New Plans

It was a new day as the sun appeared on the horizon, the bodies of the soldiers covered in sweat, their bodies laying on the ground, recovering their breath as they were tired from the training they were "forcibly" dragged into, even though they did it voluntarily.

A soldier sat up as everybody's attention travelled to him.

"My lord, I was wondering, how many battles have you fought that even blood doesn't affect you?"

Jun smirked.

"Well, I'll share a secret with everyone here, and this secret shouldn't be talked about anywhere, or there will be serious consequences. Understand?"

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers nodded in agreement, their eyes showing clear interest in what they were about to be told.

"Alright...I've only fought one battle."

All the soldiers' excited faces broke as disappointment replaced it, luckily some of the soldiers didn't believe it.

"That's a lie, sir!"

"It's the truth...but that is if we count only this life."

The soldiers' heads flicked back to him, shock and confusion evident from their faces.

"What do you mean, sir?" The original soldier asked again.

"Well, in this life I've only fought in one battle, and that was the recent one we just had...but..."

Their ears pricked up as their focus was all on Jun, his generals Kudret and Aslan also interested in this conversation as they also wanted to know how he could lead his soldiers so well, making them a blood-thirsty machine in a matter of minutes.

"In my past life...I have fought thousands of battles, dueled countless famous heroes, but most importantly, I have seen "The war of the Continent", or as most people like me knew it..."The Uncrowned King's Rise."


The soldiers were amazed by the things they were told, their lord had lived a past life; he had fought in countless battles, and had lived through a war that involved a continent.

"Legendary..." The soldiers' eyes were filled with respect and admiration as they looked towards him.

One stood up on his feet, his hand slammed on to his chest, right where the heart is.

"It is an honour to serve you, sir!"

The others replicated his movements as they all rose.

"It is an honour to serve you, sir!"

Jun was flustered by the sudden actions of his soldiers.

As the sun rose above the horizon, its light shone upon the soldiers and him, like a painting it looked magnificent, the rows of soldiers saluting their commander, their chief, their lord with grace and vigour, the lord sitting in front of them on the plain ground filled with grass.

What they didn't realise was that there was a woman that had seen all this, she started walking towards them with no sense of embarrassment of seeing the men's sweaty bodies, Jun was the first to hear the footsteps as his head flicked towards her, the soldiers following.

Jun's eyes widened as he saw who it was, or what she was wearing, the soldiers' blood rose to their heads as some of them even had nosebleeds, they couldn't help it for the woman in front of them was too attractive to be ignored.

Jun stood up immediately, his eyes travelling from top to bottom with slight interest but he still looked sane, unlike the soldiers.

"What are you doing here?"

It was Zeynep, she had ripped her robe in the middle, showing her legs when she walked, what was more surprising was the two mountains on display, peaking their heads from her robe.

"I was bored, so I started walking around the village, why is that a problem?"

"Like this?" His hands hovering over her outfit with clear shock, he thought she would be more conservative and not show her skin but it seems like it was different.

"Yeah, you got a problem?"

He smirked as he looked back at her.

"No I like it, you look hot."

The soldiers' faces broke as they heard what the leader said, some even facepalmed.

Zeynep rolled her eyes at him.

"Ugh men...anyway, I thought we should hold a meeting because I had some plans to raise our economy, also discuss future plans, since I accidentally interrupted yesterday." A seductive and deceiving smile appeared on her lips, clearly telling that it wasn't an accident, but Jun decided to let it go.

"Alright, we'll hold it, but it better be good." Jun nodded in agreement.

Zeynep leaned closer as they stood closely, their eyes locked as a smile appeared on her face.

"Don't worry...Everything about me is good."

The soldiers blushed as they heard the conversation; some of the more innocent ones covered their face, the sexual tension was too high for them.

Jun slid his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him, her breasts touching his naked upper body as she became flustered. Jun leaned in on her ears, a smirk hanging on his lips.

"And everything about me is big..."

He quickly pulled away as his dignified persona came back, he could see a small tint of red on her cheeks, but not too visible. Zeynep was flustered as she had never seen a lord such as this, most were prideful and spoke with grace, but he was different.

She nodded and walked away quickly so as the others would not see her face.

Jun turned around to the soldiers to tell them to go back to their homes, but they were smiling like idiots looking at him.


One soldier raised his hands with his thumbs sticking out, as the other beside him started clapping his hands while nodding, he even heard some whistles in the back.

He smiled as he looked at them.

"Alright...since you all look so happy...10 more laps!"

"Yes, sir!" For some reason, they agreed immediately.

A soldier he appointed took the lead as he walked towards the river to clean his face that was full of sweat, his generals coming with him when suddenly he heard the soldiers doing a chant as they moved around the plains.

"The lord's got a girlfriend and she's hot!"

"The lord's got a girlfriend and she's hot!"

Kudret face palmed himself, as Aslan looked at the soldiers with a smile.

"She's got plump lips and she's hot!"

"She's got plump lips and she's hot!"

It seemed like the one in the led couldn't think of anything as it showed on his face, Jun thought that it was over when suddenly the one behind started it again.

"He should kiss her because she's hot!"

"He should kiss her because she's hot!"

"Her ass is big and she's hot!" This time it was the one behind the second soldier.

"Her ass is big and she's hot!"

"She is hot and he is not!"

"She is hot and he is not!"

"One! Hot!"


"Two! Hot!"


"Three! Hot!"


Jun stood up as he sprinted towards them with his hand raised.

"I'll show you hot!"

One soldier looked back and immediately screamed, alerting the others.


They started dispersing quickly so that he couldn't catch them.


After beating up two soldiers, he told the others to go home since they were clearly tired but made sure that the next time they trained, he would make it painful.

He washed his black robe on the river because it had gotten dirty with dirt, before putting it on and walking towards the tent that had been placed close to the manor, although it did cover his more private parts, his chest filled with muscles was still visible but Jun didn't pay much attention to it so he didn't realise.

He entered and there was already Zeynep sitting there, the generals were sitting across from her, talking about the battles they had led, completely ignoring her, like she wasn't there.

She was visibly bored as she was playing with her hair, pouting as she kept muttering inaudible words.

The generals immediately saw him and wanted to salute, but he told them to not with a hand command, while an evil smile appeared on his face.

He slowly walked behind her without doing much noise as it seemed like she didn't notice, the moment he tried to shout and scare her, her head flicked around as her black pearly eyes looked at him.

"What are you doing?"

Jun got shocked by her awareness, he didn't show it and just smiled, his generals, on the other hand, showed it clearly, they didn't expect her to hear him.


He sat down as Ali also entered the tent, quickly finding a seat.

"Alright so as you all know, Zeynep will be our Economic Administrator and will be responsible for everything that is associated with the economy of the village, and she has said that she had some plans on how to make our economy better, and make us earn more."

He turned towards Zeynep.

"Now...tell us what you have in mind."

Zeynep stood up as she rolled the map she had drawn a little more detailed than the one Jun had drawn.

"Our greatest and only source of income from what I have heard is the fish we gather in the sea, is that correct?"


"So what I was wondering was that we could start trading the fruits and vegetables we have too."

Jun raised his eyebrows at her.

"What about the people, what will they eat?"

"Well the people will have 80% of the fruit and vegetables, while we will only trade 20% and along with the fish we could get a little more gold than the one we usually gain, we will also build a bakery in both villages since we have the funds."

Jun looked at her as he nodded in agreement, he had different plans but those couldn't be realised until they had a little more than just a 100 gold.

"All in favour of accepting Zeynep's plan?"

The generals nodded since all they cared about was training their troops, and it seemed like a good idea anyway.

Ali thought for a while but in the end, also nodded.

"Alright, we will do as you speak."

Zeynep smiled, unknowingly lighting up the room, it truly made Jun think if she was blessed by a goddess or something.

She sat down as everybody started talking about reports and the plans they had to raise the village's prosperity, after about 2 hours, they finished as all rose from their seats.

Jun looked at Zeynep.

"Zeynep, you stay, we will discuss one more thing, all other leave."

The generals shook their heads as they quickly went out with a smile, dragging Ali with them.

Zeynep sat down as her eyes peered over him, although she couldn't tell anything by his stoic expression.

"From now on, give every villager 1 silver every 12 days."

"What?" Her eyes opened wide as she looked at him, she was flustered by the sudden command he gave, she couldn't understand the reason why he would give the villagers silver, without them even working for it.

"Do it."

"May I know why?"

"Not yet."

"Alright." She pouted as she stood up, he found it cute but didn't say anything because their status was of lord and servant, it was just business.

"You may leave now."

She went out as Jun finally could relax, he went to the lord's manor to cultivate for a while before finally logging out, curious to see what will happen this time.
