12. First Class

Gringotts, upper floor.

Alexander was having a meeting with the upper management committee of Gringotts.

"So, if you collaborate with me, you will be able to earn nearly a million galleons every month and this number will only increase with time. You don't have to worry about anything. You just have to create an automatic system that can transfer money from one account to another. My people will go door to door to get their consent to include their account in the automatic system. For safety reasons, we will limit the transaction amount to 1500 gallons per transaction. If the user wants to spend more then they will receive a call from us to confirm their purchase and also, after every transaction, the user will receive an alert notification about the spent amount and remaining amount in the vault in their registered Uniphone"

An old goblin in a black suit heard him with full concentration. They were sitting in a big meeting hall. He was sitting at one side of the table while 10 goblins were sitting at the other side.

"Mr. Universe, your proposal is very interesting and we would like to invest in it. I also believe that this new type of e-commerce can bring a lot of money. I personally very much liked the Uniphone. It makes work much easier." The old goblin expressionlessly said,

"Well, my company's motto is 'Making Life Easier' so you should expect it" he bragged.

"Yes yes... But I have another request. Can we order 50,000 Uniphones for our employees? They don't have time to go to the Galaxy tower as it's always busy here."

Alexander happily agreed.

"Sure, I'll send them here in 3 days"

"Pleasure doing business with you. We will send the due amount directly to your vault." the old goblin said and came to Alexander to shake hands.

While walking out Alexander was thinking. ~As expected, these dumb goblins are fools of the highest order. Such short-sightedness. without even realizing the potential of e-commerce, they signed a 20-year contract at meager transaction charges.~


It had been one month since the launch and the business was booming. The Unibook social networking app already had gathered 10,000 registered users now and they were loving it. People started to share photos with each other. Selfies on broomsticks had become a trend. Some daredevils even posted photos with dragons. Unitube also received 3000 video uploads. They ranged from funny lab incidents to serious tutorials.

The T.V. was also loved by the people. Now they had something to pass their time. He also launched a new advertisement with muggles as targets. The ad had a new Hogwarts student tell her muggle parents about the Uniphone and that they would be able to talk with her through it, even if she's in Hogwarts.

He had talked with Dumbledore about the usage of Uniphones in Hogwarts. Finally, a new rule was added in Hogwarts, stating that usage of Uniphones was prohibited during lessons. Alexander also feared the misuse of Uniphones for bullying so he had a nice chat with spineless Cornelius Fudge about a new law regarding the misuse of magic technology. This led to a new Information Technology law being passed. It stated all the possible misuses of technology and their punishments.

Later he heavily advertised the law to teach the people about punishments for online crimes.

Days became weeks and finally, September 1st came. For the upcoming school year, he will be teaching at Hogwarts. So he had left the working of the company to Remus and his new assistants. They were told to call him if anything major happens.

~I wonder if Harry has received his letter.~ he thought and flew towards Hogwarts.

He was a teacher so he was supposed to report at the school before the first years arrived.


At the King's Cross Station.

A frail little boy walked up to a redhead lady.

"Excuse me, can you... How to..." he meekly asked.

"Get to the station? Oh... yes, yes... It's Ron's first time too... You just have to run straight into that wall"


In the train bogie, Ron and Harry sat while eating candies from a pile of food that the rich boy Harry had just bought.

Harry opened the Chocolate Frog box and was startled with the moving frog. It suddenly jumped straight out of the window.

"Agh... rotten luck, they've only got one good jump, to begin with, oh you've got grandpa Universe. It's a pretty rare card, you know. After all, they just recently started making it," Ron proudly said.

The card had Alexander's picture in his 'ayyy' pose. [Same pic as the cover]

"Who's Grandpa Universe?" Harry asked.

Ron looked at Harry and then remembered that he just recently got introduced to the magical world.

"His real name is Alexander Maxim Universe. He is the richest known wizard and probably the strongest one too. You saw that big tower back in the Diagon Alley? Yeah, he owns it. He just introduced these new magic devices called Uniphone and I call him Grandpa Universe because he's been living with my family for the past year. He's basically like family now," Ron explained.

Harry felt a little sad at the mention of the family. Something that he never had. One might say that he had Dursleys but they weren't family. They were monsters for him.

Ron took out his Uniphone and played the news. Harry was quite fascinated by it. He wanted to go to that shining tower with video panels but Hagrid only took him to Hogwarts supply shops and then told him to spend the rest of the days in the leaky cauldron.

Ron noticed Harry's eyes and showed him the online shopping website.

"No problem if you don't have it. You can order it on this too. Let's put the address as Hogwarts, payment mode as coins. Done, you'll get your Uniphone by tomorrow." Ron smilingly said.

Suddenly a girl with curly hair opened the door...


Alexander sat beside Dumbledore in the great halls. The hall was filled with all the students except the new first years.

"Yes, now you checkout and select the payment option. I see, you have already signed the e-payment agreement. Now you just have to select order and you'll get your candies by tomorrow." Alexander was teaching Dumbledore how to use Magimart. A new online e-commerce website/app. People could buy everything on it. From candies, books, supplies to Uniphone, Uni T.V., Nimbus 2000.

"Haha... This is really amazing, now I don't have to go out and buy my favorite candies. This is really life-changing." Dumbledore complimented.

Then suddenly the big door opened and 40 little kids walked in with professor McGonagall at the lead. The kids looked at the enchanted ceiling with wide-open mouths. Too bad that due to the last war, not many kids were born during that time, resulting in a low number of new students.

Ron nervously walked with Harry towards the stool with sorting hat on top. When he looked at the teachers sitting at the table he noticed Alexander sitting there and forgot all the nervousness and waved at him.

Alexander also lightly waved back.

"Oh my god, Grandpa really became a teacher here. I thought the ad was fake." He mumbled.

Harry heard him and looked at Alexander with interest. Alexander also looked at him.

~finally, the story begins. But this time, I'll be the writer~ Alexander mumbled under his breath.


It was Neville Longbottom's turn to get sorted. He scaredly walked and sat down. He was feeling so overwhelmed that when he got sorted he walked to the Gryffindor's table with the hat still on his head.

The ceremony went just the way it was supposed to. When everyone was seated, Dumbledore stood up and told the kids about the new rules.

"To new students, welcome. To old students, welcome back, before we continue I would like to inform you all about some rules. The forbidden forest is out of bounds. Secondly, usage of Uniphones during lessons is strictly prohibited. Now, let the feast begin."


After the feast, Alexander went to his allotted room. Now he was going to make himself more famous. What he was going to do was unmask Peter Pettigrew when the time was right and at the end of the year, defeat Voldemort/Quirrell. He was going to show the world how easily he deals with him. He was also interested in the philosopher's stone.

The next day, he walked towards his first class which was with the 5th year. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were combined for this lecture.

On his way he found someone.

"Oh, good morning professor Quirrell," he said.

Quirrell looked back at Alexander with hateful eyes.

"Goodmorning professor Universe"

~It was supposed to be me who was going to teach D.A.D.A this year. who the hell is he to take my place? You just wait, my master will destroy you soon~ Quirrell said under his breath.

Alexander ignored the retard and walked towards his class.

"Alright students, put the Uniphones down and take out your notebooks. I don't want anyone using it for the remainder of the class. If I catch any then I'll disable the Uniphone for one week. I created them so believe me when I say that."

"Okay, so let's first talk about Dark creatures. can anyone name some Dark creatures for me?" he asked.

A Ravenclaw girl answered. "Ummm, Dementors, Vampires and..."

"Yes yes and acromantula, werewolves, basilisk, Lethifolds, Thestrals just to name a few." As soon as his words finished, many people raised their hands.

"I know what's on your mind. Be patient, I'll tell you how they are dark creatures. Acromantula has an affinity for dark magic. their bite contains venom that they cultivate in darkness. They like staying in cool dark places. They also don't like humans. Good thing our big man Hagrid is friends with the acromantula king in the forest or else they would have waged war on us by now"

"But sir, why would they wage war on us? We wizards are stronger after all," a Gryffindor boy asked.

"Do you know how many acromantulas live in the forest beyond Hagrid's hut?"

everyone shook their heads.

"Millions. Now tell me, can we fight millions of acromantulas at the same time? Some of them are even as big as elephants," Alexander said. Some girls shuddered after imagining the scene.

"But if that's the case then why would professor Dumbledore allow them to be there?" another student asked.

"Because killing them all will require a lot of manpower. Manpower which ministry lacks. Not to mention, it will be a war. There is a reason why the forest is called you know... forbidden... okay guys we're getting sidetracked. skip the other creatures. They are your homework. Especially Thestrals.

"Okay, now we know that most of our charms and hexes will work on most dark creatures but there are still 2 such creatures who can not be defeated unless you use a special charm... they are known as Dementors and Lethifolds. Can anyone tell us about them?"

As expected, no one from Gryffindor picked their hand up. nearly all of Ravenclaws picked their hands up. Alexander looked for someone to answer when his eyes fell on a dark-haired, red-eyed boy. Don't know why but when he looked at the boy he felt like the boy didn't belong to that world. He felt strange vibes coming from him.

"Alright, you there, tell me your name before answering the question," he said to the boy.

"I am Edward Firestorm. Dementors are dark creatures that consume human happiness, creating an ambiance of coldness, darkness, misery, and despair. Because of their power to drain happiness and hope from humans, they have been given the duty of being guards at Azkaban while the Lethifold also known as the Living Shroud, they are carnivorous and highly dangerous magical beast. It is also considered a Dark creature because of its highly aggressive and violent nature. They eat human flesh." the boy confidentially answered.

"Haha... a perfect answer. 10 points to Ravenclaw," Alexander said with a smile, while frowning inside, He seriously felt that there was something weird about the boy's existence. He decided to talk to Dumbledore about the kid later.