120. Ironheim

Alexander busied himself with designing his death star.

It was going to have crazy magical properties. It could expand to the size of a solar system and shrink to the size of a baseball, without messing with its internal space. It could fly at twice the speed of light and had the ability to use jump point and also teleportation.

At most times it would be the size of the planet earth. From outside it looked golden. Even the inside of the ship had teleportation points to travel from one place to another at fast speed. Though only he and his Droid army would be living in it. He had increased the size of his droid army to a size of 100,000.

To make it, he only needed to create the initial miniature version of it with the Doraemon's Mecha Maker and then use his magic. Without his Apec, he wouldn't have been able to make it or power it.


Earth, Westeros Bar.

Olivia was there to meet with Howard for her charity organization.

Dobby was going to act as the mediator.

The door opened and Howard entered, behind him was his new young assistant named Jarvis "Uncle, you said you wanted to introduce me to someone?"

"Yes, Howard. Meet Olivia Maxim Universe." Dobby introduction. Earning a surprised face from Howard.

"Hello, Mister Stark." Olivia greeted with a smile.

"I thought the old man was a lone wolf," Howard exclaimed.

"Haha... Please don't get angry with Alex. He kept my identity a secret due to the scope of his work. He had many enemies." She clarified.

"I can understand, and the old man did a good job at keeping secrets. Not even SSR or the president knew. You must tell me stories about how you met him." Howard excitedly grabbed a seat.

"Sure, I am sure he wouldn't have minded telling you. Well, his childhood was rough. He was just a newborn when he was left on the doorstep of an orphanage. His life wasn't easy even when he had grown a little and mostly stayed alone. As all his friends got adopted but he never did." She was interrupted.

"What? But why? The old man was the most intelligent person I had ever met. Not even I can imagine going further than him." Howard said. Dobby and Jarvis were also listening carefully.

"Yes, he was very intelligent. But he had a rare condition. Since he was born, his head had white hair. People were afraid that he might have some underlying major disease so no one ever adopted him." She was again interrupted.

"But the old man didn't have white hair. His hair and beard were mostly greyish and white."

"Yes, he had to color his hair to get into the army and keep that facade until he reached an old age. In reality, his hair were as white as snow. Then I had that faithful encounter. I was a nurse(in reality doctor but she had changed her story to WW1 and there were not many female doctors at that time) at the time of first world war and he had brought his injured subordinate to the hospital. We had a major lack of staff and no doctor was available to perform surgery on the injured.

Then Alex found me and told me to assist him in the surgery. He himself saved the life of his soldier. I was lovestruck by him right there. His attitude, voice, face. Everything was lovely. In the coming weeks, he would come to the hospital to check up on his subordinate and at that time I would strike up a conversation. He was very shy when it came to talking to girls." She smiled remembering those days.

"It was me who had to initiate the first kiss, you know. He was too shy to ever do anything. But it's also true that he's the nicest man I've ever known. Some years later, we got married and lived happily." She finished speaking.

Howard was smiling the whole time, listening about the old man. Who would have thought that the badass General Universe was a shy boy once.

"Thank you for sharing these beautiful memories with me, Mrs. Universe. Please tell me what can I do for you." Howard genuinely asked.

"I have opened a charity organization that runs many orphanages around the world. I don't lack funds at the moment because Alex has left behind all his wealth in charity's name. But I'm afraid that it won't be successful if I keep on spending that money. I need people to take an interest and for that, I need someone to promote it. If you can do it, Mr. Stark..." She was interrupted.

"I will do it, Mrs. Universe. What is the name of this charity?" He asked.

"It's called, Kindheart." She replied.

"A beautiful name, I will personally hold charity events in the name of Kindheart," he promised.

"Thank you, the name was Alex's idea." She smilingly spoke.

Dobby suddenly put small shots on the bar counter. "This deserves a drink"

They all picked it,

"For General," Dobby said.

"For Alex," Olivia added.

"For America's Old Man" Stark also cheered and they all drank. Currently, in all of America, Alexander was nicknamed as America's Old Man.


A few days later, in the Arctic Ocean.

Howard operated an unmanned submarine and took out the tesseract from underneath the icy water. He had made a deal with the Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, and Law-Enforcement Division(S.H.I.E.L.D) that if he found the cube with his own funds then he'd be allowed to do research on it.

He was also conducting intensive searches for Steve as well but couldn't find him. He guessed that the plane had traveled deeper into the ice sheets.

Later he would use the same cube to invent the new particle that would eventually help Tony in his palladium poisoning. Though the current future was uncertain due to Alexander.


Somewhere in Space,

"YES, finally done. My own death star... No that's not a good name, I am working for god, not demons. Let's call it Ironheim." He talked to himself as he looked at the beautiful golden sphere in front of him. Now all he needed to do was go into deep space and test it.

[You can see Ironheim on Illustration channel of my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!* and *Joakim Jönsson*.

Thank you for your support!