the weapons fit for a.....king?

after the a skull being pierced and a body dropping to the ground resounded for the last time .the 10th floor finally became quite one's again .

Alex appeared to calm and collected while pulling the blooded makeshift spear from the zombies head. but the truth is that his very shaken in the inside.

killing a zombies freaks him out. but thanks to his determination. he manage to keep killing the zombies coming at him.for Alex that didn't experience to even kill a chicken before. this results felt very life changing to him.

"i can't let this fear control me forever. i only have 2 days to kill 98 more of this creatures!" Alex said to himself. gripping the make shift spear in his hand even tighter.

*creeeak* the doors open beside Alex. as the same old man before. peeked through the door. "wow I can't believe you managed to killed that thing with that crude weapon of yours...hey where are you going!"

Alex didn't answer the man as he resolutely walk down the stairs."hey young man we can help each other, i'm a scientist.... Hey! fine if you want to die that much...have it your way then!" the old man angrily shut the door.

"whats his problem?"Alex thought.

Walking down the 9th floor Alex Spotted at least 10 zombies aimlessly wandering the hall way.after readying his makeshift spear he didn't wait for the zombie to spot him before rushing to the one closest and burying the spear on its head.


*ding*"mutation increased by 0.01%"

pulling it out the spear from the zombie's head. it body falls to the ground with a *tud* alerting the nearby zombies.


the alerted zombies on the area rushed immediately towards Alex, intending to tear him apart.

"here goes nothing!" Alex waited for the zombie to come in contact within 4 feet near him before piercing its head with his spear easily because of zombie's clumsy movement.

after pulling the spear as fast as he could. he then, step back a few feet away from zombie that manage to get very too close to him. after he felt confident that the zombie can't reach him he continued the assault. using his spear reach to his advantage.

this cycle continues for a few minutes


*ding*"mutation increased by 0.01%"

*ding*"Quest kill (14/100)"

*haaa, huuuu,haaaa,huuuuu*Alex can't believe that he somehow manage to kill 12 zombies on his own. even though, the sigth of piled dead bodies looks to revolting to him, he still manage to grin in self-satisfaction.

"i did it Seo Yeon!".Alex murmured

wiping the sweat and blood in his face.Alex decided to sit in a corner far away from the rottening corpses to rest his body.

dragging the spear with dark blood and white matter splattered all over it along with him. he tried checking its condition.

looking at his gruesome weapon, Alex carefully inspect the binding of the knife to its pole, then a few minutes later he concluded that the makeshift is still functional.

putting it down on the ground alex tried look what his status looked rigth now.


Name: (Alex Anderson)

age: (23)

Status:(Human 99%),(Mutant=0.14%),(???????=0.000001%)

(Worldly power Rule = Mutation level {0.1})

Strength: {3.7} / 5(+1.5)={6.5}max

Agility:{3.4}/ 5(+1.5)={6.5}max

Stamina:{2.0}/ 5(+1.5)={6.5}max

Dexterity: {3.6}/ 5(+1.5)={6.5}max

Vitality: {2.7}/ 5(+1.5)={6.5}max

Intelligents:{4.5}/ 5(+1.5)={6.5}max

Perception:{3.6}/ 5(+1.5)={6.5}max


Conquer Points: 0

looking at the stats the system is displaying to him. he assumed that 5 points is maximum capacity of an ordinary Human. But as this mutation grew. his body potential also increases along side it.

so that means if he manage to reach mutation level 1 his body potential will likely increase by at least one fold. but his humanity will decrease. but he thought its just a little change in his origin and as long as Seo Yeon's lives, this small sacrifices don't really matter to him.

the mysterious one is the question marks in the origin with only could already increase Alex maximum stat by 1 point. so he didn't dare to think what will happen if he manage to increase it to 1%.

leaving the issue aside for now Alex decided to check all the open rooms in the 9th floor for zombies before going down further.

after killing another 3 more zombies that are hidden in the rooms in 9th floor, Alex proceed to the 8th, 7th, 6th,5th,4th,3rd and 2nd floors, doing the same stab, step back tactics. to clear the zombies in the floors.


the last zombie that was hidden in a room was killed by Alex.

*ding*"mutation increased by 0.01%"

*ding*"host achieve mutation level 1: immunity zombification ,undistributed stat +5 , Basic Attributes +1

*ding*"Quest kill (100/100)"

*Ding*"quest complete, host was awarded with 1,000 conquer points,"

*Ding*"shop has opened"

*ding* "random normal weapon claim now (yes/no)"

after the notification that he manage to finished the quest. Alex felt a little relieve. this small success felt very satisfying for him.

after locking the door that leads to the first floor. Alex ate his biscuits, then dragged his tired body in the most cleanest room he found, before taking a his victory nap inside after looking the door.

the next day 5:00 am in the morning when the alarm clock next to the bed, where Alex was sleeping suddenly rings. waking him from his slumber.

Alex smack the alarm on impulse,standing up from the bed he directly head to the shower but. then he realized this is not his house. and more importantly this is not his world."hmmm i forgot , I don't have a work in this place" Alex murmured.

well there's is no point sleeping again. Alex check the bathroom anyway, the water is still running, so he decided to take a bath before the water run out. he also washed the hoodie he looted, because he has taken a liking to it.

checking the wardrobes of the room, he found a few t-shirts and a cargo pants, they are a little to big, but Alex didn't care much. so he wear it anyway.

in after 2 days of hardship Alex Finally found a time to relax. looking outside, the zombies on walking around the streets seems to reduced in number. "i should go out there sooner or later to scavage some food to sustain myself. by for now lets relax for a bit" Alex thought. he sat on a couch then stretched his foot.

Alex checked the system interface.


Name: (Alex Anderson)

age: (23)

Status:(Human 98%),(Mutant=1%),(???????=0.000001%)

(Worldly power Rule = Mutation level {1.0})

Redistributive points:{5}

Strength: {5.0} / 5(+1.5)={11}max

Agility:{4.8}/ 5(+1.5)={11}max

Stamina:{3.3}/ 5(+1.5)={11}max

Dexterity: {3.6}/ 5(+1.5)={11}max

Vitality: {3.7}/ 5(+1.5)={11}max

Intelligents:{4.5}/ 5(+1.5)={11}max

Perception:{4.6}/ 5(+1.5)={11}max


Conquer Points: 1,000

i wonder what will happen if i add all 5 points to agility, can i really move very fast?, After Alex assign all 5 points to agility, he hurriedly stands up from the couch. after standing up he paused for a few second looking bewildered, before sitting back to couch.

" i guess its real" Alex felt that his body is much more lighter than before. so think further testing isn't needed.

checking the shop. the only thing that was on sell is a system upgrade. which had a price tag of 10,000 conquerer points.

leaving that aside, he click the unclaimed rewards and opened the random weapon pack.

*ding* "rusty full metal halberd"

a rusty halberd with 6 feet metal handle, materialized in front of Alex, after floating a few seconds it drop to the ground with a *clank*

Alex staired at it with dumbfounded gaze"excuse me, what the f*ck?".