13. A mix of worlds

The class continued.

"Okay, the reason why I am talking about these dark creatures is because I am going to teach you how to defend from them. Can anyone tell me the spell for this?" he asked and looked around.

A girl from Ravenclaw answered.

"It's Patronus charm, sir"

"Yes, Patronus charm creates a positive energy force around its user. There are two types of Patronus: corporeal which means a Patronus with a particular shape and form and incorporeal Patronus. Incorporeal Patronus have no particular shape and do not protect against dementors the way corporeal Patronus do. The spell for Patronus charm is ex-PEK-toh pa-TRO-num. Alright, let's try it. If any of you can successfully cast a Patronus charm then I'll award them 50 points." Alexander proposed. He knew how hard the Patronus charm was.

Soon, various kinds of expecto patronum were heard but none of them were able to cast it. Just when he was about to stop them, he saw a blue light coming out of a wand. To his surprise, the blue light formed into a lion. It was a corporeal Patronus.

He looked at the person who cast it and sure enough, it was Edward Firestorm. Alexander became more interested in that boy now. The books or the movie had no mention of this guy so he felt a bit confused.

"Fabulous, a perfect corporeal Patronus. 50 points to Ravenclaw. That's it for today's class. Be sure to practice this charm. See you tomorrow." Alexander ended the class and went to his personal office. He didn't have any more classes till 1 pm. So, he decided to go and talk to Dumbledore but before that, he was going to grab a bite.


Inside Dumbledore's office.

Alexander just entered the office and heard a boy shouting.

"Who gave you the right to decide someone's fate. I hate that snake f*cker more than you can imagine and yet you think I'll also turn into him. My fricking family was killed in front of me by Voldemort, man. Just because they didn't support him. And what did you do to protect the neutral wizards from him? Nothing. You did nothing... You were so busy with your order that you ignored the cries of victims. I respected you a lot, but thanks for removing that shroud. Now I know you, you are a manipulative, self-centered and cold moth..." Before the boy could continue he heard someone coughing.

Alexander quietly listened to the boy but seeing that it was getting out of hand, he decided to step in.

"Ahem... Sorry to disturb your meeting Albus and Mr. Firestorm."

"NO... I was just leaving" Edward stood up and left while coldly looking at Alex with his red eyes.

After he left, Alexander sat down and looked at the sad face of Dumbledore.

"What the hell happened, Albus? And who is that boy? He was able to cast a corporeal Patronus in the class today. Bloody genius." Alexander asked with much astonishment.

Dumbledore shook his head and ate a lemon drop to lighten his mood.

"That boy is Edward Firestorm. The brightest student Hogwarts has ever seen but his powers are driven by the feeling of revenge. In the last war, his parents were murdered by Voldemort. I didn't know that they were killed in front of him. He's been reading some books from the restricted section lately and I decided to talk to him. I don't want another dark lord to appear due to my negligence. That boy has the talent to become even stronger than me someday. But, I don't know how to handle him, now." After saying that he looked down. Seemingly in deep thoughts.

Alexander was also deep in his thoughts or more like shocks.

~what the fudge... Who is this kid, there was no mention of him in the books. Is this even the Harry Potter universe I know of? What if this is just one of the other possible mirror universes of the main Harry Potter universe? That kid also gave me different vibes. I guess I'll have to test some things.~

"Albus, I can probably help you with this. Let me talk with him tomorrow. I can probably give him something to divert his mind from revenge. You should also acknowledge that rightful revenge is not a bad thing. The way how you achieve that revenge is the main point. I came here to ask you about that kid mainly and now that I know it. I'll go to my next class," Alexander said and left.

"Thank you," Dumbledore mumbled. He truly felt bad for doubting Edward. But he didn't want another Tom Riddle. He still cursed himself everyday for not properly keeping an eye on his student. He still holds himself responsible for every death caused by Voldemort. He also acknowledges that he didn't deal with him properly and still wasn't. The prophecy about Harry gave him another hope to rectify his past mistakes, but he was still not very sure about using a little kid for that. His for the greater good mindset was a problem for himself.



Alexander returned to his class. The rest of the day went by normally, with some fun classes here and there. He was waiting for the next day to talk with the Firestorm kid. He had prepared a simple test to see if he was an original character of the world or a possible transmigrator.


The next day, at the end of the class.

"Mr. Firestorm, come with me to my chamber please." He said that and left. Leaving Edward confused.

Edward left his friends and went to the teacher's chamber. The second he entered and looked at the wall and the shelf, he flinched. But, the next moment, he controlled himself.

That small reaction was enough for Alexander to ascertain his guess. He had also used his eye of judgment on him.

||Edward Firestorm - Category 1

Murder- 1(death eater)

Torture- 1(death eater)

Sin percentage- 10%||

~Well, I am just going to ignore that. The death eaters are already on my hit list. The eye of judgment is pretty good but it still doesn't tell about the nature of the person. I guess I'll have to find that out through old ways~ he thought.

"Come, sit here, boy. Here, take some tea" he passed a teacup to him.

"What is this about, professor? I am certain that I didn't break any rules in your class," Edward asked, trying to keep a normal face.

Alexander said nothing and just kept on looking into the red eyes of the kid in front of him. Then suddenly, he smiled.

"Alright, stop this facade. I know you aren't from this universe. Iron man, thor, hulk, and the whole Marvel comic don't exist in this world, and yet you flinched. I know you are a reincarnator or something like that." Alexander calmly dropped the bomb while sipping his tea.

Edwards' expression turned from confused to scared. His eyes started twitching, possibly trying to figure out a way out of that situation.

~will obliviate work on him? I don't know how powerful he is~ he asked himself.

"No need to get restless, kid. I am also from another universe. A universe where Harry Potter was just a book...Now you must be thinking, why is this old man revealing such a big secret like it's nothing? One answer, I DON'T CARE, I am immortal, boy, and also pretty strong"

Hearing that, Edward was even more shocked. He primarily had his own doubts about Alexander. There was no mention of him in the books. Though he wasn't going to bring his guards down just yet and decided to continue the discussion.

"No one is immortal, there is always a catch," Edward scoffed.

"Believe it or not it's the truth. I've checked. What I do want to know is what's your story?"

~He probably already knows about my past from Dumbledore and now he also knows about my reincarnated. There's no point in hiding these small details~ Edward thought.

*Sigh* "Voldemort used to call himself immortal and look what happened to him. Anyway, I was born here in this world just like any other person. I had a family that I loved dearly but they were taken away from me..." he gnashed his teeth.

"I am sorry to hear that, I wasn't in this world at that time, otherwise I could have killed Voldermort, but worry not. I'll help you. By the way, which year did you come from and did you have someone very famous with the same face and name as mine in your previous world?" Alexander asked.

"I came from 2018 and no, I don't recall ever hearing your name. Were you some kind of a celebrity?" Edwards asked.

"Yeah, sort of... But from what you said, I can deduce that we are both from parallel worlds of the normal earth. You see In my universe..." Alexander told him his story of previous life.

After hearing about him, Edward felt pity for the old man and felt that he was not a bad guy, maybe a bit crazy in the head though.

"Man, that's very sad. Being betrayed by your own son. Thank god I never had kids in my past life," he mumbled.

"Oh, so you remember your death? How did you die there?" Alexander asked with interest.

For some reason, Edward looked embarrassed and soon enough Alexander found the reason.

"I...I choked on cup noodles and died at the age of 18" Edward quickly blurted out.

Alexander looked wide-eyed for a while before.

*phooooo* tea from his mouth shot out.

"ahahahaha... F*ck..." he howled in laughter. It took a while before he stopped. Then his face turned serious.

"I don't know about your past life but I would have liked to die of choking on noodles rather than die of betrayal from my own flesh and blood," he said with some sadness in his eyes. Then he changed back to being the cheerful old man.

"Okay, let's stop being emo. You see, I will not stay in this universe for a long time. I have a Mission and after that, I will leave... This is because..." he explained that he was now adopted son of the big man, GOD and that his duty was to purify multiverse. One universe at a time.

"That's crazy man. You get to do so many awesome things and I am stuck in this hell hole. That noseless bastard is really a pain in the ass. Now that Harry has started Hogwarts, things are going to get worse soon." Edward said with a contemplative look.

"No need to worry about that, I can deal with him myself. I am a lot stronger than Dumbledore you know. But killing him will not purify the world. I still need to unite the wizarding world and make it better. You can now guess why I created my Universe Industries." Alexander said.

To be honest, Alexander felt much better now that he had found Edward. He can simply leave his inheritance in Edward's name when he leaves for some other world. Edward was a pretty decent guy from what he could feel, a guy who was just trying to get stronger and get his revenge. And now that he was here, getting stronger for Edward was even easier than lifting his wand.

"You control the whole paper and video media. You can show people the truth or whatever else you want. That's awesome," Edward cheered as he finally found some ally worth working with.

"Yeah, well, for starters I am going to become the next minister of magic and then start bringing changes from inside the government. I hope you can help me in this quest of mine. In return, I will help you get stronger and have your revenge." Alexander proposed the deal.

He didn't tell him that he would give him his inheritance in the end. He still wanted to conduct some more tests on Edward to check his morality. After all, his inheritance was not going to be a small thing.

"Sure man, it's a deal. Let's get that snake f*cker" Edward brought up his arm to shake hands.

"Haha... Deal, and please call me grandpa whenever we are alone. I used to own hundreds of orphanages back in my world, they all used to call me grandpa. haaaa... I miss to kiddies. I'm older than you too, be it this world or your old world." He said.

"Alright, gramps," Edward said with a smile.

"haha... that will do for now."