Chapter 11.) Unexpected Turn of Events

Straight away, just as Inorin thought, Koeda lounged in from behind Dread Knight in an attempt to strike his back knee.

'Of course! With Koeda's perception skills, I knew she would easily pick up on his open weaknesses.' Inorin thought to himself

Koeda used a skill that showed up as a glow on her dagger. It appeared to be a skill to boost attack power.

She slashed the dagger across Dread Knight's back knee. But as she struck him her dagger head split in two. Unexpectedly she was able to catch herself and quickly leaped back to avoid a incoming shield attack.

She threw 3 kunai towards the Knight's shield with precision. One of which had a smoke bomb attached that blew up on impact. Then she used it as cover to escape into the trees.

"How can that be? He wasn't he affected by her first attack at all, like he didn't even feel it."

The smoke cleared and Koeda was missing from the scene but Dread Knight remained in the same place he started in.

'I wonder why he's not moving. Even when he swung his shield he only moved the top half of his body.'

Kunai started to appear in the air all over the place. Koeda was attacking then moving to a new place to keep her position concealed.

But they had no effect, they either bounced directly off the armor or were blocked by the enemy's shield.

She threw 3 kunai in the same spot of the middle of the shield, each one pushing the previous kunai further in.

She had created a dent in the shield but she'd have to throw another 6 kunai in order for that dent to become a hole.

'This doesn't look good, sorry Koeda I won't be able to watch the rest. I need to do some research real quick.'

Inorin pulled up his menu, located the log out button, and started to vanish from existence.

When he logged out, the first thing he did was check the time. It was now 6:33 PM, when he first entered the game, it was around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Ender's Playground takes about 6 real world hours to complete a full 24 hours game time.

He wasn't worried about time anyways, it was still New Years and his mom was on a business trip.

"Alright I need to check that class. I believe he was a Knight Berserker."

Vander went to the official Ender's Playground wiki, located the general classes section, and clicked on Berserker.

Frontier Assault Berserker

Surge Breaker Berserker

Hell Bringer Berserker

Barbarian Berserker

Knight Berserker

Warpath Berserker

Vander saw the first 6 sub classes of Berserker and found what he was looking for: Knight Berserker.

He clicked on it and scoured through tons of information on the subject. But he never located what he was looking for: a weak spot for the class.

So he decided to go the search bar in order to find exactly what he was looking for.

'Weak spots for Knight Berserker class.'

"Ahh so that's his weakness, kind of crazy that a skilled Berserker only has one weakness."

"Hmm I need to tell Koeda quickly."

Vander quickly grabbed his headset and laid down on the bed.

He looked at the clock saying 6:40 PM...

"Alright time for round 2!" He said laughingly

Inorin appeared right behind the chair he was previously sitting in. But now there was someone sitting there.

"I have to tell Koeda the news."

"Tell me what Rin?" A female interrupts from behind.

"Koeda? But why are you here, what about your fight?"

"It's over now, it's been over for a while now. Your fight is about to begin."

Aww that's right, time moves faster in the game. I forgot."

"Wait so how did the fight go?"

"Well, I lost."

"What!? How?"

"Well I figured out his real weakness but ran out of time and lost because I took 8 damage from a shield attack."

"Wait how did you figure out his weakness?"

"Since I put so much focus on my perception, I developed an ability called 'Deep Analysis' which allows me to see the strengths and physical weaknesses of any player..." Yūki explains

"So does that mean you-"

*Match 8 between players Dread Knight and Inorin will begin shortly. Please report to kiosk 8.*

"Really my turn already, well wish me luck." Inorin says while laughing

"You won't need it."

Inorin headed towards kiosk 8 to prepare for battle.

'I wonder if Koeda knows my weaknesses.' He thought to himself

He laid down under the scanner and was transported to the battle zone.

The battle field was an abandoned amusement park. Both players spawned looking dead at each other.

A 10 second countdown appeared to prep the fighters.

"You should forfeit." Said Dread Knight

"And why is that?"

You won't be able to break my defenses to damage me. You'll just end up running out of time and losing like the last person."

Inorin laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

The countdown ended and the match began.

Inorin began slowly walking towards his opponent.

"A straight forward tactic you must be eager to die."

"No I just figured I'd give you a good look at the man who'll kill you."

"Haha you're delusional if you-"

As Inorin stepped into his face he went quiet.

He swung his sword towards Inorin's neck

The swing was blocked easily simply by Inorin flailing is left arm in front of the sword.

The Berserker's sword flew out of his hands.

"Looks like you dropped something, I give you a second to pick it up."

"I don't need it!" Dread Knight challenged

He attempted to push Inorin back with a simple shield attack.

Inorin jumped back, picked up a large rock, and threw it at the Berserker.

He held his shield up in a attempt to block it but when he pulled his shield back down it wasn't a rock that had hit him, it was Inorin himself.

He struck through the hole in the shield were Koeda had previously attacked.

"I guess I'll have to thank Koeda for that hole she made."

Inorin's hand went through both the shield and Dread Knights chest plate.

He tried to pulled his arm out but it was stuck in the shield.

Dread Knight let go of the shield and stumbled back a few steps while gasping for air.

He had just gotten pierced in the center of his chest, just barely missing his heart.

"I felt your heart, it's wasn't beating. I guess the nape truly is your only weakness."

"How did you break the my armor, it was triple plated?"

"My strength stat is way higher than your armor, even with your high level."

"How is that possible?"

Inorin yanked his arm out of the shield then threw it at the Knight.

*Shadow Step*

"Hey I'm going to kill you now-"

He grabbed Dread Knight's head while he was still trying to catch his breath, and forced it into his knee.

He then grabbed a small dagger from his sleeve and attempted to cut out his nape.

Dread Knight rolled over before he could get cut.

"Where are you going?"

*Gravity Control: Fallout*

He had now restricted Dread Knight's movement and forced his head into the ground.

This in turn exposed his nape fully.

Inorin quickly sliced his neck and a red glow appeared on Dread Knight.

By cutting his one weakness, Inorin had unknowingly activated Dread Knight's secret class ability; Last Stand.

This ability granted Dread Knight super armor keeping him from flinching when being attacked and also doubling his strength.

But the skill also had a downside, Dread Knight's inanimate body had now come to life allowing him to be able to be killed by normal human means. It also doubled the amount of damage he takes from attacks.

Dread Knight had broken through the gravity magic and grabbed his sword then flung himself into the air.

Inorin jumped back to gain some distance from his opponent.

Dread Knight then landed and released himself from his armor for more flexibility.

"Ahh, looks like someone's finally ready to get serious."