Chapter 7 Fighting Together

The twins make there way out of the door and waiting on the other side was the drunk man with 5 other Nords. Anri moves infront of her sister protecting her as the drunk man approaches them. "Where do you girls think you're going?" He spits out causing saliva to run down his chin. Anri looks at him in disgust before smirking at him. "You come here again to get your ass kicked?" She teased making the man visibly angry. Sabella looks at all the other men around them. "He had his way with a Dunmer." Sabella says before the men look over at the drunk man who was clearly embarrassed. "That's not true! Why would I touch something so gross." The man explained but the other men starts walking away in disgust. "You whore, are you asking for it?" He yelled angrily having a vein pop out on his forehead. His hand reached forward to grab her hair but Anri grabs his wrist and twists it causing him to turn around with his arm behind his back. "Don't you ever come here again and harass us, if you know what's good for you." Anri whispers calmly and menacingly into his ear before pushing him away. The man couldn't believe how strong this young girl was. He walked away grumbling to himself. "Who taught you to do that?" Sabella asks curiously as they began walking out of the city into the snowy wilderness. "I joined the fighters guild, they taught me self defense." Anri replied before looking at her sister smiling wide. "I'm going to teach you self defense too, so you can protect yourself." She continued before Sabella looks away sadly. "You know I can't do that, my body is to frail." She says as her sister grabs her hands. "Then I'll just protect you even more." Anri says still smiling wide. "Now come on, let's start." She continued as Sabella smiles softly, taking a map out of her backpack. She looks over the map and points at a crypt. "We can explore the Icehammer vault first." She says putting the map back in her backpack. They start walking through the icy and cold wilderness until they reach the vault.

The two girls enter the ice covered crypt looking around the entrance hall. Sabella looks in the urns and sees an emerald necklace in one. She takes the necklace and slips it into her pocket. "Stealing now huh?" Anri questions with a sly smirk on her face. "I'm mean they're not using them." Sabella replies before they moved onto the first set of tombs. Anri peers inside one of the tombs seeing an old dead nord lying there. "These guys are ancient." Anri says as her voice echoed through the crypt. Sabella presses her finger to her lips. "Anri shush, you don't know what's in here." She whispers before a loud thud could be heard from another room of the crypt. "What was that?" Anri looks back at her sister curiously. Then a shuffle sound can be heard from the other room as it gets louder. Anri unsheathes her sword standing in a offensive stance. Sabella crouches as she holds out her hand tapping on her sisters iron armor. "Anri crouch." She whispers watching her sister crouch down with her. They stay still and wait before a draugr shuffles it's way into the area. It was a long dead ancient Nord with a battle axe in its hands. It makes grunting and growling noises causing a few of the other dead to rise from their tombs. The dead nord that Anri was crouched by sat up in its resting place. It turned its head towards the girls opening its mouth causing dust to spit out as it grumbled. Anri backs away from it slowly before accidentally kicking a piece of a broken urn. All the dead Nords slowly make their way to where the girls are. "We'll have to fight thru them." Sabella whispers as she places her hand on her sisters back. Her hand starts glowing green causing both of the girls to become invisible. Then Anri swung her sword at one of the dead chopping off its head causing it to fall to the ground with a thud. One of the dead swung its axe almost hitting Anri before she stepped back. Then Sabella casts a fire rune on the ground below the dead causing it to explode. The dead Nords bodies were torn apart flying across the room. The girls stand up as the invisibility spell wore off. Then the last dead stood behind Sabella lifting its battle axe to chop down at her. Anri turns around seeing it swinging its battle axe down towards her sister. She grabs onto her sisters arm pulling her away causing her to fall to the ground. The battle axe swung down and got stuck in the ground between her legs. Anri pushes the dead nord to the ground and stabs it repeatedly. Her eyes were wide with insanity as she had a huge smile on her face. "Anri?" Sabella says concerned as she stands up and walks to her sister. "That's enough, it's not moving anymore." She says placing her hand on her sisters shoulder. Anri swings her sword at her sister cutting her arm before Sabella steps back falling to the ground grabbing her arm. "Anri, please stop!" Sabella says with tears in her eyes as blood runs down her arm. Anri stands up and looks down at her sister as her smile fades. "Bell, I'm so sorry." She says dropping her sword and getting on her knees. She moves her sisters hand from her wound to look at it. "It's ok, Anri.." Sabella says with a shaky voice as her hand glows yellow placing it on her arm again, healing the wound. "You need to control your anger." Sabella says before hugging her sister. Anri hugs back with tears in her eyes before they stood up. "Let's just go home, I'm done adventuring for today." Anri says as she makes her way back to the entrance as Sabella follows her. They both leave the crypt and walk through the wilderness.

An hour later they made it back home, tired from their journey. They walk up the stairs to their bedroom before seeing their room was a mess. Everything was destroyed and things were stolen. The chest was empty even when Sabella left things inside it. She looks down sadly as she closed the empty chest. "I hate this place, they treat us like trash." Anri says angrily as she punches a wall. "Calm down Anri, don't let them get to you." Sabella replies as she sits on the bed. "At least the bed is still intact." She continues before laying down. Anri watches her sister as she fell asleep on the bed. Then she walked down stairs sitting at the bar. She looks up at the bartender with stern eyes. "Who went up and destroyed our room?" She asks as the bartender looks away pretending not to hear her. "Why are you such a coward!" She yells angrily slamming her fist on the counter. "Awe is the little whore angry?" A mans voice could be heard by the front door. She turns around to look at the once drunk man and now he was sober. "You did it, didn't you?" She asks standing up facing him. "Yeah I did, with a couple of my buddies." He replied with a smirk. The longer she looked at him the more angrier she got. Her fists her trembling with anger before she remembered what Sabella said. She calmed herself down before smirking back at him. "Do you feel like a man snooping through children's things?" She asks causing him to become embarrassed. "Did you like taking our underwear? You probably took them home and used them." She continues snickering at him as he was becoming angry. "You whore.." he grumbles angrily as Anri blows him a kiss. "Only you would know." She teased before she starts laughing at him. He was getting overwhelmed by a young girls remarks causing him to storm out of the building angrily. The bartender stares at Anri as she continues to laugh before she looks back at him. "I'm going to bed, I suggest you learn to protect yourself. They will eat you alive if you don't." She says to him before making her way upstairs again and laying in bed next to her sister. Sabella was fast asleep as Anri closed her eyes falling asleep too.