218. Superhero Classroom

Alexander didn't give Dormammu any time to do anything. He took out his Demon Slayer and made it a lot bigger.

"467 trillion souls. Eaten by you. For what?" He shouted and jumped at him.


His sword cut Dormammu's arms. It would have regenerated but now Apec was devouring all the energy that was crucial for Dormammu. Dormammu looked around for a way to deal with Alexander.

"There's no way out this time, Dormammu." Alexander again attacked. He was just keeping the fight going until Apec take in all the energy in the dark dimensions.

He kept on harassing Dormammu but cutting him here and there. The whole thing went on for an hour. Kaecilius was running here and there to save his dear life from the giant body of Dormammu.

Soon Alexander felt that the Apec had stopped sucking the energy, so he put it back in the dimensional pocket. Now it was time to kill Dormammu. Putting him through time torture was pointless. So he went straight for the head.

A big powerful slash to his head was all it took to kill him. Being the embodiment of the infinity Stones really made him too powerful. But apparently, even that wasn't enough for his future enemies.

He looked back at Kaecilius, "Dormammu is gone. What about you? Wanna stay here or go back?"

Until now, Kaecilius hadn't killed anyone so there wasn't really a problem. Alexander would just have to put them in Time Torture with a seminar on how to be a good sorcerer.


Back in the New York Sanctum, everything was going smoothly. Other subordinates of Kaecilius attacked but lost badly. Because one, there was Ancient One and two, because Dormammu was dead, Dark Dimension was nothing but empty space. Hence they weren't receiving any power boost.

A pink door appeared and Alexander came out. Dragging Kaecilius behind him.

"Hey, guys, you all won't have to worry about Dormammu anymore." He declared.

Everyone from the Mystic arts school showed happy faces and the others showed sadness.

He made bad guys sit in a big room with a T.V screen in front of them. On it was a long seminar on how to be a good sorcerer. It was shot by Leonidas when they were living in Kamar Taj. He put them through 500 years of torture. If this much time couldn't change them then nothing could.

He looked back at everyone, "So, one of our biggest enemies is dead. This deserves a feast."

But then Alexander's phone vibrated. It was from Vision. He was currently the overseer of the Young Avengers Initiative.

"Yeah, old man speaking."

"It seems you forgot so I called to remind you. Your seminar for the Young Avengers is scheduled in about 10 minutes." He said.

Alexander paused moving around and facepalmed himself with his free hand. "Dammit, I've grown too old. It seems I had forgotten. I'll leave for there right now." He said and hung up.

"Sorry, everyone. It seems we'll have to postpone the feast. I have some urgent work to do."

Ancient One smiled, "We cannot stop you even if we want to. However, your win over Dormammu is really a good thing worth celebrating."

"Then I'll be back tomorrow. We'll have a nice big feast and drink some good stuff. Strange, keep revising what I taught. Alright, goodbye." He quickly flew away.

His destination was the Helicarrier over New York City. It mostly stayed invisible there as it was the designated school of the Young Avengers.


In a large hall on the Helicarrier, around 150 teens sat together. A huge part of the Young Avengers Initiative came from the Institute for gifted children as they had lots of wannabe heroes there since the school upgraded. In the front row, two of the most enthusiastic ones sat.

Peter looked beside him and saw a girl with a squirrel tail, sitting. "Hi, I'm Spiderman."

Doreen being her happy go lucky told him her real name, "Oh, I am Doreen. This is Monkey Joe."

"Wait, is that your hero name?" Peter asked.

It took a moment for her to realize her slip of the tongue, "Oh, sorry. I'm still not used to it. I am The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. Though most people call me Squirrel Girl."

"So, what do you think we'll learn today?" He asked. He was just bored and tried to strike up a conversation.

Doreen thought for a bit, "I don't know. This seminar will be from Granpa Universe so I can't say anything. He's very unpredictable."

Peter chuckled, "Hehe... Yeah, he does seem like that."

Not long after, Alexander appeared in front of them on a platform. He looked at everyone proudly.

"Haha... In my life, I've been a Soldier, a doctor, a scientist, a superhero, a galactic emperor, a businessman, the president, and finally, I've become a teacher. Before we start, let's start with names. Start from the front left. State your name and the reason why you want to be a superhero." He said. One by one they all answered. He saw many known faces there.

"So, can someone tell me what is the biggest part of being in a superhero team?" He asked.



They made guesses but only one succeeded.

"Teamwork?" Doreen said. It was obvious she would know that. After all, she's been working with multiple Squirrels as a team.

"Very good, Doreen. That's the right answer. In my days of fighting, I've seen Captain America save Black widow, Hulk saving Iron Man or Thor saving Hawkeye. If this wasn't a thing then these people would have been dead. You all are new so you think as an individual. And having individuality is a good thing. But having it to the point that you don't recognize others is bad.

"So, by the end of your training, you will have teams. These teammates will be your buddies for life whether you like it or not. If even Hulk can do it then you all can too.

"Now the next major part of being a hero is, no matter how strong you are, never think with your muscles. Think from your head. It will probably not only save your life but also people around you.

"Another big lesson. Never think you are invincible. There will always be someone who can best you in power. So, use my previous advice and use your head. Remember, being a hero is not just saving people. It is a way of life. You all are still young and many of you have families who care about you. So before you make any rash decision, think about their crying faces if something happens to you."

While saying his last point he was particularly looking at Spiderman. Spiderman also felt the gaze and remembered the times he put his life in danger and how it would have affected aunt May if he had died.

Alexander continued, "The Young Avengers Initiative is meant to make you a professional hero. You all have mentors and will be learning from them. Not just that, you can ask for their help anytime you need."

His lecture went on for 2 hours. In it, he told them many important things about being a hero. After the lecture he found spiderman waiting for him there.

"Sir, can I ask you something?" He asked.


"Why am I being taught business management and other business-related subjects? I'm not interested in them. I told them to change it but they told me that you requested for it." Peter inquired. Young Avengers were taught many subjects in their training but he was being forced to study business subjects.

"Well, Peter. You are a very talented kid. I can assure you that these subjects will help you a lot in the future. You know that one day you might even become the leader of the Federation Protection Unit." Alexander answered.

It confused Peter but he eventually accepted it without much thought. Unknown to him, he was going to have a headache in a few years.


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

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