Chapter 9 Madames Girls

The next morning Anri woke up with a headache. She sat up in bed placing her hand on her head. "Ugh my head.." she says groggily before standing up stumbling down the hall to the food hall. "Finally awake, I see." Manette says as she snickers lightly. Anri looks around seeing all the girls sitting around a table eating a feast. She sat next to Sabella and Ma'Isha as she purred beside her. She watched Anri as she scratches the table with her claw slowly. "How did you sleep?" Sabella asks worriedly noticing Anri in pain. "I'm fine, I just got this headache." Anri replies before Annellen laughs. "That's what happens when you drink mead." She laughs at Anris pain. "Ma'Isha thought Anri was amazing drunk." Ma'Isha flirts as she bats her eye lashes at Anri. "How was you not drunk, bell?" Anri asks curiously before Ma'Isha snickers playfully. "Ma'Isha give Sabella water and give Anri Mead." She says happily as Anri looks over at her. "What, why?" She asks before looking down shaking her head. "Just give me water from now on." She says laying her arms on the table cradling her head in them. Sabella rubs her sisters back as she smiles gently before Madame Helga walks into the room. "Good morning ladies." She says as she sits at the table. "I hope your all ready for tonight, cause a special guest is showing up." She says happily as all the girls look at her curiously. "He's a prince it would seem, so be on your best behaviors." She continues as they all continue eating.

After they all ate the Madame stood and looked at Sabella. "Sabella, my dear. Please follow me." She says as she walks out of the room. Sabella stands up and follows her out and into her room. "I need you to do something for me, go out to the market and buy some flowers." She says sitting on her throne like chair. "Yes ma'am, do I have to use my gold?" Sabella asks before Madame Helga shook her head. "Of course not dear, here's fifty gold. Make sure you get different types of flowers." Helga says placing a small bag of gold on the table infront of her. Sabella nods and takes the gold walking out of the room and down the hall. Anri walks up to her looking at the bag of gold. "Where are you going?" She asks curiously as Sabella slides the bag of gold into her pocket. "I have to buy flowers for Madame Helga." Sabella says before she looks at her sister worriedly. "You should lay down for a bit, I'll be back in a bit." She continues before walking passed her sister and out of the building. Once outside the building a few people looked at her as she was wearing her the outfit that Ma'Isha picked out. She felt embarrassed as she made her way to the market. Once she was at the market, she looked around the stalls until she found one that sold all kinds of ingredients. "Do you have any flowers?" She asks the merchant before he shakes his head. "I'm sorry miss, but I'm all out. You can probably find them outside of town though." The merchant replied before Sabella nods and makes her way to the gate. She felt like she was being followed so she had stole a dagger from one of the merchants. She hid it away as she walks out of the gate to the Rift wilderness.

When she walks out of the gate she looks up at the sky, first time seeing it so beautiful. She took a deep breath before walking out into the grassy woods. She sees a patch of colorful flowers, she sat down beside them and starts picking them. Then she heard a shuffling sound behind, she knew she was being followed. She pulls out the dagger and spins around quickly pointing the blade to the sneaks neck. "Who are you? Why are you following me?" She asks calmly with a stoic face before she recognizes the man infront of her. It was the man who was staring at her as she entered the town. "I'm surprised you heard me so easily, lass." He spoke calmly as he held up his hands. "I knew you were something when I first laid eyes on you." He says as he gives her sly smile. She looks him over making sure he didn't have anything hidden on him. His brown hair was shaved on the sides and slicked back on top. His green hues watches her which made her uncomfortable. She noticed he was wearing black leather armor with lots of pockets. "What do you want with me?" She asks still pointing the blade to his neck. "I want you to join my guild." He asks before his smile fades. "You don't belong in that place, they're only using you." He says before Sabella lowers her weapons looking away. "Everyone always uses me, at least they're nice to me here." She replies before crouching down and picking more flowers. "They're all going to back stab you and your sister." He says as he walks around her and bends down picking a flower and holding it out to her. She looks up at him as she feels her face turning beet red. "At least think about it." He says before putting the flower in her hair. He stands up and walks back into town. She looks down at her hands that were trembling for some reason. She shakes her head and continues to pick flowers.

Back at the Blooming Rose Anri was sitting on her bed closing her eyes. Then Ma'Isha walks into the room before closing the door behind her and locking it. "Ma'Isha was looking for Anri." She says purring as she walks closer to Anri as she looks up at her. "What do you need?" Anri says before wincing in pain before placing her hand on her head. "Ma'Isha has a cure for Anris headache." Ma'Isha says as she places her hands on top of her head pulling her head back by her hair. Anris face began to turn red from embarrassment before Ma'Isha leans down and kisses her lips softly. Anris eyes widen feeling the Khajiit furry mouth against her lips. Ma'Ishas tongue slips into her mouth pushing something down her throat. Anri pushes her away causing her to fall to the ground. She coughs trying to get whatever she just swallowed. "What did you do?!" Anri yells angrily as she stands over Ma'Isha. "Anri will feel better soon." She purred as Anris visions begins to blur. She falls back onto the bed as the room began to spin. "What is this?" Anri stutters as Ma'Isha stands up and smiles happily. "Ma'Isha will take good care of Anri." She says as she moves in closer.