The Emperor's Soldiers.

After the shocking occasion, as the soldiers calmed themselves down, they immediately fell on their backs as their chest rose and fell as breath escaped from their mouths.

Although they did not know the reason for this "torture", they were just happy to be alive and breathing.

"We will be doing this every day." As Jun's words came out of his mouth, the soldiers looked at him like he was the devil.

Now they wanted to know the reason why he was torturing them.

"Lord, what is the reason for this training? If there is any..."

Jun got up from the ground as he smiled at them, he walked towards them as they made way for him to pass.

"Did I not say? I want to become the greatest, you being my soldiers and faithful men, should also become the greatest. Therefore this training is necessary."

One of the lads raised his hand to speak, Jun nodded in his direction signalling that he may.

" there a less dangerous way of becoming the greatest?"

Aslan commanded the men to line up in a line in front of the Lord, they were tired so it was slow but they still managed.

Jun put his hand on his chin and pondered until he suddenly looked up to the men with a smile, the ends of his lips spreading widely. The weird thing was that terrified faces appeared on the men's faces.

They knew that smile, and it wasn't good.

"Does anyone feel pain?"

"Yes, sir! Everybody, sir!" They were no way in hell going to say they didn't.

Jun pouted as he looked at them with disappointed eyes until they landed at a certain tanned young soldier, the smile returning with it.

"Lavdrim! Come here for a minute.."

"Thank you, lord. But I feel very relaxed here, I wish to not disturb your space." Lavdrim answered with a smile on his lips.

"No, no, come here, you will not disturb me." Jun urged with his hand.

"No, sir. Like I sai-" Before he could even finish, a force pushed him from behind towards Jun, he looked behind and saw the soldiers, urging him with their eyes to make this sacrifice for them.

He looked at them and then sighed, he looked towards Jun and walked forwards.

"Ah, thank you, now I ask you, do you feel pain? Answer me truthfully.."

Lavdrim sighed.

"Yes, sir. But it is not just pain, I do not feel my own body, I do not even know how I am standing."

Jun nodded.

"I see..." Suddenly he jumped forward as his hand lashed out towards Lavdrim's abdomen, instantly his fist connected.

Lavdrim's breath left him as he fell down on his knees, gasping for air to enter his lungs. General Aslan went to him and helped him up and rose his arms for him to start breathing.

Jun looked at Lavdrim, then at his men with stern eyes.

"The day you will stop feeling pain, is the day we will stop doing this training daily, until then, we shall destroy our bodies and rebuild them stronger and better, does everybody understand?"

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers nodded in agreement, they had finally had a slight understanding of why they would train this way every day.

"Does everyone still have the energy to carry stones on their backs? Do not worry, if you can not, then do not carry and leave them here."

The soldiers nodded and left the stones piled in the middle of the hill, they started walking down the hill, looking around as they saw their dead comrades under stones, they heard slight grunts coming from behind them.

They turned their heads only to see Jun, walking towards them with the stones he previously had on his back, he was walking slowly down the hill so he did not fall.

The soldiers could not understand why he would do such a thing.

But then they were shocked as they saw General Aslan returning to the pile of stones and tying them to his back. He followed Jun as grunts started coming out of his mouth, stomping hard as he held on.

They were the only one with rocks on their backs, but what was more baffling was that every time they reached a dead soldier, they stopped and saluted.

After staring at them, Lavdrim also went to the stones and tied himself with them and walked down the hill, although he started a bit late so he was behind General Aslan and Jun by some steps.

One man that the soldiers have nicknamed "Sliver-Tongue" went to the piles and tied one stone to himself and started walking towards Jun and the 2 men, but before he went close to the three men walking with grunts coming out of their mouths, he stopped near the soldiers and smirked at them.

"Come on guys, the recruit has more balls than you!" He went off laughing as he went near Lavdrim.

This sparked a flame in the soldiers as one by one they tied stones to themselves, and started walking, grunts filled the surrounding as the men walked down, each trying to pass one another one.

After an hour they realized they were going a different way they came from, the "deadly" river was not in front of them, it was a straight road, although it was still hard with the wet clothes and stone on their backs, it was much easier this time.

After a while some soldiers started recognizing some places while walking on the road, they thought they were close to the village and it was true, after 20 minutes they arrived at the gates of the village.

The two guards shocked at their dirty and sweat faces, some with blood dripping from their bodies.

The soldiers expected for the people, their wives and friends to greet them with smiles on their faces, but what they did not know was that they were releasing an air of danger and wild nature, the people felt pressure as they looked at the soldiers and their faces.

They did not know it since at this point they were running on auto-pilot, from this day on their bodies would be tense and always prepare for danger, Jun would teach them how to hide their aura, but for the time being, he had other things to do.

Jun untied the stone on his back as it made a loud sound when it hit the ground, the people were taken out of their trance as the soldiers also untied their stones.

Jun released his aura as it pushed back the soldiers aura gently into their bodies, it also touched the people so it calmed them down.

The wives of the soldiers ran towards the soldiers, hugging them and helping them stand as the soldiers kept grimacing in pain. Jun walked slowly towards the lord's manor when suddenly he felt the ground shake once.

He looked behind only to see his soldiers kneeling with one knee, their hands on their hearts as they looked at him.

Jun was confused as to why would they do that.

"Lord, from this day onwards, no matter what is your request we shall answer and help you!"

It was Sliver-Tongue.

"Lord, from this day onwards, no matter where do you want to go, we shall stomp and swing our swords and make a road for your feet to walk on and reach there."

It was Lavdrim.

"Lord, from this day onwards, we shall become your fists and legs, we shall protect you with our lives, and we shall fight for your dream, for it is also our dream!"

It was a blonde man with blood dripping from his head.

"Lord, we are your soldiers and generals, and no one else shall command us but you!"

It was General Aslan.

"Lord! Let us fly with you and let us fight with you! Let us be commanded by you! Let us be your soldiers! Let us....become the greatest!"

It was...every solider.
