Chapter 5 Protect Each Other

Days on the open sea had passed, the twins made friends with the ex slaves. They ate food with them and listened to their stories. they soon reached the big city of Windhelm, the snowiest city in Skyrim. The boat stopped at the docks, as some of the slaves go into the city. The twins exit the boat with the old man walking behind them. "You girls take care of yourselves." He smiles at him before Sabella smiled back and nods. The old man walks back onto the boat as the girls walk into the city. The girls went through the city gates but was stopped by a couple of guards. "Did you escape from Morrowind?" He questioned before looking down at Anri. She looked tired and her eyes didn't have much life in them. "It seems you two have been through a lot." The guard says before looking at Sabella. "But I'm sorry, there's no place you can stay here." He continued before a Dunmer man approached them. "They are refugees, so they can stay at the New Gninis Cornerclub." The man spoke out causing the girls to look at him. "What's that?" Sabella asks as she holds onto Anris hand feeling her trying to back away. "It's where the refugees from Morrowind go. Its a place to stay until you can find a way to make a living." He replied with a kind smile. Sabella looks at Anri before looking at the man. She nods following the man as he walked to the back of the city.

Standing outside the building was a Nord man. His brown eyes glared at all three of the Dunmer. "More dark skins? Your not wanted here." The man slurred his words clearly drunk as he held a mead bottle in one hand. "Get out of our city, or I'll make you get out!" He yelled before stumbling forward towards Anri. He lifted a hand and was going to slap her but Sabella grabbed his arm. "Don't touch her, we won't bother you. So just leave us alone." She says letting go of his arm. "Don't you dare touch me again, unless you want me to teach you a lesson." He says disgusted with the Dunmer race. He stumbles away as Sabella sighs before looking up at the Dunmer man. "Why didn't you help us?" She asks as he walks up to the door. "It's best not to fight back with the Nords." He replied as he opens the door and walks into the building. The girls followed him and right ahead of the door was a bar. "There's bedrooms upstairs, not to fancy but they will keep you warm." He says getting behind the counter. "Where's everyone else?" Sabella asks noticing no one else was in the building. "They're all working in the city, you should also get a job." He replies as he washes down the counter with a wet rag. Sabella nods before walking up the stairs with Anri behind her. They both sit on the bed in silence. "Anri, please come back to me." Sabella whispers as she squeezes her sisters hand. "I'm so lost without you.." tears stream down her face. "Please talk to me.." she cries more as Anri just starred off into the distance.

A few hours went by as Sabella passed out. She woke up noticing Anri was gone. "Anri?" She stands up off the bed and makes her way down the stairs, seeing a group of Dunmer elves sitting at the bar. They all looked so tired and some had black eyes. She made her way to the bar, looking up at the bartender worriedly. "Have you seen my sister?" She asks before he pointed up. "I saw her go towards the attic." He replied before he started cleaning out a cup. Sabella made her way up the stairs again until she reached a hatch on the ceiling. The ladder was already out so she climbed up it. The attic was lit by a candle as Anri was writing on a piece of paper. "Anri? What are you doing?" Sabella asks as she walks cautiously towards her sister. "Bell, we are never safe. Everyone wants to hurt us." Anri spoke calmly and eerily. "What?" Sabella questions before Anri stands up and hugs her. "But I won't let anyone hurt you, I will protect you." Anri falls to her knees still hugging onto her sister. "We have to protect each other." Sabella replies as she hugs her back. "Tomorrow we should find a job." She continues before she pulls away. "What happened on the boat when you were alone?" She asks curiously as Anris face became pale. "He was trying to hurt me, he said if I don't play along. he'll hurt you." Anri says painfully not wanting to remember. "So I played along, when he pinned me down and pulled down his pants. I bit into his neck and ripped out his throat." She continued as Sabella gets sick from the thought. "That's why you were covered in blood when I found you." Sabella replies before shaking her head and hugs her sister tighter. "It's ok, you had to do it." She says as she strokes her sisters hair comforting her. this whole situation worries Sabella but she tries to stay strong. "Let's go to bed for now." Sabella says as she helps her sister up off her knees. They head back down to their bedroom. Sabella lets Anri lay down first before she lays beside her. "Goodnight Anri." She says before closing her eyes. Anri holds onto her sisters hand and closes her eyes. "Goodnight Bell."