121. Asgard

Feeling that he had nothing else to do, Alexander again looked up at the sky.

"Heimdall, tell Odin that I will be visiting with my family."

Heimdall the all-seeing pervert once tried to see him and Alexander had used magic to punish him. The all-seer saw some not so straight mortal things for an hour. Since then, Heimdall only responded or saw him when asked.

Alexander was going to enjoy some family time in Asgard. Amy had been asking him to play with him for a while now. Constantly living inside Phixheim can get boring sometimes too.

Back on Earth, he had secretly inserted some of his single Unsullied into the SHIELD. He had given them new armor.

His faceless men were also at work. They had decided on starting up their House of Black and White on Earth and asked Alexander to create a replica of their temple in Venice as the place looked like Braavos. So Alexander bought a nice piece of land and settled their temple down. For the public, it was an art shop but behind it was the temple. They were going to start taking contracts, but would only kill bad people.

As Italy had just started to recover from the war. Alexander decided to buy lots of land there. Not just there but in Germany, Britain (mainly London), France (mainly Paris), Japan, and many more places. He was going to make hotels, restaurants, apartment complexes, and office complexes. It would bring a lot of income to heavily hit places. His pricing would also not be too high.

He could literally buy the whole world with all the money he had if he wanted but he was satisfied with what he owned. For now, Alexander has produced 10 Hufflepuff cups and bowls. After enlarging them they were used to continuously make stew and bread. All the food was then sent to various parts of the world. The war had done too much damage to economies and had left too many people hungry and jobless.

Olivia's Kindheart foundation was a beacon of light to all the people. With Howard's help, Olivia's reputation had soared through the sky. There was even talk of her getting recommended for Nobel peace prize for her humanitarian work.

When people started to look into her background they found nothing. So eventually Alexander revealed her status to the world. That she was the widow of General Universe.

Then Howard also came forward and announced that all the money being used in the Kindheart foundation came from Alexander's private company, Nevaeh Industries. That it had been selling medicine to the world at a very cheap price and helping everyone.

Alexander knew that a wrong PR move could spoil his whole reputation. So he did all he could to make his company look like a saint company and that it works on his principles of helping people. Dobby quickly released some normal vaccines and people instantly fell in love with Nevaeh Industries.

From there, it was smooth sailing, his company grew by many folds in a very short time. Most of it was due to Alexander's reputation. It even surpassed Howard's Stark industries.



"My little princess, are you ready?" He asked Amy. She was wearing her new dress which Olivia made for her. It was a cute blue princess dress.

"Do I look pretty, Glanpa?" She asked while showing off her dress. For some reason, she had adapted to speak most words normally but grandpa was always glanpa. And Alexander loved it.

"Yes, you look the best. Now let's go and see what others are doing" he picked the chubby little girl and went into the castle.

Olivia was helping Rina and Medusa to get ready.

"Ready to go, Ladies?" He asked.

"Yessss" Rina and Medusa shouted together.

"Haha... Let's go then"


Asguard, At the Bifrost Gate.

"Father, why are we standing here? Who in the nine realms could be so important that you, the All-Father, Odin has to personally come and greet? You even brought the royal carriage." Thor rowdily spoke. This was the Thor from before he learned his lesson. Currently, the crown prince was an arrogant and foolish man with more muscles than brains.

Loki stood at Frigga's side with his other half-siblings, Tyr, Hermod, and Balder.

"Silence, you fool," Odin bellowed in anger.

Thor shut his mouth, not in fear. But not wanting to disrespect his father in front of others.

"The person who's coming here is one of the supreme beings of the multiverse. If he wants he just needs to wave his hand to remove Asgard from reality. Act like a prince and be respectful. I've heard he has 3 adopted human daughters as well. Be nice to them." Odin warned.

"But why would a supreme being like that adopt a mortal?" Loki asked. Adoption was a touchy subject for him.

"Because he's a being of pure nature and sees all innocent people as his children. He must have met his daughters in some unfavorable condition and decided to adopt them. Still, you must not look down on them. He has the power to make his daughters even stronger than me." Odin explained.

~He just needs to ask the creator~ he internally added.

Frigga's other children silently stood at the side. Having a much better attitude than Thor or Loki. Frigga herself was excited a bit. It was very rare for a guest to arrive on Asgard. Even less so with family.

Suddenly a pink door appeared in front of them. All of them except Odin were surprised to see the thing. Then the doors opened.

From inside came an old man with white hair and beard. Alexander was wearing the same old white Jedi Robes but now there was an addition of golden color here and there. Olivia was also wearing a red and gold regal gown. Magic made it the most comfortable dress for her.

Then came Medusa and Rina. Medusa wore a light green dress with golden thread work on it. Her favorite color was always green. A true Slytherin. Then there was carefree Rina. She just wore a white shirt and jeans. She said it was comfortable.

But what about Amy? Well, she was sitting on Alexander's shoulders from the beginning. Happily looking around. Asgard's people probably loved no other colors than gold.

Alexander walked to Odin. "Haha... How are you, Odin my friend."

Odin surprisingly gave him a bear hug which he returned.

"Let me introduce my small family. This is my beautiful wife, Olivia; that brown-haired one looking at Heimdall is my daughter, Rina. This lovely lady is Medusa and the small one is my dear Amy. Say hi to Grandpa Odin, Amy." Alexander introduced.

"Waaa... One more beardy Glanpa?" Amy exclaimed.

"HAHAHA..." Odin howled in laughter.

"Yea, yes, I am beardy Grandpa. Now, this one is my eldest son, Thor. Don't misunderstand him as a blacksmith due to that hammer, it's his weapon of choice. Then there's my beautiful wife Frigga, there's Loki, my second son. Then there are Tyr, Hermod, and Balder." He introduced.

"Haha, quite a big family you've got here, Odin. But still, it's much smaller than Zeus'," Alexander laughed.

"Haha... Yes, that old fool would go to bed with any woman he sees. Where did you meet him?" Odin interestedly asked. He hadn't heard from Greek gods for a long time.

"Oh, it was nothing. I went to their dimensions looking for Adamantine. I caught Zeus with 10 women. So I punished him by turning him into a duck. You won't believe it but by the end of that day, he also gave an egg. Come, I'll show you that memory. It's quite funny" Alexander signaled to move.

Thor and his other siblings had their brains short-circuited from what they heard. Zeus was not as strong as Odin in their eyes, but he was still one of the strongest gods. And they just heard that someone turned him into a duck. What kind of joke is that?

They all got onto the huge royal carriage that they had brought. It was quite big and pulled by some horses with wings.

As they passed over the Asgard towards the royal palace, people started to cheer.

"I see you have planned a big celebration, my friend," Alexander spoke.

"Anything smaller than that would have been disrespectful, God-son," Odin stated.

"Haha... Then the food is on me," Alexander loudly announced. So loud that people below also heard and replied with cheers.

"And you can call me, Alex. God-son feels a bit weird," Alexander suggested.

"Haha... Me too. It feels weird when people call me God-king or Allfather," Odin added.

"I can understand my friend. I was also called by names like those once. They call me everything from God-king, All-father to Supreme One."

They talked about things till they reached the golden palace. Odin straight away took them to the huge throne room which was now converted to a big feast hall.


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!* and *Joakim Jönsson*.

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