Chapter 8 Entertaining Life

The next morning Sabella wakes up noticing her sister not beside her. "Anri?" She sat up in bed before standing up and making her way down stairs. "Have you seen Anri?" She asks the bartender as he was cleaning the counter. "I think she said she was going to the market." The bartender says as he did not make eye contact with her. Sabella left the building, making her way to the market place. Once she was at the market she sees a crowd of people surrounding a very beautiful woman. "Good morning everyone, I am Madame Helga and I'm here to search for some girls that want to live as entertainers." Madame Helga says in a mature tone as she flips her long curly blonde hair with her slender hand. She wore a fancy dress and a beautiful circlet on her head. Sabella pushes through the crowd to the front to get a better view of what's going on. Helgas piercing blue eyes looked towards her. Then she approaches Sabella holding out her hand. She places her hand on her chin looking over Sabellas face. "You are such a beautiful creature, what is your name?" Helga says before Sabella backs away from her. "I'm Sabella, it's nice to meet you." She introduces her self to the Madame. "A wonderful name, would you like to join my entertainers?" Helga asks before Anri steps forward from the crowd. "I'd like to join." Anri says lifting up her hand before Helga turns to face her. She looks at both of the girls realizing they are twins. "I've never had twins as entertainers. How about I take both of you girls." Helga says as she pulls a business card from her cleavage and hands it to Sabella. "Just take the carriage to Riften and come by the Blooming Rose." She continues before walking past the crowd and out of the city. Anri walks over to her sister looking at the card in her hand. "Why would we want this?" Sabella asks curiously looking at her sister. "This is a chance to get out of this hell hole." Anri replies as they start walking back home. "What if it's just the same as here?" Sabella asks skeptical of the whole situation. "Bell, it won't be. I have a feeling it's the life we deserve." Anri replies smiling as they pack up their stuff at home and walk out of the city to the carriage.

The girls reach the carriage outside of the city walking up to the carriage driver. "We'd like to go to Riften." Anri says as the driver looks down at the two girls. "Got any gold on you? Only need 10 gold." He says in a raspy voice. The twins look at each other before Sabella digs through her backpack taking out 10 gold pieces. She hands them to the driver before he puts them in a hidden compartment of the carriage. "Get in." He says grabbing the stairs that's connected to the horse. The girls climb in back of the carriage sitting down on the wooden seats. The driver snaps the stirs making the horse start galloping. Anri looks at her sister smiling excitedly but Sabella was just staring back at the city that got farther and farther away from them. "We're both going to have a better life, I know it." Anri says before taking her sisters hand gently. Sabella looks back at her sister and nods. "I hope so." She says as the rest of the ride to Riften was in silence.Three hours later the girls made it to Riften, a trading town in the far south east end of Skyrim. Once the carriage stopped the girls hopped off it and walked up to the front gate. A guard stopped them and crossed his arms. "The fee is 150 gold." He says roughly as Anri looks at him surprised. "What fee?" She asks as Sabella looks through her backpack again. "We don't have enough gold." Sabella says she sighs. "It's a fee to see our beautiful town." He says as he smirked. "What a loud of horse sh.." Anri began to say before Sabella interrupts her. "Show him the card." Sabella says as Anri shows the guard the business card from Madame Helga. "You work for her?" He asks before sighing letting the girls pass. The girls walk by opening the gate and entered the town. Once inside they notice the market place right in the middle of the buildings. They walked through the market looking at all the merchants and customers. Sabella notices a young man staring at her as he was leaned up against a wall. She felt embarrassed for some reason as she looks away following her sister into a fancy looking building.

The air smelled nice like fruit and flowers as they walked in. Anri steps up to the counter as she looks around. "Hello?" She calls out before Madame Helga walks down the stairs. "Ah welcome home girls." She says with a coy smile before taking both of the girls hands pulling them upstairs. "Ladies, meet the rest of your family." Helga says as she walks into a room with three other girls in it. They were different races, one Nord, one Altmer and one Khajiit. The Altmer girl had golden skin and golden hair. She looks at the twins in disgust before looking back in the mirror and continued putting on a makeup. The Nord girl had short brown hair and pale skin. She was putting eyeliner around her blood red eyes. The Khajiit walked up to the twins staring down at Anri with her piercing yellow hues. Her long black hair was pushed back with a hair bow behind her cat like ears. "This one is Ma'Isha." She says in a raspy growl as she extends her hand revealing her colored claws. "It's nice to meet all of you, I'm Anri and this is my sister Sabella." Anri replies back as she extends her hand to shake the others hand. Once her hand touched Ma'Ishas hand she was pulled into a gentle hug. "Ma'Ishas happy to meet you as well." The feline purrs happily letting go of Anri as she turning red. "Are you ok Anri?" Sabella asks noticing her sister so red as she tried hiding her face. "I hope you girls will get along, now Annellen help them with their make up and outfits." Madame Helga says as she points at the Altmer. Annellen sighed as she stands up and walks over to the twins. Helga would walk back down stairs and stand at the counter for any potential customers. "I'll get Sabella all dressed up, she's less annoying." The Altmer snared before taking Sabella to the makeup table. She sat her down and lifted her hair from covering her eye. She just stared at her eyes for a moment. "You got two different eyes?" She questions as Sabella covers her face with her hands. "I know, they're ugly." She says insecurely before Annellen laughed lightly. "What are you talking about, they're the most beautiful eyes I've seen." She moves Sabellas hands from her face and snaps a bow in her hair holding it back from her eyes. Then she started putting on her makeup as The Khajiit takes Anri into another room to help her with her makeup. Ma'Isha sits Anri down as she pins up her hair in two buns on top of her head. "Ma'Isha likes Anri, she thinks Anri is pretty." Ma'Isha purrs as she leans down to be face to face with Anri. "Is that so?" Anri says as she can feel her face become hotter as she looks away. "Ma'Isha, stop flirting with her. She's not your customer." A snobby voice was heard as the Nord walks through the door. "I'll do her makeup, go pick out the outfits." She continues as the Khajiit purrs and walks out of the room. "I'm sorry about her, she can be quite flirty." The nord says as she walks over to Anri. "My name is Anri, it's nice to meet you." Anri introduces herself hoping to know her name. "Manette." The Nord says coldly as she starts putting on Anris makeup.

Thirty minutes and a lot of makeup later, Manette steps back and takes a look at Anri. She admired the way her makeup looked on her face. "Now you look beautiful." Manette says as Anri looks at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe that she looked so different, it made her uncomfortable. "Now undress, you'll have to put on your outfit." Manette says as she looks around noticing that Ma'Isha wasn't back yet. "Ugh that dumb cat, Ma'Isha I need that outfit!" She yells out as the sound of claws clicking on the ground could be heard walking into the room. "Ma'Isha got the perfect outfit for beautiful Anri!" The feline says happily as she holds up a two piece outfit. The outfit was a lavender color it had a short tank top with frills and pants that had see through pant legs with lots of gold jewelry. The girls helped Anri get into the outfit before she looked at herself in the mirror. She felt so uncomfortable wearing something so revealing. "Come with Ma'Isha and see Anris sister." The girls went into the main room that looked like a large lounge. Sabella was sitting on one of the couches wearing the same outfit but in the color light blue. "Sabella? You look so different!" Anri calls out surprised how different her sister looks. Sabella stands up walking to her sister. "I was going to say the same." She says before Madame Helga walks into the lounge. "Good girls, all dressed up and ready to play." She says as she sits on a chair. "Please have a seat and let me tell you what happens here." She says as a small grin formed on her face. All the girls sat all around the lounge, the twins sitting with each other. Manette sitting alone wearing a black see through outfit with black under garments. Ma'Isha sits infront of the Madame only wearing a fur loin cloth and fur top as her tails sways behind her. Annellen was sitting crossing one leg over the other wearing a long golden dress. "You ladies are all entertainers, there are different types of entertainers. So I'll tell you the different types." Madame Helga says before pointing her finger down at Ma'Isha. "Ma'Isha here is a flirty entertainer, one who flirts and makes drinks for the customers." Then she points towards Manette. "Manette is the hypnotic entertainer, one who hypnotizes the customer and always have them come back." Then she crosses her arms and smiles more. "And Annellen is the golden dancer, she dances for the customers." She says before looking over at the twins. "And now we have the twins, there's a lot of people that loves having two entertainers with them. So you two will be the party entertainers, ones who will mingle and laugh with the customers." Helga finished before sitting up slightly. "All of you have your own duties, so make sure you don't interfere with each other's." She stands up and walks to the door. "So get in positions and I'll let the first customers in." She says before leaving. "Ok Manette get ready to hypnotize everyone that walks through that door, Ma'Isha start pouring drinks and the twins greet them at the door." Annellen says before standing up and walking on stage. She snaps her fingers as the instruments that were laying on the stage starts playing by themselves, playing slow and sexy music. Manette stands up and walks to the door casting a dark spell on the doorway. The twins stand up and walk to each side of the door. They look at each other and force a smile as customers start walking through the enchanted door. "Welcome to the Blooming Rose!" The twins say happily as they escort the customers to their seats. the girls stayed up all night mingling and drinking with the customers and when the customers start to go home Manette hands each of them a token of Dibella, a goddess of beauty. The girls split the earnings of today's customers with each other before heading to the bedrooms. They all took off their makeup and outfits and put on night gowns before laying in their own beds. The twins were separated for once so they were very anxious to sleep alone, but they ended up passing out due to the alcohol they drank.