Ch 8 Planning and Pleasure


(There some light smut ahead. Nothing crazy. You've been waarrnnneeddd.)

Sara spent the next week relaxing and the guys took turns staying with her at the penthouse so she could get to know them better one on one. The others had to portal back to their main headquarters so they could continue their meetings and properly clear their schedules. Whoever had her for the day would usually dote on her and take her shopping for more clothes she didn't need and lingerie she was sure wouldn't last longer than them seeing it on her. Surprisingly enough the guys seemed to totally support her other hobbies and supplied her with a high end laptop, a tower with multiple monitors, and Murciél added more anime channels to his package even though she had Hulu and Netflix and crunchy roll. They promised to get a bigger place they could all stay and that she'd have an arts and craft room.

Part of her felt horrible for mooching off of the guys, she always had to be self sufficient and not rely on anyone but herself, but she saw how happy they were taking care of her and treating her like the queen she is and she couldn't take that away from them. She decided when she got her arts and crafts space she'd open an Etsy shop so she could keep busy and make a profit from it. Then she could get the guys something nice as a thank you for their love and support.

Sara however never lost sight of the end goal with all her free time. She fully intended on getting back at Jackie and making sure Diak couldn't pray on women anymore. Normally she would have been fine with the boys having her arrested and her rotting in a cell but they seemed to be rubbing off on her. Here she was making plans over lunch that she cooked for her and Mala'ika. "How's it coming?" he asked and she sighed looking away from her notepad.

"I have no idea if we can lure him out using Jackie but if we manage that then you guys can take him down" she replied looking out the window pensively. "Okay, where were you thinking and how would we get him there?" he asked, getting up and bringing their plates into the kitchen to wash. "Well...I was thinking I could be bai-" she heard a loud crash and Mala'ika was in her face before she could realize what had happened.

"Absolutely NOT!" he whisper yelled, she knew he wasn't angry with her but it still scared her a little and she flinched away. "I'm sorry dalili na but the idea of you being anywhere near this battle not only enrages me but scares me. We want to give you time to get accustomed to this life and us and we are perfectly okay with giving you that time and space but we won't have the mating bond to rely on for help if things go south. Though we wouldn't risk you in any way shape or form. Mating bond or not." he added trying to calm her.

He rubbed his knuckles against her cheek and she leaned into his touch closing her eyes. "Okay" she replied with a defeated sigh " but what will I do then?" she asked. "You will have an escort of guards to keep you safe. We put you in an offsite location that no one but those involved know about and come get you when it's done" he informed her. Sara felt it was better to have her with them but she decided against mentioning that as to not upset him, and he did have a point. Sara shrugged it off and ripped the page out her notebook balling it up and tossing it in the trash can with the others.

Just then her phone rang. She lost her original cell at Jackie's so the guys replaced it with a much nicer one of course, and transferred her number to their US account. She picked it up off the table flipping it over and froze in shock. "Mala'ika….its Jackie…" she informed him and he sat in the chair next to her. "Answer, on speaker, you have 60 seconds then hang up" he informed her. She nodded and answered the call.

"Hello?" Sara answered and got a deep hiss as a reply. She could feel it was laced with malice and hostility and it made a shiver shoot up her spine and her body shake. Mala'ika rubbed the small of her back in claiming circles and she shot him a soft smile. "Hello Sara," he finally said, dragging out the S like a snake. "So good we get to finally speak since you ran off before we could talk last time" he finished. "Well kidnapping a girl is not the way to her heart" she snapped. "How's that guy's leg by the way?" She asked, trying to rile him up and make him slip.

"Oh you must think you're such a funny bitch. I wonder if Jackie here agrees? What say you Jackie?" He asked as there was ruffling on the phone "P-please help!" Jackie cried out and you heard the sound of flesh on flesh as he smacked Jackie. Sara jumped at the sound and Mala'ika pulled her closer to him. "I guess she doesn't think you are. So when will you be coming back to me?" He asked. Sara scoffed "I'd rather eat dirt" Sara replied and hung up as the timer hit 57 seconds into the call. She shuddered, even though she was off the phone she still felt gross. "I'm gonna go shower" she informed Mala'ika and he nodded. He was sure it was a burner phone but he copied the number she got the call from and sent it to his IT specialist.

Sara stepped into the scalding hot water. Had she been lighter her skin would turn pink after her showers but there's nothing like the sweat of Satan to cleanse a person. She spent longer in the shower than she had intended and the large space filled with steam quickly making her light headed. She stepped out and opened the door to the bathroom to let the air and steam out and went back to dry off, wash her face and brush her teeth. It was nowhere near her bed time but Diak's voice made her feel so dirty she had to clean everything. She wiped the steam off the glass as it started to clear she stepped back to admire herself.

She had a full hourglass figure, hips made for child bearing and children making depending on who you asked. Her curls were so long they covered her large breast stopping at the small of her back. She sighed, turning sideways to check her behind, full Georgia peach cheeks that rounded off into thunderous yet muscular thighs. 'Thick thighs save lives. Call me little buttercup' She sang to herself.

As she was ready to walk out Mala'ika walked in to set out an outfit for her; the guys wanted to take her out for dinner before shit hit the fan over the next few days. She stopped dead in her tracks her eyes locked onto him and as he turned his eyes locked to her before traveling down over her exposed body. "MALA'IKA!" she yelled, turning off the lights and grabbing a towel in the hopes of hiding herself. "Yes raina" she heard him growl.

As he approached her his eyes began to glow and his iris turned a glowing gold. She watched as he gave her another once over before stepping right up to her. "What the hell are you doing I need to put on some clothes!" She told him and he smiled leaning down to nuzzle his face into the crook of her neck. "I was going to put out an outfit for dinner tonight, but I decided that you looked better without. Way better" he told her his warm breath cascading over her bare skin. She felt her nipples grow taught against the plush towel and had to bite her bottom lip to suppress a moan. "Mal-" was all she managed to get out before his lips were on hers.

The kiss was gentle at first but grew hotter and deeper. He prodded her mouth to open for him with his tongue and she obliged. She wanted to taste him as much as he did her. Reluctantly he pulled away, their lips brushing against each other gently, "I can't guarantee that I'll be able to stop...but I will fulfill your every desire should you wish. You will know nothing but pleasure raina, if you want it... " he wanted her to know he'd never do anything against her will. Consent was key. But he also wanted her to be fully aware of his desire for her.

She dropped the towel not caring anymore and slipped her arms around his neck pulling his lips back down to hers. His hand traversed up her back before one settled at the nape of her neck and the other at the small of her back pulling her flush to him. She enjoyed the rasping feel of her nipples against his clothes but enjoyed how she fit perfectly to his body even more. Mala'ika radiated power and heat and she moaned into the kiss as he lifted her with one arm around her waist. She had to wrap her legs around his waist to avoid falling and he moaned into her mouth feeling the heat of her womanhood against his growing erection.

She wasn't sure how or when but he had walked them over to the bed and reluctantly they had to break the kiss to get a proper breath of air. "Fuck Sarauniya…" he muttered against her skin. "Mala'ika" she moaned his named in a plea. She was sure her womanhood left evidence against his slacks and she could care less, she wanted him fully and was willing to beg for it at this point.

Mala'ika tossed her on the bed and breathed in sharply as she squealed her, breast bounced around before settling, her hair fanning around herself clashing against the gray sheets. He pinned her under his larger frame and stared at her face for a moment, his eyes roaming around, taking in her features and memorizing them. "Perfection " he muttered softly before pecking kisses on her lips, down her cheek and jaw line. He left a trail of kisses down to the valley between her breasts and hovered over the left one, his hot breath causing the nipple to harden for him. "Mala-" she moaned in a plea but was cut off by the sudden heat and wetness of his mouth around her nipple.

"Fuuuckk" she moaned, her hands burrowing through his locks and holding him to her. He leaned to support himself on his left arm as his right hand played, pulled and pinched her right nipple making sure to give it equal treatment. Then he shifted his weight to the right kissing over to her right breast and fondling the left. "Please…" she moaned. Mala'ika pulled away from her nipple with a sucking pop which made her hips buck into him. He licked her taut nipple and blew on it.

"Please what dalili na? Tell me what you desire and I will give it to you." He replied, making a trail of kisses down to her navel stopping right below her belly button. "Mala'ika please I need you" she said breathy as he kissed and licked her skin. "Need what my mate. I can read minds but I'd rather you just tell me" he said looking into her eyes through his lashes. She noticed they were still changed and glowing but now filled with pure lust and need. She wasn't sure how to ask, she had never been in this position before. Yes she had been attracted to another person but not like this and not hot out of her mind

She guessed he read her mind anyway and finally started to kiss his way down between her legs and spread her thighs with his shoulders. "Fuck…" he groaned at the sight of her pussy glistening with her juices. He took a deep breath and felt his cock strain even harder against his pants and had to adjust himself more as he got on his knees pulling her right to the edge of the bed. He waited to build the suspense as she squirmed with need and he kissed, licked and nibbled his way up and down her thighs.

Without warning his mouth was on her clit, licking and sucking in varying pressures and speeds. Her hips bucked involuntarily as she moaned and pleaded for more. As she got closer he could feel her body start to shake her thighs trying to squeeze around his head. He slid his arms under her thigh and his hands over the top of her thighs and managed to keep her spread and pulled her to him at the same time. "Come apart for me babygirl " he said, stroking circles around her clit before sucking on the sensitive mound of nerves and that was it. Sara felt herself shatter into millions of pieces and she let out a scream that was sure to shatter something.

He continued to assault her with his tongue and hold her in place as she screamed and moaned his name. She had never had this type of orgasim before, even when pleasuring herself, no toy could have ever made her feel this amazing. She felt like she was falling from the sky but would never land and it was pure bliss. Her once clean body was now coated in a fresh sheet of sweat and need. She panted trying to catch her breath and the aftershocks of her release finally cleared her system.

Mala'ika stood and leaned over her once more kissing her and it was the hottest kiss they had all night. The taste of her on his lips was one of her new favorite flavors. "Thank you" she muttered against his lips and he smiled. "Anything for you" he replied knowing his control was about to snap and just like that he turned to leave. "Get dressed beautiful," he said before closing the door behind him.

Although she was very much warm, she felt bereft and cold without his touch, It almost hurt. Not that she hadn't gotten hers but she was an equal opportunity lover and she didn't get to give him his. Another plan she'd have to make, but for now it had to wait as she managed to get up, wipe herself clean and get dressed. He left her with a bodycon black dress that has a black lace overlay. The sleeves stopped just above her elbows and the hem ended just above her knees.

Mala'ika went to the balcony and gripped the rails so hard the metal gave way under his hands crumpling. He nearly took her then and there but they agreed to wait for her to decide and he wouldn't take that choice from her. Without another though he leapt over the railing and before he fell far his wings sprouted from his back and he flew up into the headwinds to cool off.

Meanwhile (In the Hall of Doom >:D)

Diak rubbed the phone into his temple in frustration before tossing it into the wall so hard it shattered. He looked at Jackie tied up and realized he hit her face making him frustrated even more. "Fix her up and put her to work in the parlor. She goes nowhere without my say so and dearest Jackie, please remember what's at stake if you do" he said his hand on her chin forcing her to look where he was now looking. They had Jackie's boyfriend tied up and unconscious as leverage.

"Go!" He bellowed and all parties vacated the room as he leaned back into the comfort of the chair. Before the door could close fully, a short and petite woman walked in. Her skyscraper heels added 6 inches to her 5 foot 4 and she still didn't meet Diak's height. She wore a black long sleeve mid thigh party dress a slit up one leg nearly reaching her panty line. The dress cut so low a bra wasn't an option. Luckily her perfect build allowed her to not need one and the starkness of the dress made her skin look even paler than she already was. She walked up to Diak her feminine muscles flexing against the all too tight dress that matched her midnight hair. Her long wavy look shaped her face nicely and made her pale blue eyes stand out.

"Marminy…." Diak called out to her. She stopped a few feet from him and crossed her right arm over her body, her fist on her left shoulder and she bowed. "My lord" she replied before righting herself.

"What news do you have for me Ms. Merrats?" He asked "and it better be good because I'm already in a fully shit mood" he added.

"Of course my lord. Based on her name alone I was able to do a full background search. Our girl is a goodie two shoes, grew up in an orphanage, aged out of the system, working entry level jobs here and there to make ends meet till you got a hold of her. There are bits of spaces of time in the check that are blank, like she disappeared off the face of the earth. I don't know if she's just that low key or someone's protecting her however this next bit I'm sure you will enjoy" she told him waiting for his all clear to continue. Getting up he walked over to a mahogany bar and poured himself an amber liquid from a crystal decanter into a crystal glass and added two cubes of ice before sitting on the only sofa in the room, "continue" he replied.

"There aren't any cameras in the alley of course but you won't believe who she was seen leaving the alley with" she helped out a file for him and held his glass and he opened and looked at the photos.

"Well well well if it isn't the fucking Vampire and Werewolf kings themselves." He said with a devious smile taking his drink back. "Murciél was seen approaching the area of the alley on a street camera in the opposite direction she was going so she most likely, literally, ran into him. Our men and their vehicle were moved from the area, most likely cleaners. Hele came from the same direction Murciél did, so it's safe to assume Murciél and the girl are in the back." She finished her report.

"Where are they now?" He asked, rubbing the chilled and now empty glass against his temple. "After a few streets there are no more signs of them on the camera and the cleaning crew was careful on the way in and out. The only reason I knew they were there was the chemicals they used. Not the usual ones used by a human crew." She replied.

"So we're back to square fucking one?" He asked his tone of anger rising and his voice getting deeper. "On the contrary sir, since we were preparing to strike the kings anyway I have been working on finding a back door for us into their little 'family' " she informed him and he looked at her with a smile and danger in his eyes. "Apparently something big is going down and they'll be using a lot of security and a no name location for an unknown period of time. Of course I've already sent men to look at the areas, since one hasn't been decided on yet. I have a feeling our true prize, and your path straight to the kings lay there." She said with a devious smile. Even though she couldn't give him finite details she knew this was more than enough. She always made sure to please her king, she always made sure she was needed and would always stand by his side.