running with strong men, or how when Jun was a baby fought of a giant bear.

But now he was telling a different story.

The man started talking.

"I have also heard that when the chief was a baby he got lost and found a great spirit wolf, who gave him supernatural reflexes and sight, hence why he has pointy ears and the eyes like a wolf."

"That's got to be bullshit!"

"No way that's true!"

The people started cursing the man for lying.

"It's true! Have you seen the chief? He had pointy ears didn't he?"

The people thought about it and started nodding.

"Yea that's true his ears are a little pointy."

"His eyes look like a wolf don't they?"

The people thought about it and nodded again.

"You guys saw the fight he had with General Kudret right? He was almost beating General Kudret, a normal person can't beat General Kudret. But our chief isn't normal, he has supernatural abilities. Now, do you think that what I said is true?"

Suddenly a question came out of a young man.

This young man was Jun, he decided he would play along.

"Do you know what was the color of the wolf's fur?"

"Of course, it had fur as white as snow with blue eyes."

Jun furrowed his eyebrows and said.

"I think you got it wrong old man, I specifically remember it was a black wolf with yellow eyes."

"Pffft what do you know? Where you there? No."

Some people recognized Jun and started greeting to him.

The people started mumbling.

"That's the chief? He looks young.."

"Forget about the age. Look at his eyes and ears, they are the same as the old man said."

"Yeah…they really are pointy."

The old man was shocked. He didn't think he was going to meet the chief while telling stories he had made up. The old man knew that the act was up. But Jun had other plans.

"Oi old man what is your name?"

The old man stood up in respect and said that his name was Ali.

Jun inspected Ali.

Name: Ali Ahmet

Cultivation: None

Rarity: King

Occupation: Politician

Intelligence: 90

Power: 50

Politics: 95

Command: 20

Loyalty: 75


Whatever you say, I hear: Brings prosperity and attracts administrative talents by 30%

[Evaluation: That's some mad luck you got there, are you the protagonist of the world or something?]

Jun held out his hand.

"Ali…Would you like to join me?"

Ali's face went from normal to confused to shocked to finally excitement and held Jun's hand.

"I Pledge my allegiance to chief Isık!"

"I hope you will help me with my rise Ali."

The shook the hands of each other and started walking while talking about things that could help the village expand and be more prosperous.

"Well, sir first we need to build something that will bring a good foundation after that we could start expanding."

"What do you have in mind?"

And they started talking about the economy, the people, the military, everything that could help them they talked about it and they spent a lot of time until suddenly they heard a horse galloping towards the village.

Jun looked and found that Kudret was coming towards him with an excited face.

Kudret saw that Jun was next to an old man so he started speaking formally. They only talked informally when they were alone.

"Sir I found a village west of here."

"How were their conditions."

"Sir if we want to take them it would be easy...and we would free them from their torture as well."

Jun looked at Kudret with a confused face.

"What do you mean?"

"Sir. Their chief is a despicable man. He took other men's wives for pleasure and killed the man if he didn't let go. Their army is bad as well they only have 5 people with some wooden spears but still garbage."

"How confident are you in taking their village?"


Jun smiled and told him to get all the men who are capable tomorrow to line up on the west side of the lord's manor.

The people knew that there was a pillar close to the lord's manor but they didn't know what it was for.

The pillar was used for recruiting characters from history. But it was also used to assign people classes.

Jun then went to a building close to the center where a teleportation formation was located with white flames surrounding it.

Jun went close to it chose to teleport to the Beginner Market to get blueprints for the future.

"Where do you wish to teleport to?"

"The Beginner's Market."

With a white hum, he was teleported to the market.

The market was divided into 3 parts

The Material Trading, where you could get blueprints wood stone iron but only if you had the money. You could even get armor but it wasn't available.

The Magic Market, where you could buy all types of cultivation scripts and skill books or other magical tools and weapons.

The Auction, where the game would host yearly bidding for items of the game but it was still the first month of the game so it was still early to host it.

But Jun didn't come here to get anything but blueprints..besides he didn't have the money for magic items.

Although you could transform real-life money into gold coins only aristocrats did that.

He bought blueprints for a school and college, for a military camp, for a fisher's hut, for a granary and a blueprint for a normal market.

Jun gave 50 gold and was only left with 20.

He was going to end up broke if he couldn't find a way to earn money.

After he bought them he went back to his village.

Military Camp: Allows training and recruiting people for war.

Requirements: Wood: 20, Iron: 40, Military Camp blueprint, 10 gold.

"Would you like to build Military Camp?"


Fishing Post: Allows to catch fish

Requirements: Wood: 40, Iron: 10, Fisher's Hut blueprint, 2 gold.

"Would you like to build Fisher's Hut?"


The reason he wanted to build the fisher's hut was that his village's south was close to a river filled with the sea so he thought he could capture the fish while also trading them for gold in the Beginners Market.

He started building them and went to the lord's manor to log off.

He got out of the capsule and took a shower.

He got out wearing earphones while also listening to Turkish phrases because he had decided to learn Turkish.

Right now he didn't know anything so he could only resort to google translate (Note: Just like me :))

He unpacked and put on his clothes and got out of the house to buy cereal and then he went back home to eat.

As he was eating the door of the woman opened and she got out.

But Jun had his eyes somewhere else, the woman was wearing a blue silky transparent dress to sleep in.

Her long white legs were shown in a great display. She still had that icy face when she looked at Jun though.

As soon as she saw Jun she immediately tried to get back in the room.



Jun got on google translate and started talking with her.

"My name is Li Jun. I was wondering what's your name?"

Dilay looked at Jun confused.

"My name is Dilay Yıldız, you aren't Turkish?"

"No, I'm Chinese."

"Why did you come here?"

Jun looked at Dilay like she just killed his grandfather.

Dilay looked at Jun and saw that he was angry and then realized that her question was a bit racist. But she wasn't going to apologize.

"I mean like are you visiting or do you have family here?"

"I didn't rent an apartment just for visiting."

Dilay stared at Jun with her amber eyes.

Jun thought those were probably the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

"Well, goodnight then."

And she went into her room, without waiting for Jun to say something back.

Jun cleaned up, put his earphones and went straight to bed.