Going through hell...

At the first crack of dawn, the soldiers got together in the camp and lined up, waiting for Jun to come, although they got surprised when they saw General Aslan coming with rope and blocks of stone in his hands.

"General, what are the ropes and stone for?" One soldier went up to General Aslan, helping him in organizing the logs, his friends coming with him.

"I do not know, the Lord asked me to gather it and wait here with you, although it would be great if all of you prepared yourselves." This statement made the soldiers curious about what General Aslan meant, so all of them gathered around, the full 70 soldiers surrounding one man.

"What do you mean general? Will something happen?" One soldier from the back asked, he was quite young from what his features said.

"I do not know boy, but as I said, we should prepare for the worst but expect the best." Then he went back to work.

Not long after Jun came with a smile as he saw the soldiers lined up neatly, with General Aslan in front of them. He stood firm in front of the soldiers with a smile, for what was about to occur, they would remember it for the rest of their lives.

"Is everyone here?" Jun asked.

"Yes, sir!" And the soldiers responded.

"Great...Is everyone prepared to die?"

"Y-yes, sir?" The soldiers were baffled, how could they die? Some even looked around to see if there were any enemies near-by, but it was just the land that they saw.

"Tell me, are you prepared to die?"

"Yes, sir!" They went along with it, although they would regret it later on.

"Great." Jun turned to Aslan.

"Tie a stone on their backs, every single one of them, even me."

The general was confused, but seeing the seriousness in Jun's eyes he did what he had been ordered, he got some helpers and tied the blocks of stone behind the soldiers, although they didn't know what was happening, after some ruckus they obliged, after all, they saw that Jun was getting tied up also with them, General Aslan also got a log on his back.

After everyone was tied up, they felt the huge weight on their backs as they hunched a bit, although they could walk, if they tried to run, they would fall on their faces and eat dirt, they looked at Jun for answers. Jun looked at them one by one as his eyes turned cold and sharp.

"With these blocks of stone, we will run on a road that I have chosen..." As soon as Jun said that one soldier opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Jun.

"Anyone that wants to leave should leave now, for this journey has the ability to kill you, the stone on your backs make it even more possible for you to die, that is all I have to say."

"But sir, what is the purpose of this journey and the stones on our backs?" A soldier asked, his eyebrows were furrowed.

The Jun tilted his head upwards as his eyes travelled coldly through the soldiers, for the first time in a while; they felt as if the eyes of their lord were a knife on their necks, their bodies shivered as the hair on their arms rose.

"We want to be the best, for us to be the best; first we must experience the worse, no. We need to experience what is worse than hell, you will wish to be dead, and some of you may die, I included, your brains will become a paste, your legs will be broken, your head severed from your body, your arms dislocated, your chest with holes, your faces with long scars on them."

The soldiers felt shivers up their spines, some were considering leaving.

"Now, who wishes to leave?..."

The soldiers started contemplating and after a while, only two raised their hands, the soldiers looking at them as they stood with their heads low, they did not wish to die.

"We are sorry lord, but we do not dare to travel this journey with you, for that we are ashamed, I hope you can forgive us."

The soldiers were about to belittle them when Jun suddenly spoke.

"You should not be ashamed my friends, for it is not something you should be ashamed of, raise your heads, you are allowed to leave, and when the time comes you will be placed in a new platoon." Jun smiled at them as he nodded, while he was surprised that so many wished to stay after hearing what he said, he was not surprised that some wished to leave if he had to choose he would also leave, so he could not judge them.

"Thank you, Lord." The helpers cut the ropes, releasing the two men, they put their hands on their chests towards Jun and the soldiers, they returned it and lined up in a single line, Jun walking in front of them as General Aslan followed him.

"After we start no one is allowed to leave, is everybody sure of coming?"

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers smiled, for an unknown reason, they felt hot inside, as if their blood was boiling.

Jun nodded and started running, everybody following him as he went inside the forest, it was filled with rocks and mud which made the platoon slower, after a while of running their feet started hurting as their bodies became heavier, sweat rolling off their forehead.

What surprised them the most was the energy and momentum Jun had, he was far off in the distance, the only thing you could see was the stone on his back.

After about a 1 kilometre of running, they reached a river, it was powerful and was fast, if one got in they would have some trouble reaching the other side, the worst part about the river was the waterfall, if you slipped, you would die.

The men looked at Jun like he was crazy, which he was as he jumped in with the stone on his back becoming a massive burden as veins appeared on his forehead and neck, nonetheless he started walking.

The soldiers one by one got in and started walking until suddenly one of them slipped, his body immediately falling to the ground, one of his friends tried to grab him but his body moved faster, he reached the waterfall as his eyes widened.

He fell off, the soldiers closed their eyes and listened in hopes of hearing a splash, but all they heard was the sound of contact, the screaming stopped.

The bodies of Jun and the soldiers all stopped in their place, as fear rose upon their hearts, some of the weak-minded already had tears in their eyes.

Jun looked forward as the water hit him, the water dividing as his body stood like a sword.

"Do not lose your guard, for you will die just like him! Understood!?"

"Yes sir!" The men shouted as they started moving, their faces had become determined, their eyes filled with rage and pain, this time their sound of footsteps was heard even though it was underwater, they stomped and stomped until finally, they reached the end of the river, instantly some of the soldiers fell, the stone on their backs, the powerful water, their wet clothes had made them feel like their bodies were being destroyed by every breath they took.

Jun was breathing loudly as he held on to his knees, he would not let his body fall, seeing the others about to fall to the ground.

"Do not fall! If you do, you won't get up!" He shouted at them as he straightened his back, his body tall as he looked in front of him, with one breath he started running again, the soldiers tried to fall but some immediately fell, their bodies could not hold on any longer.

The original 70 men had now become 64 men, with one being dead.

Their clothes had become wet, adding more weight to them as they ran, Jun still being in front, they ran and fell, some fell and their rocks fell with them, their heads becoming liquid as the stones hit them, they ran through rivers and grass, they ran from wild animals in the forest and the rocky roads.

They ran and they ran until finally, they reached a hill, Jun stopped in front of it as the soldiers lined up beside him, Lavdrim was the closest to him as General Aslan was beside others.

The soldiers' eyes filled with a crimson colour as were their bodies, but if any man saw them they would think that these men were crazy, there was a smile on their faces, the smile was big as it reached their ears.

"One...two...three...Go!!!" The men put strength in their legs as they started going up the hill, their mud-filled boots making them slip, their bodies crushed under the stones, blood bursting from their chest, but no soldier stopped, they were already used to it, the men who died, died with a smile.

If there was one thing to say at that moment, it is that death had become their best friend. They greeted it with a smile, and a man that doesn't fear death is a man that is the most dangerous in the room, but what would happen if there was a huge group of men that didn't fear death?

Then the world shall kneel at their feet.

Stomping the ground and grabbing with whatever was in front of them, slowly and slowly they came closer to the top...until finally their feet landed on the top, the sun shining on to the 50 men that smiled at it.

One soldier looked up to the sky as he closed his fist, pumping it upwards as the soldiers grinned at him, they all looked to the sky...and they roared.


The animals seemed to have heard their mighty and deafening roar as the hill shook; roars were heard all around them, each roar different but with the same message, they were kneeling towards them, they were now the rulers of the land, an energy with the colour of orange was slowly forming up in the air above the soldiers, but it quickly disappeared.

Suddenly the land turned golden as they looked at Jun, his aura enveloped them as he looked at the sky, a golden colour in his eyes, his hands closed and became fists.

"UAHHHHHHH!!!" Thunder appeared in the sky and the ground shook, his energy was overflowing as he felt power surging through his veins, a sound of a broken locket was heard as his cultivation had reached the second level.

His mighty roar broke the stone on his back as it cut the ropes of the men...

The rightful ruler had been officially born.
