The New Blonde Brother

After a while of daydreaming about how cool they were and after Jun felt well, Jun and Wei finished their sandwiches and decided to go out, to enjoy the nightlife.

Asli was already sleeping on the couch, the TV on as always, Wei turned off the TV and put a blanket over her so she doesn't get cold.

Before going out Jun got his black ruby necklace and ring and put them on, he had gotten quite fond of it.

"Hey, where did you get those from?" Wei asked in interest, he always liked black accessories.

"The Grand Bazaar." Jun raised his eyebrows at him.

"Cool, we'll go there." They started heading towards the Grand Bazaar.

"Alright then."

After a while of walking, they finally reached their destination, it was full of lights, the smell of Turkish cafe and the paintings all around it amazed Wei, shown by his sparkling eyes.

Like a crazy puppy, he started going towards every stand, asking a question about the things he thought were interesting and getting dispirited when he didn't hear what he wanted to hear, Jun pulled him towards the guy he went to last time, where he got his necklace and ring, which he still didn't know what they were or what they represented.

"Yo~ my friend, welcome back, come, come I have all the things you want and need." The merchant still had his cheeky smile on while talking, he looked beside Jun and saw Wei and his smile got even wider.

"I see you have brought a friend with you, it is alright though, I have just the thing that he wants, I am a fortune teller after all." He started looking around his shop, taking out things with speed.

"You didn't tell me that." Jun furrowed his brows.

"You never asked...Ah, here it is." He pulled out a green bracelet, a ruby engraved with a dolphin on it.

"This bracelet can protect you and your friends around you with supernatural healing abilities, truly a nature-related accessory, trust me this is definitely the one you want." The merchant kept dangling it in front of Wei's face, hovering his hand over it, like it was a treasure that couldn't be touched.

Wei looked at it for a while before shaking his head.

"I want something that can calm my mind when I am angry, something that can give me strength when I need it most."

Jun shook his head at Wei, he didn't believe these types of accessories, and he just bought his because it looked cool, but it seemed that Wei liked to indulge himself in these types of "supernatural accessories". All though, he kept looking at the green one that had just been pulled out.

The merchant stroked his chin for a while before going back to the piles of bracelets, necklaces and rings.

"Where is this is it?...No that's not it is." He pulled out an earring with a blue pearl hanging off of it.

"I found this in a waterfall, and it has helped me and my experience calm down, so if you want one, this is the best one I got."

Wei looked at it for a while, he wasn't really a fan of blue earrings but after a while, he decided to get it, he had already pierced one of his ears so he quickly put it on the merchant took the money with a cheeky smile and grabbed the green bracelet to put it back to its position.

"Hey, give me that one." Jun raised his hand pointing at the green bracelet, his eyes stuck on it, he was determined to get it, he felt like he needed to have it for a special occasion or something, the merchant was naturally happy to give it. After looking around for a while they left the bazaar and started walking towards the other "great things to see in Istanbul."

After a while of walking, they saw castles, big towers with full of lights, that's what Jun saw, Wei was more focused on the women that passed by, he found them beautiful, and the women also looked at him, his earring bringing a different sex appeal with him.

He turned to Jun with a big smile on his face, almost reaching his eyes.

"Hey, I think this earring brings you luck with the ladies, not making you calm."

"No, that's just you, the earring makes you hot." Jun kept gazing at the castles he found were big and mighty, he always had an interest in castles since he was a kid, but he didn't see much in China.

"Thank you." He nodded and went back to his gazing, until suddenly he heard grunts beside him, in the distance, he stopped in his tracks, Jun stopped with him as he had also heard the grunts.

They looked in the alleyway and saw some punks cornering a blonde guy, he looked taller than them but he wasn't fighting back, normally Wei would get fired up and start charging immediately, but what he didn't notice was that his blue earring shimmered with a blue light, making him calm just like the merchant said it would.

Nonetheless, he started walking towards the alleyway, he couldn't just let "his fellow brother" get beaten up, Jun followed him although his anger was rising slowly, unfortunately, he didn't have a calming earring as Wei did.

"Hey hey, don't you think that's a little too much, you know, ganging up on somebody isn't really a manly thing to do." Wei approached them with a smile.

One of them turned around, in his eyes a threatening look, not like it did anything since Wei and Jun had seen worse, but what they didn't know was that this time, Jun's black ring and necklace shimmered, releasing an air of death towards the punks, their souls shivering, when they looked at Jun it seemed like there was a dark-furred cape on his shoulders and claws on his fingers.

There was also a slight tint of gold on his irises, but it didn't seem to have the deathly energy, it was pressuring and almighty, like a king of the ancient times, was in front of them, they immediately started running away, confusing Wei and Jun as they looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Wei turned towards them again.

"Hey! Don't run! We just wanted to play!" But it seemed like that made it worse as they sprinted, even more, screaming their lungs out.

"Sheesh, we aren't that scary." Wei turned towards the blonde on the ground, who had blood running from his nose.

"Hey, they are gone now, you can get up."

Jun approached him as well, the blonde rose to his feet, his eyes never leaving the two; he didn't trust people just because they helped him one time.

"My name is Zhang Wei, you can just call me Wei and this is Jun." He said pointing at Jun.

The blonde's eyes travelled between them repeatedly before he finally decided to say his name.

"My name's Aldin."

"Nice to meet you, Aldin, we were just going to a restaurant to drink and eat something, want to come?"

Aldin was about to decline when suddenly a rumbling sound came from his stomach, he looked up at the two only to find them smiling widely, their pearly teeth showing, Wei put his arm around Aldin's shoulders.

"I have a feeling we will be best friends, let's go! To the "Sultan's Restaurant"!"

Aldin's eyes widened hearing the name that place was for rich and high-status people, he wasn't allowed in there, he quickly slid himself off of Wei's hands.

"Thank you for saving me, and I would love to drink coffee with you but the place you are going to is a prestigious restaurant, I am just a lowly civilian, I don't deserve to get in there."

Wei and Jun looked at each other, and then at him, before laughing with tears coming out of their eyes, surprising Aldin.

Wei put his arm around Aldin's shoulders again, this time smiling with happiness.

"Don't worry brother, if there is anyone that deserves to be in that restaurant, it is us." He said pointing at all three of them.

"Thank you, but still the food there is expensive." Aldin was still trying to get away, but Wei had different plans.

"Don't worry, we will pay."

Aldin sighed as he couldn't beat Wei's constant invitation, it would be rude, and he smiled widely, putting his arm around Wei as well.

"Alright, my friend, let's go."



After walking for a while they reached the restaurant known as "Sultan's Restaurant". It was truly a place worthy of its name, it looked tall and big from outside with a lot of costumers in there, although they didn't look the same as any old costumers, it was all snotty brats who had too much money to handle.

The trio went in, found a place upstairs where "the higher" people sat on and sat down, close to the window where you could enjoy the view.

Jun looked around and saw that people were staring at them, one guy with women and friends all around him called a waiter and told him something, the waiter came up to the trio with a prideful expression.

"I'm sorry, but that place is only reserved for V.I.P costumers, we would like for you to get on the first level of the restaurant, it would be highly appreciated."

Wei didn't really care much and got up to change seats, same with Aldin, making the waiter happy that they didn't cause much trouble, but it was a different case for Jun.

He didn't move one inch, his eyes standing on the waiter with arrogance in his eyes for a while before travelling to the man behind him, the dark-haired young man who talked to the waiter before-hand.

Wei turned around to see Jun not even standing up and got confused, Jun wasn't the type to care about where he seated but for some reason, it was different today.

"Yo, are you coming?"

Jun turned towards Wei, not having the intention of answering his question, but asking a question of his own.

"You remember that one time when we were kids, we decided to check our western horoscopes?"

"Yeah, why?" Wei got confused by the sudden question.

"Well, what was yours again?" Jun asked his eyes lingering on the waiter, making sure everybody heard him.

"Leo." Wei had an idea of where this was going and smiled as he started walking towards his seat again, sitting down, putting one of his feet on his knee.

"And what was mine?" Jun asked as he also smiled, although it didn't look kind.


"Do you also remember the tarot cards of our zodiacs?"

This time Jun looked at everyone in that floor, one by one, Wei keeping his eyes on the waiter, Aldin decided to sit down the same as they did, he wanted to see where this was going, although he didn't know what zodiacs had to do with anything.

"Well mine was the Strength one, and yours was..." Wei's head flicked towards Jun as his smile got bigger and bigger, small laughs coming out of his mouth as he realised what Jun was trying to say.

Jun turned towards Wei.

"I think I'm pretty V.I.P, don't you think?" As Jun said that, tears started coming out of Wei's eyes, his laugh becoming louder and louder until even the people on the first floor could hear.

"You're not just V.I.P; you are the definition of V.I.P!"

The people didn't understand what was going on, but every group had that one friend who was informed in these matters and explained it to the others, making some of them also laugh, but most looked at the group of three with hatred, shocked by their arrogance, their weak aura's coming out of their bodies, ready to attack.

Jun looked at the waiter, his smile gone as he opened his mouth.

"Waiter, give us the menu of what this restaurant has, before I make you the H.M.O.T.S, homeless man on the street."

The waiter was about to call the guards when suddenly, he felt a great pressure on his shoulders, the more he tried to talk the more he felt it, when he looked at Jun again he saw a different man then the one that entered, a golden crown was on his head, its pearls that were attached shining with light, but only he could see this, all the others saw were that the waiter had gone red.

Jun pulled away his aura and flicked his hand at the waiter, telling him to go away, the waiter nodded and walked away, colour returning to his face.

Jun smiled towards Aldin, Aldin smiled back, but Wei's face was different, it had excitement written all over, his eyes never leaving Jun. He had slightly felt the golden aura inside Jun's body and had felt the pressure he was releasing; he never thought it would be this strong.

"Hey, I thought you said you didn't have control over it."

"I didn't, but now I do, also I discovered something." Jun said as he looked at the ring on his finger than the earring on Wei's ear.

"These things work, I mean I could feel it's power helping me control the energy, although it has been depleted now, there was not much, to begin with since I just started cultivating."

Wei smiled and nodded repeatedly, he had also felt a cooling sensation when they found Aldin.

Jun looked at Aldin and smiled at him, Aldin smiling back since he didn't know what was going on, he still didn't know what was with the zodiacs and now this ring and earring talk was even more confusing, but then he saw Jun pull out a green bracelet, throwing it at him, he had fast reflexes so he caught it, investigating what had been thrown.

"Put it on." Jun commanded, almost naturally.

As Aldin put it on he felt energy coming out of the bracelet and healing his wounds on his body, his energy coming back to him immediately.

"Wow~" His face full of amazement as he touched his upper body where he had gotten hurt, not feeling any pain.

As they were about to enjoy this discovery, suddenly a dark-blue energy shot out at them, heading towards Jun. Jun felt the energy fire towards him but his energy didn't come out to protect him, he knew that this aura was a strong one and if it hit him, it would cause massive injuries.

As soon as it was about to hit him, an ice coloured barrier appeared in front of him, while a red coloured energy shot out towards the original attacker, the dark-haired young man.

Wei was quick enough to react, his natural talent for cultivation showing itself here, controlling two types of energies at the same time, and one was the one he just found out about.

The dark-haired young man tried to dodge but the red-energy was too fast, immediately grabbing a hold of his throat, panic shown in his eyes, he didn't expect there to be 2 cultivators in the restaurant.

Rage had been fired inside of Wei, the one thing he hated the most was sneak-attacks. He was about to break the young man's neck but Jun tapped him, telling him to let it go, his energy had come back enough for him to protect himself.

The young man's energy was slowly dispersing as he couldn't breathe, but Wei decided to let it go, although he was still wary and angry.

If Aldin didn't have the green bracelet he wouldn't have seen what just happened, he was shocked by the number of things he just saw and thought he was crazy as he rubbed his eyes, he looked at his hands and saw a slight green light travelling around his fingertips, he immediately grabbed some paper towels that were on the table and started cleaning his hands, not like it did anything though.

The energies dissolved as the situation calmed down, the young man's eyes now full fear as he thought he would've almost died but there was still rage in his eyes, it seemed like he was planning something as he got up from his seat, running out the restaurant, his friends going with him, they had also seen the battle of the energies.

After a while the waiter brought the menu, this time with respect and fear in his eyes, they ordered and had fun until the trio heard the sound of cars surrounding the restaurant.

The door of the restaurant opened, a man in a suit entered, his booming voice spreading all around.

"Which one of you fuckers touched my son?!?!" An enraged expression on his face.


*The tarot card of an Aries is "The Emperor" which is the reason Jun didn't move, he is an "Emperor", after all, therefore he is the most important person in the restaurant.