Chapter 17

"From how things look from my point of view right now, is that you are surrounded. Do you really think that we don't know about your stalling tactics?" the leader of this group of thugs told Zheng Qigang as their entire group started to make their way close to him and the two women by his side.

Peng Zedong felt extremely frustrated towards this man who still had his arm around her waist. What was he thinking when trying to send out bait to this massive group of individuals who had them surrounded?

Even if there was backup coming from around the corner, how confident could this new fiance of hers be when facing so many enemies? This was simply beyond the scope of understanding and it almost physically hurt her brain just thinking of his logic.

As their enemies were jointly taking several steps forward, those who still held the five security guards on the ground, simply dropped them causing their bodies to go limp and fall directly into the dirt without any form of resistance.

Now with the additional five enemies joining in to capture them and possibly outright kill Zheng Qigang, the two girls felt an even bigger sense of danger before Yao Ling started to back up towards the wall behind her.

What was strange was that their enemies may have been laughing at how ridiculous they felt that Zheng Qigang was being, however, that was nothing when compared to how Zheng Qigang instantly started laughing as if this entire process was a complete and utter joke to him and how little of a threat these men in front of him made him feel.

"Good very good, it is clear that you cracked under pressure when you realized that I would not take your stupid little bluff. Besides, another group will be here shortly just from that girl over there screaming bloody murder." the leader of this group of thugs shouted out towards Peng Zedong's group.

"You only have yourselves to blame at this point. Originally, I was going to even try to recruit you bunch just for the numbers. However, it turns out that you aren't able to read a scene as a warrior would, and in such a war, I don't need those who aren't warriors in my ranks." Zheng Qigang said loud enough for his enemies to hear, but still in a calm and soothing voice.

"What the hell is this?" Peng Zedong thought to herself as the enemies could only quicken their footsteps as laughter still rang out from their ranks. Only until now, Peng Zedong realized that although Yao Ling backed up towards the wall behind them, they hadn't even taken a single step backwards.

"Come out to greet these pieces of trash!" Zheng Qigang shouted out as a large smile appeared on his face. Hearing this, the leader of those thugs dropped as the laughter started to die down as only echoes remained before the world became perfectly silent.

Suddenly as if an entire army was invading the area, loud footsteps could be heard around the surroundings in every direction there was until in the corners of the street, countless men dressed up in the same style of outfits came rushing towards Zheng Qigang and the group of only twenty thugs.

"We await boss's orders!" after only a breath of time, over one hundred men surrounded the group of thugs as if they were an extremely large tidal wave approaching a very small row boat. Seeing so many strong looking men who were obviously well trained appear to their rescue, caused Yao Ling's body to shake uncontrollably.

Peng Zedong was also taken back by this scene as she took one more look at this fiance of hers. Even if her Peng family were unable to send out some reinforcements, they now completely outnumbered this group of enemies as they were earlier.

"You two should get going." Zheng Qigang told Yao Ling and Peng Zedong before finally releasing his arm from her waist and walking forward. "Some of you should take those men on the ground over there dressed up like security guards back to the Peng residence. As for the rest of you, prepare for battle on my ready!" he shouted out his orders.

Author Notes:

Since I want to give back to all of you who are reading my novel, I have decided to participate in TGIF for this upcoming Friday. It looks like I will be releasing roughly 5-6 chapters, so if you are enjoying my novel thus far, be prepared for many more chapters! - KR_Wells