
its already 9:00am when Alex woke up from his slumber. he drunk 1/4 of the water he have.

he checking the situation below. to only see that the zombies are still wandering there.then few moments later the system notifies him .

*Ding*"Qualifing Quest"

«Danger level=Very low»

Reach Mutant body level 1 by killing atleast 100 infected" {0/100} 48 hours remaining.

Reward:(1000 Conquer points, Random normal weapon)

Failure:( the host will be returned back to his world)

Caution: Death is irreversible.

Alex can't believe what he is seeing," is this a suicide mission? im sure I'll be torn to shreds by those zombies .... but on the other hand if I didn't do it, i comeback safe, but Seo Yeon will surely die"

Alex knew that if he failed this mission Seo Yeon will absolutely die. having no parents or relatives. Alex felt very desolated in his former world, until Seo Yeon cross his life. so if Seo Yeon was gone..Alex knew that he will be left alone one's again.

"Rewards come's with a risk!, and now that Seo Yeon needs me the most, I'll do what i must to save her!"Alex was finally decided to do the quest, even when the odds are not to his favor, he promised to himself that he will do it. no matter what the cause.

opening the door slowly. Alex saw a staircase heading down the 10th of the building. he tried walking slowly and quietly as possible,while he continuesly scanned the room for zombies or loot.

as he walk down cautiously to the stares, Alex face didn't change much even though the truth is that his very scared on the inside.

the hallway is clear of zombies ,but there are blood splattered all over the place.making Alex feel chills to his spines.

while looking around Alex found 7 closed rooms and 3 open one's. Alex decided to scavenge to the nearby room that is already open.

after peeking inside the first room, Alex saw no one is inside, so he proceeded to scanning the room , there is a big bed, a wardrobe and table inside the room.

he walk slowly in the room. but then he heared a faint sound of something moving under the bed.

then suddenly before he can reach a small, pale, and blood hands grabbed his feet under the bed.then the small zombie hurriedly tried to bite Alex's feet, but its teeths failed to penetrate Alex's shoe's.

Seeing this, Alex immediate response is to hurriedly pull his foot from its clutches. then used it to stomp the zombie's head a multiple times on impulse.




Alex easily crush the zombie skull with his foot because, the zombie bones is more fragile than an alive humans.

after a human turned into zombies there body will stop its process of metabolism. therefore resulting to there bones being brittle.

"haa....huuu....haaa...huuu" Alex heart is beating like crazy. looking at the mutilated head of the zombie he just crushed. he felt a wave of nausea .making him lean to a nearby wall and vomit all the water he drunk not so long ago.

*ding*"mutation increased by 0.01%"

*ding*"Quest kill (1/100)"

Alex ignored the notification from the system. for now ad wiped his mouth with his bare hands. and before he proceeds to scavenging, he took a look in the hallway to see if the muffled sound. manage to grab some attention of the zombies nearby. but it seems like the zombies didn't hear a thing.

ignoring the dead body of the zombified small girl, Alex searches the whole rooms finding a few useful things, A butane Lighter and a rechargeable flashlight. he put it all to his bag.

after that Alex check the second open room. on which he found an empty traveling knapsack, a hunting knife, and hiking boots. he thrown away his shoes which have bite marks on it. and wore the Hiking boots instead "hmmm good fit". Alex murmured. in satisfaction.

he also grabbed a black hoodie ang worn it under his white tshirt.

moving to the third room he found a duct tape and small map of the city.but the words used in the map is unreadable for him. but he still kept it in his knapsack either way.

after that Alex tried checking the doors that are close. the first one is locked,The second one is lock, the third one is locked also.

but in the fourth room when Alex tried to opened it , a man that was inside the room suddenly asked "what do you want!" Alex was surprised, he didn't thought that there is a still people in this seems like this old man survived by hiding to his room.

Alex wanted to ask some questions to this old man, but after hearing his unfriendly voice Alex decided to leave him alone "nothing..."

but before he can turn around the man suddenly asked a question "hey...are those creatures still around this building?",

"maybe" Alex shrugged, he can't be wasting time on comforting a grumpy old man.

after checking all the doors Alex confirmed that they are all lock. looking at the things littered on the hallway.Alex grabbed a mop with wooden hand

then he seperates the mop and the wooden handle. he opened his bag and grabbed the hunting knife and duck tape that he found earlier.

the door on the fourth floor opens, as old man with his head full white hair and wearing a pair of spectacles. peered through the door. "young man...are they gone?" he asked

"only in this floor i guess"Alex answered without looking at the old man.because he is busy creating a make shifted spear using the mop handle, duct tape and hunting knife.

he pulled a 3 feet duct tape then cut it using his hunting knife before using the ducktape to tie the knife at the end of the pole as tightly as he could.

checking the durability of his finished product Alex nodded in satisfaction faction.

"hey young man...are you planning to fight those things,i suggest you to wait for the army to come, those zombie are very tough to kill, you'll only kill yourself and become one of them" the old man ranted to Alex.

but Alex didn't seems to care as he try practicing some thrust with his make shift spear.

a few moments later a zombie suddenly found its way to the 10th floor.

seeing this the old man hurriedly closed his door. Alex on the other hand hide somewhere nearby.

he let the zombie wander the room for a bit. then after seeing a good opportunity to strike, Alex sneaked for atleast 5 feet away from the zombie, before thrushing the makeshift spear towards its head.


the zombie didn't even make a sound before it killed.

*ding*"mutation increased by 0.01%"

*ding*"Quest kill (2/100)"