Seo Yeon

"mom, did i have a father?" a small boy with black hair, asked his mother that is cooking dinner .

"of course, Alex everyone has a father" her mother said while, she continue's from steering a pot.

"if that is true,then why did i never meet him?" the boy asked

"well, I'll tell you about it when you grown older." his mother pinch his cheeks and smiled



"that dream again" sunshine from the open window found its way on the face of man with black messy hair, brown eyes, and average looks, his body twitches a little before covering his eyes.


too bright. i tried to cover my eyes because the sun is too brigth,after my vision was cleared from the sunligth, i was dumbfounded when i realized that im not in my house.

"where am i?..ouch!" the sudden sting from my abdomen had reminded me of my currently predicament.

"ow yeah, i got myself in trouble, and now, this is happen to me, it suck being a good Samaritan, i should have walk away instead".

*creeeeck* the doors opened slowly revealing a nurse holding a progress note.

"ow your awake?...excuse me then, Mr Alex Anderson, you have visitor" the nurse said, before a girl in yellow dress come in with a basket of fruit. if i were to describe this girl features, she must be one of those k-pop idols.

the girl walk toward me and bowed her head "sorry for causing you so much trouble Anderson-shi ".

"why apologize, should've you be thanking me instead?"i ask.

the girl paused for a bit and bowed one's again "thank you very much for saving me!"

i dont like this twirly twirly kind of conversation let just get to the point "what happened to that guy?" i asked after she's done bowing

"jayson was already caught and was arrested, he is now being detained for a trial because of the case of physical injuries." the girl answered

"is that so", i have nothing more to ask. and started to look around instead.

the girl found her self a chair and sit on it. before staring at me for a long period of time.

the suffocating silence is slowly drowning me. i never have thought that being watch by a beautiful girl i barely know feels so awkward. i hope she will excuse herself and leave somewhere.

a few more minutes later the girl is still sitting there watching me silenty. as for me i finally reached my limit and tried to make a conversation like what social extroverts do.

"if i may ask how should i call you?"

the girl suddenly twiched , maybe of the sudden question from me.

she immediately started talking "my name is Kim Seo Yeon , my family moved here 16 years ago,when i was a still child, my mother's name was ...a long story.... and my great great great grandfather pass the book that contains the secret of summoning a devil to his son ,and his son pass it to his daugther, and the cycle continues ,until my grandfather passed it to father then my father passed it to me when I'm 18 , its already family tradition but its not like demons are real...rigth?"

"i guess so" i answered,then the silence continued.

well that word can end a conversation really fast. I wonder when will she go home?

i was shock on how my one question to her was answered by the origin of her family.

a few more silent moments later Seo Yeon open her mouth,"Anderson-shi do you hate me?" Seo Yeon suddenly asked.

"why would,i hate a beautiful girl like y.....ou" shit i was caught off guard.

a smile bloomed in Seo Yeon beautiful face "i guess your tired Anderson-Shi ,i hope you'll get well soon." she stands up and walk to the door.

"I'll visit you again tomorrow bye,bye" she closed the door leaving me alone one's again.

but this time i want to punch myself.

Seo Yeon continued to visit me every day for the past 3 days.she chatted non stop about her childhood,her parents,and anything she can think of. if it was 7 years ago i migth think this girl likes me. but now i guess she is just repaying my deed of saving her by visiting me.

i left the hospital after the 4th day with Seo Yeon knowing, i guess this is where i return to my former life.

few days later, Jayson was successful convicted and got punished by the court with 2 year of imprisonment and a fine, worth a few dollars.

===========7:15am is a place where Alex was working. after he was Discharged from the hospital Alex rested for 1 and a half week in his house, and on that time, he didn't meet Seo Yeon ever he felt his life is returned to its former gloomy self .

"hey Alex, i thought you have been stab by someone, are your wound all healed now?" Alex's male office worker named James. who had good looks, high communication skills, and can be considered as one of the cool guys. ask Alex casually after seeing him enter the office

"I'm ok" Alex answered shortly

"ow..alrigth then" james responded.

Alex inspected his desk full of projects he need to do."its a litle bit less than I expected" he through.

... 5.30pm office

after working until 5pm Alex manage to accomplish most of his work, he stretched his sore arms and tried to relax.

"finally... damn i'm starving, Hey Vincent, Nile, Rose let's grab something to eat in Big Rac, my treat "James yelled to their officemate

"wow how nice of you james"Rose said, she has a blonde hair, pointy nose and passable looks. she's in her mid 20s.

Alex consider her as one of the party girls. those who wore makeup every time they leave there house.

"Alex you can just come with us" James said. smiling towards, Alex who is laying on his desk

"no thank's" Alex answed without looking at him, Alex is not fond of crowded places, and hanging out with social peoples.

"see...thats why you don't have a love life! hahaha come with us....just for this one time, yeah you can consider this as team bonding!, what do you say?" james joked, while at the same time convincing Alex to join them.

"naaa, i'm good " Alex answered in the same manner as he did last time.his expression didn't even change.

Rose move towards James and hugged his arms between her twin towering peaks, "see...he didn't wan't to join just let him do what he wan't, i bet he will to be single forever" she is smiling but her eyes told Alex that this girl was disgusted to him.

"I totally agree, hahaha" one of there office mates joked, making the hole employees in the office laugh.

seeing this alex shrugged before closing his eyes to rest.

*creeeeeak* the office door slowly opened as a head of girl started peaking inside she seems to be looking for someone

james and the other people in the office turned there head to the door , they were surprised to see the one peaking on the door is a beautiful, girl with long black hair and fair white skin, she has a slender build, in her 20s.

and when you compared her to Rose. its like comparing a frog with make up to a graceful swan. where the frog was of course Rose.

James who is mesmerized for sometime had finally recover, and tried to initiate a conversation "ahem...hello miss i'm James by the way, how can we help you?"he is smiling sweetly towards the girl.

"am i'm looking for someone named Alex " the girl on the door answered shyly but her eye continued scanning the room.

Rose on the other hand gritted her teeth in envy ,it should be her time to appeal in front James, but then this girl show up and stole her limeligth .

"Alexander? i guess you pick the wrong office, his working in the upper floor, now please close the door" Rose interjected wanting the girl to get loss immediately, but to her suprise the girl walk inside instead.

all the people in the office followed her with there eyes, as she continued walking straight to a direction of a certain guy that is currently resting his eyes

"found you...Anderson-shi" the girl announced.

hearing a somewhat familiar voice, Alex open his eyes "Seo Yeon?.. what are you doing here?"


so that's is how i meet Seo Yeon, and this is when it all began, she dragged me to places I didn't go before, teaches thing i never knew before,make me feel thing i never felt before, and show me love that i never got before.

we planned our marriage one month from now, but i never knew that this plan will be cancelled by an incurable disease that Seo Yeon had.

since then, every day feels like a turture, and as day goes by Seo Yeon became weaker and weaker. i know that the day she has left is out number. but what can i do?

"Alex...." i head a voice in head.

"who are you" i asked

"you don't need to know for now but , don't you want that girl to live?" the voice in my head asked

"i want her to live!"

"if so , answer me Alex, will you do anything for her?"

"...i will!"

"after i said that in my head, the world darkens"