Chapter 15

"I- I- don't know what you are thinking, but these guys look enraged!" Yao Ling told Peng Zedong in a low voice, hoping that no one else would hear her.

"Just stay close to my side. From the looks of it, they outnumber us four to one and I am unsure how long our security could last if they do start to become violent." Peng Zedong responded before trying to buy themselves some more time.

"You may have already heard since we are in Maple City, but my father did recently announce that I would be engaged to Zheng Qigang. However, there may be key details that you are unaware of." Peng Zedong shouted towards the leader of this group of enemies.

Deep down, Peng Zedong realized that the security guard that was sent to put all of their bags earlier into the car, as well as the other that the leader of theirs sent out for reinforcements still haven't returned.

It would still be a gamble, but as long as she could at least buy more time, it was very much possible that even if the security guards were to end up badly injured, that her and her sister could still escape unscathed.

Maple City had a rather large local police force, but they had their own agendas as well as the local governor of the city. Usually, someone would try to make a large enough racket, just so policemen nearby would have no choice but to act.

This was considered cowardly, but Peng Zedong would have already done this if there was an officer nearby, which for some reason they were not. She had her assumptions, but Peng Zedong felt it most likely had to do with whichever Crime Lord was controlling this area.

"Sorry, but we are not interested in hearing what you have to say about your new fiance. Unless, you wanted to tell our boss how much better he is at pleasing your every desire for the entirety of Maple City to hear!" the leader shouted as the civilians close by, all decided to leave the area in order to not get involved.

"Well you see, I have yet to even meet this Zheng Qigang. So as far as I know, your boss and I might actually be on the same side if he is just a wannabe." Peng Zedong replied as she looked rather dazed from hearing this dirty talk directed at her, especially in front of her sister Yao Ling.

"Enough trying to stall, there is no reason that your father given his reputation, would be willing to give his daughter to someone that she had never met herself. All of you, take down these so called bodyguards. If you have any trouble with these weaklings, don't come asking our boss for a promotion anytime soon." the leader said as over twenty men started to finally make their move against Peng Zedong's group.

At first, the situation still looked rather hopeful for Peng Zedong and Yao Ling to still remain without even being touched. This was because little did they know, their five security guards were in fact both very strong, and had much more training compared to their opponents.

The leader of the grunts knew that his men would all split up into groups of five or six appropriately and that they would be able to eventually overtake the security guards. Even if it took longer than expected, there was almost no way for the Peng family to send enough reinforcements to hold them back from taking the two girls.

Whether it was in order to please his boss, or knowing that they could make the board of elders in the Peng family pay a heavy price for the girls to be returned safely back home, it drove his greed through the roof before he himself decided to also get into the fray as well!

Not one person on either side had been using weapons, but this did not mean that the fight wouldn't end up with blood being spilled. As the battle went on, the security guards were still able to try to knock out at least one or two opponents, and this caused their faces to be almost unrecognizable.

However, one by one, even though they were able to at least land several blows against the enemies targeting them, each security guard couldn't keep up their endurance as they were all captured.

The two sisters had horrified looks on their faces, because at first, the situation still seemed to be under control and even in their favor. But these feelings quickly faded as the captured bodyguards were beaten in front of them.

Seeing such a scene, made Yao Ling unable to keep calm any longer as she continued screaming for help as not a single person could bother to intervene. Peng Zedong's current emotions also caused her to crack as she just stood there waiting for what forms of torture would be dealt to them for resisting these men.