Chapter 4 Sea Of Blood

The waves lashed out at the boat causing it to shake and rock. The girls held each other in their arms as they cried. Anri watched as their parents were killed, her sadness turned to anger. A few hours later the girls sat in silence, alone with their thoughts. Then Anri stood up looking out at the sea as it starts to calm down, the rain subsided. Sabella looked up at her before looking down at the necklace their mother gave them. The necklace had a ruby embedded in the center of a locket. She opens the locket and sees a picture of their parents on one side and a picture of themselves on the other side. Tears form in her eyes again before she wiped them away. Then she notices a note sticking out of the cloth pile. She pulls it out and reads it out loud. "to my little ones, if you are reading this then you are safe..and I am gone." Sabella began to read, causing Anri to look back at her before sitting infront of her. "..but don't worry, I am watching over you both. The boat is enchanted to sail you to Morrowind and bring you to your uncle. His name is Dandreth, just ask around the local inn. He will take care of you two, you both will have a better life. I love you both so much, goodbye my little ones." Sabella continues before she starts crying again. Anri looks down with tears in her eyes. "We have to tell uncle what happened to the village, maybe he can send guards there to kill those bandits." Anri spoke out before Sabella looked at her with teary eyes. "That won't solve anything, that won't bring mom and dad Back." she whimpers before Anri balls up her fist and punches the flooring of the boat. "We gotta do something!" She yelled angrily before they went silent.

Thirty minutes passed before a large boat started coming towards them. The girls stood up and looked up at the boat as it stopped beside them and threw ropes down. The girls look at each other curiously. "They might help us, we can tell them what happened." Anri says before grabbing onto one of the ropes and starts climbing. "Wait Anri, what if they're bad?" Sabella questions but Anri ignored her and kept climbing up into the boat. Sabella sighed and grabbed onto the other rope and climbed up. Once Sabella reaches the top, a skinny man with a slavers uniform on grabbed her and tied her hands behind her back. "What's going on?!" She asks before he shoves a rag into her mouth. He dragged her into the bottom on the boat, Sabella sees a group of different races down there. Everyone was tied up as they all looked up at her on the stairs. The man removed the gag from her mouth before pushing her down the stairs into the group of people. The man closes the hatch locking it before walking away. "Where's my sister?!" Sabella sits up and screams out before wincing in pain noticing the bruises on her legs and arms. "Anri? Please don't leave me alone.." She starts crying before someone moves over to her. It was a female khajiit, a feline race. "No more tears, little cub." The feline like female spoke with a deep voice. Sabella looks over at her and stares at her cat eyes. "Have you seen my sister? She has purple hair and purple eyes." She asks worriedly watching the woman shake her head. "This one apologizes, but this has seen no one like that. Maybe she's in the other slave hold." The feline says calmly before moving away from her. Sabella looks up at the hatch before looking down at an exposed sharp metal piece.

She moves over to it before turning around backing up to it. The sharp metal piece pressed against the ropes that was tied around her wrists. She rubs the rope along the sharp edge until the rope rips in half. she crouched and made her way to the back of the slave hold. Then an old man approaches her. "What about us? You gonna free us?" He asks her as Sabella looks at him before nodding. Sabella wraps her hand around the metal shard as her hands glow red causing the shard to melt in half. She held the shard and moved behind the old man cutting the rope that tied his hands. "Free the rest, but what will you do after that?" Sabella questions the old man before he gave her a cheeky grin. "We're going to take over the boat, there's more of us than there is of them." He replied before Sabella nods and hands the shard to him. The old man cuts the ropes on every other person before Sabella sneaks up the stairs. She looks back at the people seeing them in position to storm out and fight.

Sabella busts the hatch open with a fire spell before using an invisibility spell. Everyone starts rushing out and attacking the slavers that was on deck. More slavers rush out of the doors and fights back. Sabella sneaks past the fight and makes her way through the boat until she finds another hatch. There was a slaver infront of the hatch with a chest full of gold and a dagger sticking out of the top. Sabella couldn't get through unless the slaver was gone, but she didn't want to kill him. "Hey get out here and help!" Another slaver yells making the hatch slaver go out to fight. Sabella sighed in relief as she places her hands on the hatch causing it to blow up as her hands glowed red. Sabella looks through the group of people before seeing Anri sitting next to a dead body. "Anri!" Sabella calls out as her invisibility spell wore off. Anri looks up and stands up. Sabella runs to her and hugs her smiling. "I'm so glad your ok, they didn't tie your hands?" Sabella asks looking at her sister . "They didn't have time to.." Anri spoke calmly looking over at the dead slaver body that had his pants around his ankles. "What happened?" Sabella asked worriedly before shaking her head. "Never mind, we have to get out of here." She grabbed her sisters hand and walks out of the hold up to the deck. All the slavers were dead and was being pushed into the sea. The old man walks up to the two girls. "Hey you found her, now you can go home." He says with a grin before frowning noticing the girls looking down sadly. "Well we're going to Windhelm, maybe you can stay there." As He continued before he went to the wheel. "Off to Windhelm!" He yells out. Anri looks out to sea seeing a distant land covered in snow.