Fateful Encounter

"Eh? You know him?"

Jun looked at Ali with surprise.

"Of course! The Great General, the Emperor's bodyguard, The Protector of the Empire, Aslan Evrenol! He is legendary!"

Aslan rubbed the back of his head with embarrassment.

"Please, no more."

"How can I not sir? You are the most legendary person in the empire, there are fairy tales spoken about you! It's an honour to meet you, sir!"

Ali shook Aslan's hand with a joyful and amazed expression on his face. He had always wanted to meet this great person; he had seen him from afar, when he rode a horse, leading the "Emperor's Legion".

Aslan didn't expect to meet someone from his time.

Jun smiled.


After sending the soldiers to rest, Jun, Kudret, Aslan, and Ali got together in a tent that had been prepared near the Lord's Manor to discuss the future plans for the village.

Jun looked at the map roughly drawn on the animal skin; maps were still rare in the game.

"Right now, here is where we are." Jun pointed at a place near the shore.

"Aslanlar Village is over here.." Jun pointed a few meters away, putting a short needle on it.

"What we know is that the city of Mersin is a few kilometres away from us..." Jun slid his finger to the east of the village reaching the end of the map but going further as his finger stopped on the desk, the men focused on the map with furrowed brows.

"Right here."

Jun raised his head, looking at them one by one.

"Our greatest income is fish trading, we get fish from the sea and then sell them, bringing us gold."

As Jun was about to continue...

"May I come in my lord!" A sudden voice came from outside everybody's attention drawn towards the voice.

"Come in!"

A tanned young man with an upturned nose with soft lips and thin almond eyes entered, he looked like he was in his 20's. His monolid eyes showing that he was nervous as he looked around before they landed to the men gathered around the wooden desk, papers and needles on it.

"There is a woman who wants to meet you, sir."

Jun's eyebrows rose as he got confused, who was this woman that suddenly wanted to meet him?

"Tell her to come in."

"Yes, sir."

As the young man was about to get out of the tent, Jun stopped him.

"What is your name?"

"My name's Lavdrim, sir."

Jun smiled at the unusual name, he guessed Lavdrim wasn't from around here.

"You may leave."

After Lavdrim got out Ali asked the question on his mind, Aslan and Kudret were curious too.

"Why did you ask him about his name?"

"He looked special."

"That's it?"


Their eyes widened, baffled by the reason behind the question.

Jun smiled at their bewildered faces, he clapped.

"All right, we will talk about this later, leave."

They got up quickly.

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After they left Jun sat down and waited for the woman to show up, after about a minute or two, he heard an angelic voice come from outside.

"May I come in?"

"Come in."

As the entrance of the tent divided, Jun's eyes focused on the womanly figure.

She had pale skin like snow, her blue almond eyes resembling ice, a straight nose with plump pink lips, her hair resembling honey, the soft white robe not showing much of her body but clearly shown that it was attractive by the bigger than average bumps on her chest. If Jun had to rank her beauty from all the women he knew, she would rank up there with Dilay, maybe even higher.


Jun shook his head as he got up, quickly removing the shock.


A smile blossomed on her face, the colours of the room dimmed as only she remained the same. At least that's what Jun saw.

"Hello, my name is Sanem Aydın." She curtsied with a smile on her lips, Jun was a little slow and bowed, only his head though. He didn't like bowing to other people, even if they were beautiful or important.

"My name's Işık, what brings you here?" Jun sat down as he invited her to do the same, she sat down delicately across from him, their eyes never leaving each other, something told her that behind his smile was a hidden danger, and the same was for him.

"Well...I got kicked out of my family, and decided to find someone I could work for."

A smile spread on his lips as his index finger and thumb started hitting each other, he did this unconsciously when he was in a playful mood.

"What if I don't accept you?"

"Then I will go to another lord."

"What if he doesn't accept you?"

"Then I will go to the next."

"Hmm...How many lords have you visited?" Jun asked, his smile never leaving his lips.

Sanem's smile broke before quickly appearing again, she was surprised by the sudden question.


"Ten?! Damn, what made them reject you? Do you have mental problems? Then I'm sorry but I have to re-"

"I don't have mental problems!" She shouted for the first time, her face flushed, she had not expected the man in front of her to talk so much.

"Well, then what?"

"...it's just...that they wanted me...for my body..." A cold look appearing on her face as she remembered their disgusting faces. Jun got surprised by the sudden change in her voice.

"What if I'm the same, what if I also want your body?"

Her head immediately flicked towards him as her eyes filled with killing intent, the room going cold as she opened her mouth.

"Then I shall kill you, just like I killed them." Her eyes not flinching at all as she looked at the man in front of her, if he moved one bit close to her, she would attack.

Jun raised his hands in the air, baffled by her sudden threatening words.

"Okay, okay, I was just playing. I accept you. What are you good at?"

Her cold look vanishing, smiling again as if nothing happened, but Jun didn't complain.

"I'm good at business management."

"Great! Just what we needed, from now on you will handle everything about the economy of the village, I want a weekly report of the amount of gold also."

Jun rose and approached her, his hand extended.

"It is a pleasure to be working with you, Miss Sanem!"

Her soft hand extended to shake his hand, perfectly aligning with his; it looked like they were made for each other.

"Thank you, my lord."

Suddenly Jun leaned in as his hand touched her shoulder, his breath hitting her ear.

"...threaten me again...and I promise you...you won't be as beautiful as you are any longer."

He went outside with a smile on his face, leaving her in the tent, terrified.

He told Ali to arrange a place for her to stay in and then went to exercise, jumping and running, Kudret and Aslan joining him later on. Slowly soldiers he knew started showing up, joining them. Even after it was late midnight, there could still be heard sounds of their shouting, later this would be known as "Wolves howling at the night-sky" a folk-lore that would be spread through the nation.

They stopped to rest; Jun realized that there was a new recruit in their ranks, a smile blossoming on his face as he recognized the tanned body running around giving water to every soldier.


Immediately the new recruit came over.

"Yes, my lord?"

"When did you join the army?"

"Today, sir."

"Do your parents know about this?"

"Well...they do but..."

Jun's brows furrowed.

"But what..."

"My dad knows that I am in the army, but my mom knows that I am just a supplier, giving water and cleaning the equipment, no dangerous tasks."

Jun shook his head

"You can't be here until your mother knows."

"But, sir...I'll tell her."


"I don't know when, but I'll tell her."


Jun extended his hand towards Lavdrim.


Lavdrim took his hand, pulling him up on his feet.

"Alright everybody, get up! One more lap around the village, then we can all rest!"

"Yes, sir!"

A soldier laughed loudly, his shoulders rising and lowering.

"Sir, one lap isn't enough, we aren't tired at all."

Jun smirked.

"Alright, twenty more!"

The soldiers looked at the man that laughed with malicious intent, their eyes showing clear anger.

The soldier ran towards his commander, Jun.


He whispered enough for the soldier to hear.

"Get him!"

"Cut his tongue!"

They immediately started running after him, him bursting with speed, running for his life.

Jun just sat down in the middle and watched the show with a smile, his two generals beside him looking for talents.
