helping others is not always a good idea

I trained to be a sniper ,not because i wanted to, but because i have to, pulling the trigger is easy, but hitting a target hard. its been 4 days since i started to camouflage myself in this hilltop using deadgrass and soil .

enemy air units are frequently passing by above my head, sometimes snakes crawled near my body ,but to avoid detection i didn't move. in this mission all 99% percent goes to preparation and the remaining 1% is for the execution.and until now im waiting for the rigth opportunity to present itself, and that opportunity is now!.

"checking condition of my sniper....working state, targets distance... 3.2174 kilometers, wind speed and direction... check, fligth path...clear, barometric pressure....check , temp..... ,"

"about to fire waiting for the middle of a heart beat, for maximum stability"



*ding* "final enemy <> was successfully neutralized"

*ding* "100 Conquer points receive"

*ding* "Ezlarhan was successful conquered 1000 Conquer points"

*ding* "milestone reached - second world conquered 10,000 conquer points awarded"

*ding* "next world portal can be use, will you go now?" <>

"Yes "

*ding* "prepare to be teleported in 3...2...1"

=========== few years ago.

Being exiled in the family, and being left alone by her husband for other woman, my mother shouldered all the responsibility to let us both survive in this world.

when i was a child my mother once told me i can be whatever i wanted to be, but im already 15 years this year, but i still don't know what i wanted to be.

everyday i walk the same road, see the same building, meet the same people, and do the same thing over and over again.

"find a girlfriend" said one of the people i got acquainted with. I tried that one's and got rejected. "who want's a dull guy like you?" the girl says.why did i even try? Having a average look, unkempt black hair,and brown eyes, what do i expect, girl want those hot and cool guys.

7 years later, i thought that my life can't get even worst. but then my mother died.i cry....i cried alot. and in the following after that, i felt that living in this world is very questionable.

why i'm i still breathing?, why i'm i still moving?, why i'm i still feeling?, and why the hell i'm i still Alive!.

its been 22 years since, i was born in this world, and now i'm walking on my way home after working overtime in a programmering company.

and when just when i thought that, this will be the end of a boring day, i saw a guy confronting a girl in the alley. judging from there conversations the girl is trying to make the guy leave her alone. but it looks like the guy won't do that and started to threaten the girl.

seeing this, i grabbed my phone and call the police.i considered walking away after that, but knowing that the police migth take a while to arrive. i decided to wait for them.

a few minutes later the guy is now forcefully

grabbing the girls hands. and the best part is

police are still no where to be found "great".

well...i still have my basic mortality so i guess i should help.

i walk towards the guy to assess the situation, or to atleast buy some time for the police to


"hey man, can you please stop harrassing this

young lady" i said, surprise by the fact that i'm

too calm about it. like the meme i read "you

can't kill someone who is already dead inside"

"who is this clown? "the guy pointed me and

sneered. "say, little b*tch is this your new

boyfriend, is he the reason your so eager to

break up with me?"

"no!!! he doesn't have anything to do with this!, you being a jerk is the reason i'm leaving you!" the girl reply trying to act brave, but her voice is shakey from fear.

the guy turned his head towards me and look at me in a menacingly manner." you heard that rigth?, if i were you, i'll stop playing the hero, and go back from where the hell i came from"

"please calm down, and let go of this lady. we don't want any violence here "i said calmly while looking at him straight to his eyes.

"ha,ha,ha your not going to listen aren't cha punk!" he suddenly let go of the girl's hand and unleashed a punch towards my face.

seeing this i didn't panic but instead utilized the things i learned in my training on self-defense. but the punch is too fast that i got hit on the cheeks.

the sweet taste of blood ferments to my mouth. the thug unleashed another punch,so i step back immediately and did a boxing stance.

"why i'm, i doing this anyway?, i would've have gotten home, cook my meal and watch some show on the Tv"

my side step causes the thug to miss, giving me a chance to counter. i twisted my body and punch the guy on solar plexus using my dominant hand.


the guy was send rolling on the floor clunching his chest, seing this , i raised my left hand planning to send another punch to end the figth.

"please stop!!!" the girl yelled

hearing the girl scream. i retract my punch and look towards her.

it surprised me on how beautiful she is. and how that girl is too way out of my league.the girl must be in his 20s, she has a long black hair, oval face, delicate white skin, slender body. and height that is about 5 feet.

before i can even said a single word to her , the thug suddenly pulls out a pocket knife and stabbed me in my abdomen.


"aaaaarg" i stagger as i step away from the thug that was still holding his pocket knife." i guess my punch isn't too strong enough" my vision begins to become blurry

"thats what you get from butting on someone else's issue" the thug said while smiling sarcastically

"stop it jayson, he got nothing to do with this!" the girl is pleaded with tears in his eyes,

"shut up b*tch, stay out of this, i will teach this guy a lesson he will never forget" the thug named jayson runs towards me and send a kick to directly towards my wound.


"aaaaarrrrggggg". because of failing vision and too much pain, i didn't saw it coming , and got struck by the kick that was aimed on my wound, making the pain more unbearable.

"hahaha. next time dont play the hero" the thug said why smiling like a coldly.

"stop it!!!" the girl pleaded as she run towards me to blocking the thug named jayson from kicking me again.

*wewo* *wewo* *wewo* *wewo* the siren of the police was heared from the distance

"ow shit, the police!" jayson didn't even spare the girl a look before running away as fast as he could.

me on the other hand dragged my wounded body in the wall. cursing my idiotic self for deciding to help someone i didn't even know. well repentance is alway in the end.

"are you alright?" the girl that was petrified for a few second has finally gone back to herself. and what's with idiotic question.

"obviously not!" i wanted to yell that to her face. but my wound is too painful. it came out as a pained groan instead.

" for dragging you into..this im very sorry" the girl tearly apologized to me.making her look cute.what the hell im i thinking in this situation.

the girl is panicking , with her shacking hands she grab her cellphone to call the ambulance.

"im sorry...please hang on i already called the ambulance" she said while holding my wounds to stop the bleeding. on the other hand i'm too tired to say anything and closed my eyes on the hope to lessen the pain in my abdomine.

few more minutes later the cops arrive. i powerlessly opened my eyes, i feel to weak at the moment maybe because i loss to much blood.

i saw one of the police runs towards me and immediately applied some first aid. seeing this i finally let go of my consciousness.