122. Feast and another task

Soon the big hall got filled with people. Most of the royals or high-level people had come to the feast. But no one really knew who was coming. All they knew was that a very strong being was going to visit Asgard.

People on the streets and local pubs had started whispering about who the person coming was. Some were saying it was a celestial and some were saying that it was some elder god.

Alexander sat beside Odin. There was another majestic chair for him, the same as Odin's. It showed most people that the man's status was no joke.

To start the feast, Odin stood up.

"My great people. The land of Asgard is blessed by the presence of our guests. Many of you must be wondering who this man is. Sitting beside your king in a chair as grand as King's. So let me introduce you. God-son, Alexander Maxim Universe. A being of unimaginable powers.

I will tell you all something today. I was having dark visions for a long time. Visions of Ragnarok. We all know Ragnarok is the fate of Asgard and no one can fight fate. Except one being. So when I met, God-son, I asked him to bring Asgard under his protection. So there may never be a Ragnarok. This feast is organized to show that we are thankful. I AM THANKFUL," Odin loudly said and the whole hall erupted in loud cheers.

~I nearly forgot about Ragnarok. He must be getting bored in Dracheim. Dobby is relaxing in his bar so I should bring the old lizard on my adventures.~ Alexander thought. His senses came back when he heard the cheers.

He quickly picked up his glass in the air and loudly spoke, "For the prosperity of Asgard"



People shouted together.

Then Odin continued. "So let's begin the feast. The food and drinks are offered by our guest here today. So be sure to enjoy it," he said and looked at Alexander.

Alexander just waved his hands and lots and lots of food appeared on the table. All kinds of earth's cuisines were there. Then there were also hundreds of bottles of Firewhiskey and Butterbeer. He didn't tell them that Firewhiskey shouldn't be drunk like beer and let them explore.

Odin happily looked at the bottle in front of him and poured himself one. It had become his favorite drink.

"Grandpa, what about ice cream?" Rina asked.

"That's for the dessert, my dear," he replied.

"Yesss... Then I'll eat spicy stuff" she started devouring.

Meanwhile, little Amy was sitting in Alexander's lap. She was busy finding out how to solve the weird colorful cube that Alexander had given her. Every once in a while he would bring the spoon to her mouth like a helicopter and pour the food into her bottomless mouth.

All those who knew his powers always felt dumbfounded by how normal he was.

"You really love your children. But why do you not have a son?" Odin asked.

"Haha... Yes, they are my world. And about sons. I had twins once when I was a mortal. I showered them with love and they betrayed me." Alexander bluntly replied.

Odin was flustered by the sudden revelation. "I am sorry to hear that,"

"It's alright, Odin. That was a long time ago. They are just a bad memory now. Though if I find one, I'd surely adopt a son too" Alexander clarified.

"Why not procreate one? Your fated one doesn't look that old." Odin suggested.

"Haha... I have tried, my friend. But she isn't ready yet. She's afraid about what if our next child also turns out to be evil. I know she tries to hide it but she secretly thinks her womb is cursed. That is also why I try to make as many happy moments around her as possible. I've even told my adopted child Phoenix to never let her be alone." Alexander explained. It was really sad that Olivia thought like that. She had blamed herself for what their sons did to him.

"What? You have a phoenix?" Odin asked with a shocked face.

"I have a whole jungle full of them now. Wait, I'll ask Berry to come and greet" Alexander called him out.

Berry had grown very big by now. He was the biggest of all 2,000 phoenixes living in Phixheim. He was also their leader.

Berry came out flying. First, he flew around and then came to Alexander.

"Berry, meet Odin." Alexander introduced.

Berry looked at Odin for a second and then lifted his claws up and made a fist.

"You need to do a fist bump, Odin. That's how he greets people. He's been watching too many movies." Alexander added.

"Belly" Amy cutely raised her arms.

Berry came to her and rubbed his head on her cheeks, which was his way of showing affection.

Alexander then took out a small vial and gave it to Odin. "My friend, this is phoenix tears. They can bring a dying man back to perfect health, take it."

Odin carefully held it in his hands. "Is it okay if I..."

"Oh, don't worry. Berry is a drama queen. He sheds fake tears like Niagara falls. He once shed 1 liter of tears while watching Titanic." Alexander told the story.

Berry didn't like being made fun of and showed his anger by sitting on Alexander's shoulders and pecking on his head with his beak.

"Hahaha... Alright alright, I'm sorry, Berry. You can go and eat whatever you want." He shooed him away.

Berry quickly looked at food devourer Rina and ran to her. The two had a very good understanding when it came to food.

Alexander then suddenly remembered Hela, "Odin, everything aside. I am still not convinced why you locked Hela in Hel. She's your real daughter after all."

"Ah... My dear Hela. She was such a sweet child when she was small. But her bloodlust took over her when she started following Lady Death. We both fought together in many wars. But when the time came to sit in peace, she wanted to keep on fighting. Even when there wasn't anything left in the 9 realms to conquer. Her ambitions would have taken her out of the 9 realms, which would have made many new enemies for Asgard. I had no choice." Odin explained.

"Maybe I should bring her under my wing. I will be traveling a lot and conquering some bad empires. I'll also curb her bloodlust somehow." Alexander offered.

"Really? Then I'll be forever grateful to you, Alex. If you can really bring her to the right path." Odin looked at him with happiness and hope.


Some seats left to the table, Alexander and Odin's children were having conversations.

"Lady Medusa, would you mind if I joined you for a drink." Loki came to her. If Loki was in Hogwarts, he would have surely been put in Slytherin. Now 2 Slytherins were having a chat.

"Hmm? Sure." She replied. Medusa was busy eating her ice cream.

"May I know how you met your grandfather?" He asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

"He found me locked underground. I was locked for a thousand years and then Grandpa took me in." She answered.

Loki was surprised by that backstory. "How did you survive that long? Aren't you a mortal human?"

"Oh, no. I'm not a human. I'm the Basilisk Queen. Grandpa helped me turn into a human." She nonchalantly replied.

Loki only had question marks over his head. "Wait, you're saying that you are an ancient mythical beast?"

"Are you calling me a beast?" Her green eyes dangerously glowed.

"No no, I didn't mean that. You are a very beautiful lady. I was just talking about your other form." Loki clarified.

"Oh, yeah... That's a very beastly form. I can turn into a 2 hundred meters long giant snake. But Grandpa loves me even in that form. You should see Grandpa Ragnarok. He can turn into a dragon nearly the size Asgard." She spoke, further horrifying Loki.


On Alexander's right sat Rina. She and Thor were having some eating and drinking contests. Lady Sif and Warrior three were also around then cheering. Thor was losing for now. Rina was a certified professional eater of Phixheim after all.


Just to the left of Alexander sat Olivia and Frigga, in front of them Amy and Berry were playing. The two older women were talking merrily and laughing sometimes at Amy and Berry.

Alexander suddenly spoke to Olivia. "Dear, I'll be back in a while."

She nodded at him. Alexander then looked back at Odin and nodded.

He was going to Hel. To see what Hela was up to. He first apparated to a secluded place and took out his anywhere door. He thought about going to Hel and opened the door.

As soon as he stepped inside he was greeted with a very dreadful aura. He could feel that Hel was no place for living. Odin probably did more damage to Hela's brain by imprisoning her there.


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!* and *Joakim Jönsson*.

Thank you for your support!