JUL | who are you?

so who am I to tell you to stop

whatever it is that you're doing

to stop living life freely

to stop being a lone wolf

who am I to tell you that

this is how you should live

this is who you should be

do I have the right

to shape




your identity

hell no

I wouldn't want to anyways

I fell for who I met

and I will pull through any obstacles

that being you had brought to us

but you see

in my former life

that didn't work

I let shit slide because that was you

I justified you're actions

to everyone around me

because that was you

I sacrificed me

for you

because that was you

you were a taker

a consumer

you bite

you took and continue to take from me

my everything

you ate everything

and I starved

I was hungry

but by then it was too late

I was too malnourished to move

too weak



but you see the difference between you versus them

is that

there is none

I still cannot tell you

what to do

I cannot tell you anything

what's my word against yours?

I must stop thinking now

I must stop talking

I must stop

I should stop

I will stop

for now

you do you

- where do we stand?