Chapter 9

"Good morning father" Peng Zedong said as the two girls spotted the leader of the Peng family at the bottom of the stairs. "It was nice of you to buy me this new dress, it fits great and I absolutely adore the color!"

"I am glad you love it sweetheart. That dress really does allow your blue eyes to shine even more than usual." he replied as he sized both girls up in a fatherly way.

"It is actually very good that you also chose to wear a nice blue outfit Yao Ling because I actually got both of you presents that I hope you like."

Taking out two jewelry boxes, Peng Zedong's father passed both over to the girls with a big smile on his face as if he had just won the lottery. Ever since Yao Ling regularly came to visit his daughter, Peng Zedong's father made a point to always give her a pleasant gift.

At first, this made Yao Ling feel rather uncomfortable which is why Peng Zedong's father also would gift her something very similar. This would allow Yao Ling to still accept the gifts which her family would eventually see as well which was the goal of this.

"Oh father, you take care of me almost too much!" Peng Zedong told him after Yao Ling's eyes met hers in a shocking way. Her father got Yao Ling a pair of expensive sapphire earrings and had gotten Peng Zedong a pair of expensive ruby earrings. Both sets matched what each of them were wearing, but made the girls feel that this was a little too over the top.

"I will always love you and be your little girl, but father you must stop this nonsense before I choose to run away!" Peng Zedong told him after the girls reluctantly put on the earrings.

Peng Zedong was the type of girl who did not like receiving gifts and did not enjoy spending so much money on material items regardless of the value of said items. Therefore, these gifts made her feel rather uneasy, especially in front of her sister who although loved gifts, knew this side of Peng Zedong.

"Well, anyways, Peng Zedong, I want you to enjoy the day alongside Yao Ling in the downtown area. You must remember not to go past the borders I told you about last year, but otherwise there is definitely plenty to do in the area."

"I've set up your ride and of course the security guards. Not many people would recognize you two, but wearing such flashy clothes and jewelry is enough to make anyone's eyes go bloodshot with ill intentions."

"In the car is also quite a bit of funds. I want you to both be able to make today yours since I was also told by the Yao family to take good care of their little troublemaker." Peng Zedong's father told them before patting both girls lightly on their heads.

"Did my father use those exact words? Typical of him!" Yao Ling responded while sticking her tongue out again at Peng Zedong's father as her face started to become red from shyness.

"Guess we will be off then father. Remember that you should also find some time to relax and enjoy the day. You've been working long hours these past several months and I don't want to lose you." Peng Zedong told her father as both women jumped into the car along with three bodyguards.

"She is always thinking of me, even when I give her such alluring presents." Peng Zedong's father thought to himself as he walked into a room off to the other side of the house where six older men were sitting.

"Thank you for waiting elders, now I think it is time to get down to business, wouldn't you say?"

"You have quite a bit to explain to us with that announcement you made without the proper amount of votes on it." one of the elders told him as some other elders who were clearly on his side nodded and spoke up as well.

"Do not worry, there was a reason for me to do this, which is why I accepted the fact that you forced such a meeting during the day. Peng Zedong still doesn't know that I am the Crime Lord of this district and leader of our family. Your actions today elder does deserve some punishment, but instead I will take this as my earlier actions to be forgiven." he told the group as he closed the door behind him.

-In the car-

"So what is your fiance like Peng Zedong? I bet you found a very hot guy who is willing to crawl up a mountain full of swords just to please you!" Yao Ling told her sister as the three bodyguards sitting around them's eyes diverted away from the awkwardness everyone inside felt at this moment.

"Oh, I bet he is also extremely wealthy as well since your father wouldn't personally settle for any less either. You had better invite me to the wedding or I will never be able to forgive you!"

"Yao Ling, I would like to discuss these matters over lunch after we shop downtown." Peng Zedong cut in before her sister could say another word. Not just her, but even the three bodyguards were blushing from the embarrassment that Yao Ling had just caused.

"Fine, as long as you are willing to discuss this with me. Actually, no, you can only delay if you promise that I can be one of your bridesmaids!" Yao Ling shouted out before seeing that Peng Zedong nodded her head in agreement before calming back down.

Still, deep down, this was all that Peng Zedong could really do since her father might go as far as disowning her if she denied such a simple request of her sister. After all, she may have had many friends, but Yao Ling was the only person she would consider family outside of her father.