Chapter 16

"My grandfather will pay you any price, just let us go now and we will not make things difficult for you in the future!" after screaming for help and seeing no one responding to her cries, Yao LIng started to try to negotiate with these people in front of her.

However, such a thing, although expected by the group at this point, did nothing for them. They all started to laugh as they continued punching and kicking the security guards by taking turns as their friends held them up.

This entire scene looked incredibly grim for the two girls since all five security guards looked as if they would eventually die if these thugs did not stop hurting them.

Seeing only grins on their faces, Yao Ling realized that their enemies didn't even see a reason to negotiate with them any longer and just wanted to have fun beating up those who they still considered their enemies slowly.

Yao Ling took one look at Peng Zedong, but the sister she always saw as a strong and vigorous individual, looked like nothing more than a young girl who sensed that she would be in undeniable amounts of danger soon.

Such a sight, caused her to panic even more as some of the thugs who were finally done playing around with their bodyguards, started to make their way towards them. With nowhere to run, Yao Ling deep down finally accepted that they would in fact be captured regardless of how much they struggled.

What Yao Ling didn't know, was that Peng Zedong was actually rather calm as she stood there frozen and emotionless. It has been quite some time since, but this was not the first time that Peng Zedong felt such killing intent from others around her.

In retrospect, this would be the first time that Peng Zedong was at least able to cope with such a situation and look at it as she needed to in order to minimize the amount of casualties. It is true that all five guards were at the doorstep between life and death, but if the two girls did not make things difficult, they could still be taken away to heal their injuries.

"Yao Ling, do not worry, you will mostly not be harmed at all since it is my Peng family and fiance who are enemies with these men. If everything goes according to plan, they will just want to take me away to use as leverage. So please, don't struggle against them and trust in my ability." Peng Zedong told her sister as four thugs drew closer to them, blocking off any escape routes.

"Hmph, is bullying two girls the only thing that you are good at?" suddenly before one of the thugs got close enough to grab Peng Zedong, a figure in the shadows appeared before a swift punch landed on the man, causing him to almost fly backwards before landing on his back with a horrifically bloodied nose.

"Maybe if your boss wasn't such a cheapskate, he would at least hire someone to teach you guys proper fighting techniques. Well, to be honest, that sounds more like your problems compared to mine." the man who appeared told the remaining three thugs.

Before they could even react to this person who just defeated their ally in one punch, the leader of these thugs shouted out to retreat back to him. "Zheng Qigang! How dare you show yourself in the boss's district and acting hostile towards us!"

As this was all happening, Zheng Qigang seeing that Peng Zedong was still frozen on the spot and her sister didn't know how to react, he swung one of his arms around his fiancee's waist. This caused her to blush as she finally decided to take a good look at him.

Just seeing how bulky the arm muscles were, was almost enough for her to blush. However, this man's face was also extremely handsome along with his dark blue eyes that seemed as if he could look down on the world itself.

His hair was fairly short and surprisingly pitch black just like hers. As he had a short goatee covering his face, along with a tattoo on his shoulder that Peng Zedong just couldn't quite make out at the corner of her eye.

He wore a tight black shirt, along with a pair of jeans that had dragon designs on both legs. To Peng Zedong, he was either someone who had never left the gym before, or he was just well built and taller than her.

In either case, a sense of warmth and safety made its way into Peng Zedong's body and mind as she felt that she could finally move again as if the danger that appeared and wasn't yet taken care of, was no longer a threat to neither her nor her sister Yao Ling.

"How about you go and get your boss so that we can actually have some fun? It just seems like I would be bullying all of you without there being at least two hundred of you, let alone this little group of barely twenty." Zheng Qigang shouted towards the leader of this small group as a smirk appeared on his face.

It was clear that Zheg Qigang was throwing out some bait for this other leader, but unsurprisingly, he realized this right away and instead was about to yell out another set of orders to his men. With their enemy practically alone and outnumbered, there was no reason not to try and take him down immediately.