455. The Egg and Skeleton Knight

Alexander was impressed that this knight had some brain. "What is your name, knight?"

"I am Azan. Who are you? How did you press us down on the ground?" the knight asked in wonder.

"That is what happens when you are in the presence of a high entity. High as in spiritual power." Alexander said.

"Why not just say you're the god." Guts spoke from the side, prepared to fight the knights.

"Haha, humans are foolish creatures, Guts. Their whole life they run around in search of god but if he comes in front of them they would call him a heretic and burn him on a stake.

"Because they themselves don't believe that God can be real, that he can exist in the human body. They are arrogant, ignorant and these ones are pathetic too." Alexander openly shamed them.

"Preposterous, how dare you call yourself a god. God is abstract. He is not a human like us." The blonde girl fanatically spoke.

Alexander looked at Guts with an expression saying, 'see, I told you'.

"Hah, don't make me laugh. God can be anything he wants to be. Who are you to decide what he should be? Aren't you the preposterous one to decide such things? And you call yourself servants of God, yet the world is suffering, abominations like these goats are rising up. What the hell has your Holy See been doing except exploiting people? YOU ARE THE HEATHENS!"

Alexander again released his aura at them. This time much more than before. All of the knights didn't just kneel this time, they were lying flat on the ground.

"God doesn't need your permission to be a god. He is who he is. That is a fact and not up for debate. How does it feel to have a taste of your medicine now? Feeling weak and small like how you make other ordinary people feel." Alexander's body started glowing and he raised his finger at the gloomy sky, shrouded in dark clouds.

A golden light came out of the tip of his finger and pierced the sky. In an instant, all the dark clouds dispersed and let the warm sunlight reach the ground. Many trees also started growing around the whole area.

The Knights looked at the scene in awe. Instantly most of them started believing that he was indeed the GOD.

"Follow me if you want to see the true face of Holy See and then judge for yourself." He ordered them.

But Alexander wasn't planning on letting the higher criminals such as murderers and r*pists go away. They would be punished one way or another.

He then flew in the air and headed to the tower of conviction. He told Ragnarok and Dobby to bring the people too.

He first went to the pit behind the tower where the supposed egg was hiding. He was shocked when he reached as it was filled with thousands of dead bodies. And in the middle of it was a shrine.

There he saw a big egg-shaped deformed being. It opened its eyes and looked at him intently.

"You have been making those pseudo-apostles?" Alexander asked. His sword was in his hand, shining under the sunlight.

"Yesss..." The egg plainly replied.

"What is your name and what are you?" He inquired.

The egg started telling his story from a third-person perspective, "Once, there used to be a deformed human with no name or family, simply known as Nobody, he was born on the outskirts of Albion.

"He was ostracized for his abnormal appearance, which caused people to throw rocks at the very sight of him, he was forced to dig a hole to reside in, away from the company of others.

"However, the people of Albion were unaware of the man dwelling inside the new big hole, so they made his home a place to dump their dead. Over time, enough bodies piled on top of Nobody that they crushed him under their weight. As he began to lose consciousness, his Beherit activated and the God Hand appeared before him.

"But poor Nobody had no loved ones to sacrifice in exchange. So Nobody offered up the world in its current miserable state in return for the power of an apostle. I am now responsible for paving the way for a new "perfect world" to take its place.

"Once a human, now an apostle, I am Nobody, I am the egg of the Perfect World." The egg told his story.

Honestly, Alexander was more saddened than shocked.

Alexander quickly looked at his sins.

||Nobody - Category 3

Murder - 3

Demon Worship - Knowingly

Sin Percentage - 51%||

Alexander was truly shocked by this. How can he have such low sins when the humans who deemed him bad had more sins. So, he simply looked at his whole past life.

By the end of it, he was even more sympathizing with the egg. The egg admired those who showed great passion for their beliefs. He himself did not like killing and avoided it whenever possible. As a human, he was an outcast who lived on the fringes of society, keeping himself out of sight in an underground tunnel. Hence, he was kind and sympathetic to the misshapen and downtrodden.

The Egg was selfless and believed in creating a better world, not for himself, but for the betterment of others.

~Huh, such irony. A dark being has more humanity than humans.~

"Do you want to have rest now? Go to heaven and be a free soul, free from that crippling body?" Alexander asked.

"Who might you be?" the Egg asked first. He was now really interested.

"I came from up there. To destroy evil and make a perfect world here." He revealed.

"Can you send me after I see you fulfilling your words?" Nobody asked.

"Sure, and you are not Nobody. From now on, you are, Ed," Alexander said, casting a charm on him that would make his body stay inside an invisible protective shield and hovering around him.

By the time he was done, Ragnarok and Dobby had brought the crowd to the front gate of the tower. People had brought their farming equipment and torches.

Alexander came to the castle and hovered in front of the people. "I will show you what goes on inside these walls."

With a snap of his finger, the walls disappeared. Now, in front of them was the scene of the whole tower.

There were torture chambers where men and women were tied to various instruments of torture. there were execution rooms and also a sacrificial altar. Men, women, and children were being skinned, nailed, cut, violated inside those chambers.

"THIS IS THE HOLY SEE!" He shouted.


Suddenly a noise of a horse running started coming. It was not from the tower but from behind the crowd.

Soon a metallic armored skeleton appeared, riding a similar metallic armored horse.

"This looks so cool," Ragnarok exclaimed.

Alexander heard the people exclaiming and calling him the skeleton knight. Alexander was feeling a demonic aura from him but not the kind that would tell him he was an evil creature of darkness. He noticed that Guts seemed to know him.

The Skeleton Knight simply got down from his horse and walked up to Alexander. He looked at his face for a second and then suddenly knelt in a knightly pose.

"Thank you for coming down. Without your help, returning this world back to normal was impossible." He said in his muffled voice.

Alexander had no idea who the man was so he asked, "Who are you?"

Skeleton Knight truthfully revealed everything. "I was the Supreme King Gaiseric, now known as Skeleton Knight. More than a millennia ago, I was the first king to unify the world into an empire. I had then captured a demon worshipper in this tower. But he somehow made a deal with someone and soon Void, the God Hand, came into existence and destroyed my whole empire.

"I fought him in my dwarven forged armor called Berserk Armor. But that armor, in the end, consumed me, my body, my voice, and light. I became like this since then and I am still hunting them."

Alexander appreciated this much detail about history. "Who is the master of these God Hands or let's say, Demon Lord?"

"The Idea of Evil is the master. No one knows what or who it is. I just know that everything is the will of the Idea of Evil." Skull Knight answered.


"Dobby, you look for this Idea of Evil. If it is anything too dangerous for even you then contact me." He instructed.

Dobby nodded and flew away.

"Okay, then. You can stay and watch, Skeleton knight." He offered.

As expected, the chief inquisitor came out of the tower with his lackeys behind him soon after.

~They are pseudo-apostles too.~ Ed whispered in his ears while being invisible. Alexander nodded and planned to show Pseudo apostle's true form to the people.

[You can see the egg, torture chamber, and Skeleton Knight on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

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