JUN | I couldn’t tell you

It's a new month

It feels like a new time

To try and turn over

A new leaf

It's not going to be easy

I love change

But a change from you

Has never been the easiest

Of course I am branching out

And exploring the other aspects of life

The other beauties of life

And that has directed my interest elsewhere

So thank you all

But there's a part of you

A thorn

That stabs me

In my soul

You leave a permanent scar

That has left a sore spot for

Way too long

It's time to break out from you

It's time to take control

And to stop allowing that prick

To continue to

Jab at me

So I remove it

I stop what I have never told or spoken


You will never know

And I wish I could tell you all

Even the closest and the most understanding of you all

I love you all

But I had to take this one into my own hands

We all have our own ways of grieving

But it still involves the five stages

Please don't hate me for not telling you

I had to keep this one for me

This was my only way out

And now I am at the acceptance stage

And I can finally

Get rid

Of everything

From my head

- I had to do this for me, I'm sorry