He's killed thousands.

Jun raised his head and leaned on the rails to look at the sudden guest who entered. There were about 6 men in total, one of which Jun and the others recognized.

It was the dark-haired guy that had attacked them before, he was covered by henchmen since he was still scared, maybe Wei would try to attack him again and this time he would finish what he started.

He looked around until his eyes landed on Jun, a sinister smile immediately forming on his lips, he whispered to his father as the man's eyes went straight to the second floor, specifically the trio.

His feet immediately started moving towards them, his henchmen and the young man following behind. Jumping the stairs 3 at a time, as he got on the second floor, his aura could be felt by the people; it was strong and felt like a huge steel wall that could not be dented easily.

The trio felt it the most; he was aiming it directly at them with a smile, he guessed that their aura was weak, contrary to what his son told him. As he approached them the pressure increased more and more until Aldin's head drooped down low his eyes on the ground.

That was the moment when Jun decided to counterattack, he focused as his golden aura came out, but this time it had a tint of black on it, kind of like a golden dragon with black eyes. It covered the trio, protecting them from the man's aura while also at the same time releasing its pressure at the group, their arrogant faces immediately breaking, shock and fear appearing on all of them except the man in front, his eyes didn't even budge, although his steps did.

"Are you the one that attacked my son?" His eyes focused on Jun, he guessed that the young man in front of him was the leader of the trio according to his body language.

As Wei was about to interfere, Jun raised his hand, telling him not to talk.

"Yes, it was me." Jun stood up on his feet, standing face to face with the big and sturdy man in front of him.

"Well, how do you want to settle this?" If it was a normal young and snobbish kid who did this, he wouldn't even ask this; he would just kill him and be done with it. But unfortunately, the situation right now was a bit different; he could tell that the young man's aura was stronger than most kids who went to this restaurant, and it didn't look seem like he was arrogant either.

"Outside." Jun said with a smirk, making Wei smile as well, although they were definitely out-numbered, it wasn't like this had not happened before so Wei thought he and Jun could take them on, he looked beside him to see Aldin also smiling, although he did not know the reason, he could see the excitement in his eyes.

The man got shocked by Jun's confidence in his own strength, a smile appearing on his face, he liked the young man's spirit, not many dared to stand up to him.

He nodded and started walking downstairs, heading out immediately, Jun left a check on the table before putting his jacket on, Wei and Aldin doing the same, although Aldin looked a tad bit nervous, people could still feel the determination behind his steps, Wei was surprised by Aldin's energy as they walked outside the restaurant.

"Hey, can you even fight?"

Aldin looked at Wei with a smile.


Wei laughed as he heard the negative response he had been given.

"Then why are you so eager to fight them?"

"I don't know, I just know that I can beat them."

Jun glanced at Aldin's green bracelet and noticed that it was releasing a light which travelled around every inch of his body.

"It's probably that thing on your hand that is doing it." He said as he pointed at it, both of their eyes following the direction of his finger, they found out that it did seem a bit different than before, although if you didn't focus you would not see it.

A man was standing outside near the door, gesturing with his hand for them to come, after a while of walking they reached a big football stadium, the doors were unlocked as they walked to the centre where the man waited with his henchmen, although they were 2 times more than before, at least 20.

Now, this is when Aldin got really nervous, what could 3 people do to 20 experienced fighters?

Even worse was that he didn't know how to fight good, he had fought with people 4 times in his life, and he had only won half of them.

Wei noticed this and turned towards him, putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to. We can deal with this alone."

Aldin looked at him and then at the group in front of them, he shook his hand as he rubbed his hands together, heating them.

"If there is one thing that my dad taught me before he died, was that a man should never go back on his word, nor should he break any promises."

Jun nodded, his eyes focused as he analyzed the environment.

Wei nodded as well.

"He must have been a great man."

Aldin nodded as the trio walked closer, standing only inches apart.

Jun cracked his neck as he moved his arms around to make them move faster, although they could not see it, it was clear that the young man's body was full of muscle and vitality. Wei took out a string from his pocket, God knows where he found it but he removed his blue earring and slid it on the string, putting it on like a necklace.

"Alright, let's get this over with." The man said as 3 men from his group stepped out.

"I decided to be merciful today, so you will only fight these 3 men, although I do warn you...they are the best." He winked at them as a smile formed on his lips.

"Yeah yeah whatever, let's just start." Jun walked to the centre, where the big circle was, 3 on one side and the other 3 on the other, their eyes never leaving their opponent.

The man sat on a chair his men took out of the car, as he started counting down.


Jun's eyes became cold filled with killing intent as he sprang towards his opponent, immediately reaching him as he kicked towards the head with his right leg, the man quickly dodging as he ducked down, spinning with his leg out, trying to knock Jun down, Wei punched out with strength behind his fist, if that hit his enemy, it would most definitely do some type of brain injury.

Aldin was dodging as his body was skilfully moving around the attacks like a fish in the ocean.

As Jun was about to get knocked down, he put strength in his left leg and jumped, something that could be done after a thousand or more battles, the leg glided below him as his feet touched the ground, as the man tried to get back up in his stance, he found himself a fist flying towards his face, immediately coming in contact with his nose, breaking it.

He jumped away as he tried to focus but Jun wouldn't let him, immediately grabbing one of the man's arms and pulling it towards himself, he hit the man's face with his elbow before throwing his body of his own shoulder, making it hit the ground with force, Jun rose his leg above the man's head, stomping down but the man rolled away, quickly getting up and raising his fist to block, but the punch never came, he slightly opened his eyes as he looked around, his enemy nowhere to be seen.

When suddenly he felt something grabbing on his stomach, his feet instantly off the ground as Jun twisted his body, driving his body into the ground, the top of the head hitting it first, everyone there heard a crack.

Wei grabbed on to his enemy's head, pulling it down towards his knee, hitting it as blood spilled all over the ground, parts of teeth coming out of the man's mouth as Wei kept repeating the movement until the man was knocked out.

Aldin had been dodging for a while now as his opponent kept attacking, but also at the same time getting tired, if Aldin didn't have the bracelet he would have gotten tired too, but the bracelet kept giving him energy, his reaction speed and agility almost other-worldly.

For the first time in a while, he dodged another punch, quickly counterattacking as his leg went towards the man's stomach, leaving him without breath as he punched the man's jaw from the side, immediately making him unconscious.

Complete silence ruled over the stadium as everybody's jaw dropped, their eyes wide as they looked at the three young men in front of them.

"Monsters..." As one said it, all the other nicknamed them the same in their heads, what they thought were just young and silver-spooned braggarts were actually devils in human's clothing.

What was more frightening though was the blood that flew out of the head of their comrade, others had come here to duel and fight, but the man in front of them with wolf-like eyes came to kill.

Jun stood up as he looked at the group, his eyes travelling from one to another, making them terrified, they felt like he was the grim reaper coming to take their soul.

"Anyone else wants to die?" A domineering sentence that made their souls shake as they backed off.

The man rose from his chair, clapping as he approached Jun with a smile, until suddenly he threw a punch out, his energy and aura covering it, but he was still mistaking Jun for a beginner, Jun activated his aura, the golden and overbearing atmosphere coming back as it filled the stadium before instantly circling around Jun's hand as he held it up, grabbing the man's fist, stopping it in its tracks.

Wei and Aldin sprinted towards Jun, their different coloured auras flying out towards the man.

The man retracted his aura and covered his own body with it, protecting it from the three aura's, although the blue and green one didn't do anything to his sphere, the golden one with the slight black definitely was strong, the only reason it couldn't break his own was that he had a solid foundation and had been cultivation for 30 years, ever since he was 15.

He backed off slowly as he put power in his energy, strangling the trio's aura making them feel suffocated, he walked towards the black limousine.

"You are still too weak kid, train more and become stronger, I'm sure we will meet one day, and I hope it will be in better circumstances."

He waved behind him as he got in the car, his henchmen also getting in after they gathered the 2 men and their dead comrade with tears, driving off from a tunnel, their faint figures quickly disappearing.

Wei turned towards Jun, this was the second time he had killed someone so he was worried, although Aldin was clearly having a harder time as he was puking, but still better than most.

"Are you okay?" His eyes furrowed as he asked with a worried tone.

"Of course, don't worry about me, get Aldin and let's get out of here." Jun said as he grabbed his jacket and put it on, walking towards Aldin to help him on his feet.

Wei was surprised but still nodded as he also approached Aldin, he would ask Jun one day about it.


Inside the limousine, the man and dark-haired young man were silent, until finally the young man couldn't stand it and opened his mouth.

"Father, why did we not attack all at once and just left, he killed our men and we didn't even do anything, I do not understand."

The father turned towards his ignorant son with a smile.

"Kid, you didn't see it because you were far from the battle, but when he was fighting, he glanced only one time at me, what I saw was not just a pair of eyes, behind that pair of black eyes...there are a thousand dead bodies, that type of killing intent doesn't just form easily, it is formed by endless slaughtering and killing, even if there were 50 of us, he would still kill...every...last...one of us."

The dark-haired young man looked gazed at the city through the window, he thought his father was just exaggerating, there's no way a man as young as him could have taken a thousand lives, at least that's what he thought, and it would be the truth if Jun had not reincarnated, and it confused the man too, but all they could do now is wait and see if their paths will cross again.


"Hey Aldin, do you have a place to stay?"

"Well, I used to, but not anymore after it was taken by the guys you shooed off when you met me."

Wei smiled widely.

"Great! Come, I have a spare room and we can all play Blood & Souls together, it's really fun."

"I don't know man, I don't want to intrude you, I'll find a place after I start working and get some money."

Jun smiled.

"Don't worry, you aren't intruding, anyway Wei accidentally bought 2 Nerve Brain Control Capsule so it would be a shame if it just stood there without anyone using it."

Wei nodded as he put his arms over Jun and Aldin's shoulders.

"We will have the time of our lives together, let's go!"

Jun and Aldin smiled at each other as they shook their head.

"Alright, then."

The monster trio went home, as their destinies collided and bonded with each other, who knows what other challenges would appear in their way.
