219. Deviants

Alexander then left the hall and saw Fury standing on the deck. He looked a bit different from before. Relaxed, it seemed.

"How are you, Fury?" Alexander asked.

"Better, I don't have to constantly worry about things now." He muttered.

"Admit it, kid, you were too paranoid for your own good."

"Yeah, maybe. But I am very happy. Hill is doing very well, so I have no regrets."

"I do have another assignment for you though. That is where your paranoid brain will be helpful." He offered.

It surely piqued Fury's interest. "What is it?"

"As you know, I have announced that I'll be making a department in Shield whose job will be to keep tabs on the Earth Federation and Federation Protection Unit. Its job will be to root out corruption or people with evil agendas. I want you to head that sub-department of the shield." He proposed.

"Do I still get my own Helicarrier?" Fury inquired.

"Yes," Alexander agreed.

"Then I'm in. Spying on people sounds much better than being a principal of superhero school." Fury grunted.

Alexander left after that. He came to the White House and saw a lot of journalists gathered there. He tried to remember and knew that no such briefing was scheduled for that day.

He secretly went inside the White House and found Dobby.

"Why are there so many journalists outside?" He asked.

"Boss, the news about the Earth Federation has come out in public and some countries have accused you of expansionism. They think that you are trying to take control of the world." Dobby informed.

"And I presume you have taken necessary measures to stop such rumors from spreading?"

"Yes Boss, I told our guys at faceless men to start spreading correct information on the internet. I also detected that some organizations are trying to tarnish your reputation." Dobby said.

*Sigh* "They will never understand would they? Anyways, how many have joined the federation by now?" He asked.

"Well, North America is completely in it. Mexico did reject in the beginning but we just changed their incompetent government. Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia have also agreed. Others are in the midst of doing it.

"The whole African continent is also in. Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and other northwestern Asian countries like these were under debt to China so we had to spend a lot of money to free them first. Now they have also joined. Saudi Arabia is still a bit problematic but it will join soon. In Europe, we just took over the European Union and from there influenced all EU countries. The whole EU is in. Australia and New Zealand have also shown interest. India is joining in too. South Korea and Japan have come as well. Now only communist countries are left as they know they will lose control by being in Earth Federation." Dobby briefed.

"It's alright, once the world starts flourishing and they are the only ones left behind. A revolution will begin there. Now, go and handle that journalist crowd out there." He instructed.

Now Alexander was more focused on bringing Earth into harmony. There were a lot of species living on Earth secretly. Some of them were also hostile. So he went to Deviants. They were actually in a very pitiful condition. They looked bad physically and didn't have power.

Alexander could at least give them a good life and tell them the truth about celestials. As a pre-human race having conquered and ruled Earth before the rise of humanity, the Deviants were considered to be among the Elder Races.

The deviants were by no means good people though. They had their own flaws. The biggest of their flaws was being Xenophobia.

The city of Deviants wasn't that far either. The Deviants used to live in a small continent in the Pacific Ocean once. But 20,000 years ago at the time that the Second Host of the extraterrestrial Celestials destroyed the Deviant Empire in the event known as the Great Cataclysm.

After that, the Deviants scattered for a while and fought each other to become kings and finally, a Deviant by the name Brother Toad became the King of Deviants.

Their new city was located just below New York City. Alexander didn't know the way to reach that place so he just used the reality stone and made himself pass through the surface. He kept on going down for a long time.

After a while, he finally came onto an open area. It was really a big underground city. Even though only 10,000 deviants live there. He looked straight down and there was the biggest building in the whole city.

Going by common sense, it was possibly the ruler's dwelling. He went straight into the biggest chamber and saw a huge Toad-like man. He was talking to his Prime Minister, Ragar.

"So, food storage has again gone empty. What about our coffers?" Brother Toad asked.

"Nearly empty." Prime Minister Ragar informed.

"Our troubles seem to be increasing. It was easy to get food from humans earlier but since the new president has come, the whole world's food supply is being monitored. I'm afraid we'll have to come out someday." Brother Toad theorized.

Alexander then used mind arts and made Primer Minister Ragar ask some questions to the Brother Toad.

"Your majesty, why don't we use that same Medicine that helps mutants. Maybe we can look like humans and live on the surface too." He asked.

Brother Toad shook his head, "I tried. The day that medicine came out I had ordered testing. But sadly, it doesn't work for us as our genetic makeup is different from Mutants."

"So, should we attack?" Prime Minister Ragar asked.

"NO, I saw it in my dream. A very strong being lives up there. He even beat the celestials. Sell my gold and buy food for the people." He ordered.

Alexander also learned something from looking into the Prime Minister's brain. The Deviants were surely not good people but they weren't purposely bad either. They were more like Antihero types.

Alexander then made himself visible and slowly floated down. "What if I fix all your problems? I can give you both medicine and food."

Brother Toad and Prime Minister Ragar were alerted. Just one glance at Alexander made them recognize him.

"Y-You... What are you doing here? What do you want?" The Prime Minister fearfully asked.

"Calm down, I come in peace." He looked at Brother Toad and started to speak.

"You must already know about my attempts at uniting the world. I want to bring you all in too." He proposed.

"Why do you think we would want to live around puny humans?" Brother Toad asked rudely.

*Sigh* "Must we do this? You don't even have food to eat and you talk about who is better? Let me show you something."

Suddenly a scene started to project in the air.

"During their First Host on Earth, one million years ago, the Celestials collected the Wanderers, a tribe of Homo erectus.

Gammenon the Gatherer collected the ape-men and sent them to Ziran the Tester who mutated them to have an unstable genome, creating the Deviants (Homo descendus), a race with destabilized DNA expressing into various mutations, who were then released and went hiding in the caves. With other subjects,

Nezarr the Calculator then created the Eternals (Homo immortalis), hairless, upright tall beings able to tap into the cosmic power. They were themselves released, flying out of the Celestials' laboratory-ship. Finally, Oneg the Prober created a latent gene for the expansion of human potential."

This information did shock them a little, but due to their heavy mutation, all the deviants didn't hold much feeling of care or love. Those who did kept it hidden. The only thing Deviants had in common was that they were all uncommon.

Alexander knew that Deviants wouldn't even agree to take the medicine he brought that would make them humanoid and also heal their brains. So he used some of his mind stone's powers to influence the whole Deviant population.

The Hologram was shown to everyone and it was told that those they worshipped as gods were nothing but their exploiters. That they were born from the same genes as Eternals and humans.

"When can you give us the medicine?" Brother Toad asked.

Alexander took out a big crate full of vials. "Here you go."

[You can see Deviant city and Brother Toad on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Joakim Jonsson* *Conrad* *Douglas Flower*.

Thank you for your support!