Chapter 10.) Avenging Yuri’s Death

"I'll send you to the same place you sent Yuri."

"Like hell you will!" Yūki replied

Inorin started running towards her, purposely mocking her now that she knew he could teleport at any moment.

*Dimensional Shift*

Yūki teleported to the top of a 3 story building to her right in order to gain some distance.

"This'll kill you for sure!" She yelled

*Dimension Style: Black Hole

A black ball formed in the sky and began to suck every thing up around the 4 buildings including Inorin and Koeda.

'Rin!' Koeda said in a private voice chat.

Inorin glanced up to Koeda while she was being pulled into the air and saw her use a skill that pulled her back to the ground.


*You have unlocked a new skill; Gravity Control: Fallout.*

'It seems she's figured out how my ability works.'

Up until this point, Inorin had been pulled relatively high in the sky but managed avoid the black hole by continuously switching places with debris also being pulled upwards.

*Gravity Control: Fallout* Allows the caster to control the gravity in their immediate vicinity. Can only be used for faster descent, but fully negates fall damage. (Not restricted to any class.)

Inorin began high speed repelling himself back to the ground, creating a crater where he landed due to the height of the fall. He immediately continued his walk towards Yūki.

"How is that possible?! You shouldn't be able to stay on the ground, let alone walk!" Yūki yelled.

"I told you that I would kill you but now I will make sure you suffer a miserable death."

Yūki began running towards the back of the building she was standing on.

"Going somewhere?…" He appeared in front of her to say.

*Gravity Control: Fallout*

He forced Yūki to the ground on all fours with her face smushed in.

He pulled the two axes from his back, stabbed one into her back, and then threw the other to the ground directly in front of her.

Then he took a bow from his quiver and stabbed it into the back of her left knee.

"You won't be running anymore." He laughed

'Rin, sorry but I think you should wrap it up before another team comes and attacks us.' Koeda interrupted

"Alright I guess I'll end it now…" He said as he reached for the axe in front of him.

With her last good arm, Yūki grabbed the axe the same time as Inorin. She tugged at it with enough force to make him actually use some of his true strength.

Finally, she let go and Inorin tumbled back a few steps. Buying herself some time, she opened her menu and pressed 'End 3rd Exam.' In turn, she began to vanish in front of Inorin's very eyes.

"See ya, I'm going to go pass the final exam now. Bye!"

Inorin, who never truly gotten mad through the entire fight, had been filled with rage at himself after allowing Yūki to get away.

"Koeda, let's go!"

She appeared before him ready to leave.

"Rin, calm down we'll run into her again during the next exam phase." She said trying to comfort him.

"Let's just go. I'm tired of all these test now. What is the final one?"

"It's a basic rules tournament but the matches are picked at random. I feel bad for whoever your opponents are."

The duo confirmed their 3rd exam completion and were warped at the same time to a new location: the tournament stage.

Inorin forgot to check the current amount of players before leaving and now the number had disappeared.

*The 1st battle between players 'Brysen' and 'Arrowhead' will begin shortly.* A system message popped up in all the player's faces.

*Damage occurred in battle will remain during the next fight. Health will not regenerate during this phase. Please check the rules for battle.*

"Let's see here…"

"So it seems we only have to win 2 fights out of 3 in order to finally pass the exam phase."

*During this phase, you will be able to spectate other battles or skip straight to your battle by submitting a request to your opponent.*

"Rin it looks like I'm in the 4th battle and you're in the 8th."

"Ohh really? Who will I be fighting?"

"A guy named 'Dread Knight' will be your opponent, he's a Berserker class."

"Not that it matters but I appreciate the info."

"Do you want to skip straight to you fight?"

"No, I'm interested in your fight so I'll spectate you!"

"Okay I'll put in a request."

"Hey do you know when Yūki is fighting?"

"I don't, it only shows the bracket for the first 10 fights." She replied

This final phase was set in a large facility that had two stories. There were two chairs in front of each large screen monitor and plenty rooms with beds under something that looks to be a CT Scanner from hospitals. In truth it was a machine that transported the player onto a 1v1 battlefield.

*Skip request granted. Please report to kiosk 4.*

Inorin walked Koeda over to her room then walked to one of the monitors to watch the fight.

'So she'll be fighting a Berserker that goes by…'

"…'Dread Knight'!?"

'She and I are scheduled to fight the same person, did she know that already? This guy has really bad luck, he'll have to repeat the entire exam.'

Both Koeda and Dread Knight spawned on the battlefield and a 10 second countdown started to prompt the two.

'D-r-e-a-d K-n-i-g-h-t' He typed in the search bar.


'What is this? His level is too high for him to still be in the exams!'

"Dread Knight's armor is going to give that Koeda girl a hard time." A random player beside Inorin said.

'Ohh that's right! Koeda specializes in swift knife strikes to catch the opponent off guard. She'll probably strike the joints that aren't covered by armor, like the back of the knees or the inner elbow.' Inorin speculated about the upcoming fight.

Koeda and Dread Knight exchanged a few words before the countdown ended but they were inaudible through the monitor.

Finally they were allowed to move so Koeda sped off into the trees on her left. She immediately started evaluating her opponent in a attempt to find a opening to strike.